Sitting in my grandma's bedroom with my puter hooked up here since my room is being decorated. Drinking fine English tea with a tonne of chocolate cake. OH BABY. <3 Also, posting on KHInsider and having like, 50 conversations at once. D:
Sitting at college, giving up on my Spanish listening assignment which is due in for tomorrow, listening to the girls and guys around me talk about crap. About to go to Italian in 15 minutes, yaaay.
Playing Fallout 3 on the ol' laptop, finally got a damn awesome mod working, both myself and Paladin Cross are now strutting around in Ultramarine Veteran and Terminator armour from the Warhammer 40k series respectively.
Cross in Terminator armour with a gatling laser is an absolute powerhouse of death and destruction.
Check it out, ladies! I want it, and no, I'm not talking about the photo.
...Om nom nom nom nom... this is why I don't go to cosplay conventions. This guy would have been in serious trouble - I struggle to contain myself sometimes. And with this dude - well, what chic would?
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