=D Sure. I got it scanned and cleaned up last night. I'm working on colouring it but I'll try and post it now. ^^ *trying to decide where to post it*
EDIT: Actually, just posted it to dA. http://fav.me/d55zu48
NGE is definitely a downer anime in IMO. Almost everyone is... well, mentally ill or damaged in some way. You just end up pitying or hating most of the characters.
Doesn't sound stupid. What are they for or what are they supposed to do? (the tablets I mean)Got new tablets, haven't taken them yet... i know it's gonna sound stupid, but i'm too scared to.
Doesn't sound stupid. What are they for or what are they supposed to do? (the tablets I mean)
+If this headache doesn't go away by the weekend I'm gonna go see my GP.
++Shut up fridge I know I left you open, stop beeping at me!!!!
He is so cute. I love his little wink
I'm about to fav it.
Also, you're doing 5 halloween costumes? don't mind me asking, but what are they?and U MAD? :troll:
That's interesting - I would zone out a LOT on ADs. That's why I had to stop in the end, they make waking feel like half-asleep and sleep wasn't sleep but some weird limbo between feeling inert but having a brain that was still in the 'awake' zoned-out mode. It was just too weird.
Aww, thank you, VB. X3 *couldn't figure out what expression to give him* I'm glad you like him. :3 Thankies for the fav.
LOL No, I'm doing one. XD It just has five pieces to it. I'm gonna be a Banshee (Fable II style), so I've got the shirt almost done. ^^; *might be working on a couple dresses, too, though* LOL XD
9/10 times i'm pretty comfortable with the dose that I'm on. If My mood gets worse (or i could end up doing something stupid) then i 'up' the dose. Three days after that I end up sleeping alot and in a bad mood (worse than on the usual dose).
The reason i got these 'abscence seizure' pills is because my symptoms started at 13, and at one point last year they started to become noticable again but they don't seem to know if they are genuine Abscence seizures.
So you don't feel at all like anti-depressants kind of mix your awake and sleeping mind state 'into one'? I've asked about 4 people who took ADs the same thing over time and... it's seems like I'm the only one who had that effect from them. Strange. What was it I was taking now... Xanax, I think. Under a different name. I was surprised to find it's considered one of the more powerful regular anti-psychotics... I only asked the doctor for something that would help me cope with temporary stress in my life at the time. It kicked my ass.
It really feels sometimes like medical science is still in the dark ages in some ways, doesn't it. They can cure some diseases and transplant organs but sometimes when it comes to figuring out the brain or the reasons why they're just clueless.
Chemotherapy... fundoscopic examination... dealing with medievalism here!
You're very welcome.
Great to hear you're making that costume. I can't think what they look like now... XD Are you going to have any minions?