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the horror was for love
Michael Fassbender is in fable 3 thats so cool i didnt know he did voice acting too

Haha, yeah! See...I didn't know he did regular acting. ._. Though, there are a lot of actors in Fable that I recognize from movies but had no clue that they did voice work. I think I had a major fangirl moment for a moment there. :blush: So embarassing.


Oldschool DMC fan
I never knew he was a VA. Thought most Hollywood listers only VA'd by special invite for stuff like Pixar makes... Well, there ya go. He'll probably show up in more stuff.


the horror was for love
I did, too, but maybe it just shows how far gaming has come? Or...maybe the scripts are just getting better for games and so are attracting even better actors? *just throwing ideas out there*



This made me laugh :3


Well...that's an ungodly combination of songs in my head.

Roberta's umbrella = BADASS. Never before have I had to worry about someone just pulling out an umbrella. This just adds a fresh new layer to my life of paranoia!

Nope, still not good at math. Dammit brain.


the horror was for love
Really irritating when people continuously ask me what I'm doing while I'm chopping veggies. Uh, if the stove's going and I'm chopping things, obviously I'm cooking. /==


Really irritating when people continuously ask me what I'm doing while I'm chopping veggies. Uh, if the stove's going and I'm chopping things, obviously I'm cooking. /==

You'd be surprised how hard it is for people to grasp the obvious.

Which is why you should always be prepared with witty one-liners.

"Oh, I'm just practicing my technique for disposing human remains. Can I practice on your hands yet?"

Gives daily chores that zing of excitement. ^^

Technically not a one liner, but hey. It amuses me >:
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