LordOfDarkness The Dark Avenger © † Moderator Premium Elite Premium Supporter 2014 Xen-Omni 2020 Oct 16, 2007 10,369 12,582 25,425 34 Red Grave City Name Ryan Nov 24, 2008 #1,621 Sitting on a slow computer at College, whilst on my break; and am posting here and looking around
Darcy Willows Substitute Soul reaper :D Nov 7, 2008 714 3 1,105 32 Karakura town, getting told off by Ichigo because Nov 24, 2008 #1,622 in the library, not meant to be on this in school but SHUSSSSH
Ashelia_Crystl You don't want to know ;) Nov 6, 2008 782 2 1,175 32 In a tree throwing rocks at old people www.ffcrystalcosmo.com Nov 24, 2008 #1,623 ^ Your in the LRC!? I'm in form bored
Darcy Willows Substitute Soul reaper :D Nov 7, 2008 714 3 1,105 32 Karakura town, getting told off by Ichigo because Nov 24, 2008 #1,624 hehehehehe, thats cool, i mean lol poor you at the local library having to put up with the slow access
hehehehehe, thats cool, i mean lol poor you at the local library having to put up with the slow access
Vauxchen The devoted Premium Oct 6, 2007 2,838 16 8,805 Nov 24, 2008 #1,625 playing FretsOnFire, and talking to people over MSN
Dark Alpha Wolf The Ace of The Game Nov 2, 2008 378 2 910 The wolf's den in the pits of Hell where I rule!!! Nov 25, 2008 #1,626 listening to Metallica's awesome Death Magnetic album
Haven Devil May Cry's a Rockin Baby! Jan 10, 2007 1,406 167 7,540 32 England Nov 25, 2008 #1,627 Searching the forum and youtube on my ps3 .
Damien Anti - Little D Premium Apr 15, 2008 1,463 24 3,905 33 A island Nov 25, 2008 #1,628 watching a funny show on ITV 1 .... something about porn stars and if its rite or wrong .... jeremy kyle show .... :lol:
watching a funny show on ITV 1 .... something about porn stars and if its rite or wrong .... jeremy kyle show .... :lol:
Angel Is not rat, is hamster Admin Moderator Feb 24, 2007 7,137 10,138 21,625 UK Nov 25, 2008 #1,629 Posting and working. Not necessarily doing either of those things very well :lol:
Dark Drakan Well-known Member Admin Moderator Mar 4, 2007 9,682 6,821 22,475 39 Staffordshire England Twitter DarkDrakan Nov 25, 2008 #1,630 Finished work early and now eating some food and playing on 360.
Luna13 The Vampiric Vixen Oct 22, 2008 174 0 815 33 Under Jacob Black's and Jasper Hale's Beds deepdive.freeforums.org Nov 25, 2008 #1,631 posting on a computer, at school, that is a lot faster than mine at home
Ashelia_Crystl You don't want to know ;) Nov 6, 2008 782 2 1,175 32 In a tree throwing rocks at old people www.ffcrystalcosmo.com Nov 25, 2008 #1,632 Sitting in my form room bored so posting on this.
Darcy Willows Substitute Soul reaper :D Nov 7, 2008 714 3 1,105 32 Karakura town, getting told off by Ichigo because Nov 25, 2008 #1,633 trying to revise but still failing to do that
Ashelia_Crystl You don't want to know ;) Nov 6, 2008 782 2 1,175 32 In a tree throwing rocks at old people www.ffcrystalcosmo.com Nov 25, 2008 #1,634 Sitting bored at the library cos i don't know what to do cos no-one is talking to me
Darcy Willows Substitute Soul reaper :D Nov 7, 2008 714 3 1,105 32 Karakura town, getting told off by Ichigo because Nov 25, 2008 #1,635 ^ i am!
Ashelia_Crystl You don't want to know ;) Nov 6, 2008 782 2 1,175 32 In a tree throwing rocks at old people www.ffcrystalcosmo.com Nov 25, 2008 #1,636 ^ no your not! still in the library bored
Darcy Willows Substitute Soul reaper :D Nov 7, 2008 714 3 1,105 32 Karakura town, getting told off by Ichigo because Nov 25, 2008 #1,637 am now, sitiing listening to amy moan and watching a slow connectin PC
Ashelia_Crystl You don't want to know ;) Nov 6, 2008 782 2 1,175 32 In a tree throwing rocks at old people www.ffcrystalcosmo.com Nov 25, 2008 #1,638 ^ this pc isn't slow I'm memorising mine and kellys victory dances that we did in pe today
Darcy Willows Substitute Soul reaper :D Nov 7, 2008 714 3 1,105 32 Karakura town, getting told off by Ichigo because Nov 25, 2008 #1,639 i would have liked to see that^ libray dam the connection!
Angelo Credo Kept you waiting, huh? Apr 24, 2008 3,898 566 7,225 www.last.fm Nov 25, 2008 #1,640 Dosing up on a lot of painkillers and trying to relax, I've officially become the 16 year old college guy with a back problem...-Sigh-
Dosing up on a lot of painkillers and trying to relax, I've officially become the 16 year old college guy with a back problem...-Sigh-