Just pluged the modem after 30 seconds of unpluging it. And everything is back to normal. Now i am going to drink some strawberry milk and then i will go to bed
Sitting in the roof smoking, drinking coffee and trying to figure out what was the thing that made the flames of passion inside of me to move forward burn back in 2012 like every night in the past two months. Back in 2012 i used to work as a database analasys in a gas station. Work starts at 7:30 AM. I wake up at 5 AM take a shower and leave at 5:30 AM and walk for one and half hour to a mini-market to buy coffee. And then head to work. And always clock in 15 minutes early. But after six months the flames just vanished and i stopped moving forward till today.
Just finished the first page of Chapter Eleven (Whoo! Progress!), chatting with a friend, and enjoying a nice caffeine and sugar buzz. Also listening to music. ^^
I was chatting to mum on FB and was planning on having a quick squiz at the forum and finding a crash course on using my Pitt artist pens for my comic/sketches before heading off to bed. But then hubby came over and started talking plots with me so I started taking notes. Had an unplanned coffee. Finally got to checking the forum. Now it's midnight and I have to go to bed if I want to get up on time tomorrow.
Lamenting the fact that I've barely done anything worth doing, today (and not for lack of trying--I just feel awful, for some reason...I'm sure lack of sleep only marginally plays a part). =( Hopefully once I've rested up a bit, I can actually work on WoN...
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