Eating lunch and working on NaNo prep. Might go do some cleaning in a couple minutes.
Good luck with NaNo. *wonders what NaNo is*
Eating lunch and working on NaNo prep. Might go do some cleaning in a couple minutes.
Good luck with NaNo. *wonders what NaNo is*
Thank you! ^^ NaNo is short for NaNoWriMo which is National Novel Writing Month. NaNo is a writing competition, with the main competition taking place in November and two side competitions taking place earlier in the year (one starts tomorrow and the next will start in a couple months). The goal is to write 50k words in a month, but, during the side competitions (aka Camp NaNo) you can set your word goal to whatever you'd like. ^^ -will be aiming for 150k since she did two 100k Camp NaNo's last year, but might lower the goal later-
OH WOW seem like an intense and exciting competition. Good luck and hope you win NaNo.
I would like to read your novels one day
Thank you! ^^ It is, really, both intense and exciting. And stressful. LOL
Aww. =3 *hopes you like her writing if you read any of it* If you would like, I could link you to what I have posted online. ^^; (I also have all those links in my art thread here on the forums.)
Like the lovely Shadow, also taking part in Camp NaNo, so just working on today's word count. Then it'll be dishes, laundry, and reading more of The Stand (a little more than halfway through, lol).
Like the lovely Shadow, also taking part in Camp NaNo, so just working on today's word count. Then it'll be dishes, laundry, and reading more of The Stand (a little more than halfway through, lol).