So, finally got to see what Rise of the Tomb Raider is all about. And oh my goodness, where do I start? My fiancée showed me some different parts, like Croft Manor, and the Baba Yaga section.
I didn't play from the beginning, but from what it looks like, it seems like they've put A LOT of detail into this; plot wise, and visually.
I loved Croft Manor, what with the audio files of her mother, father, and butler etc. And the nice nod backs to the original Tomb Raider series, such as Winston referencing Lara locking him in the freezer (TR2), and Lara saying about the Excalibur sword (TR: Legends) - It really makes you feel nostalgic.
I'm not even the biggest Tomb Raider fan, but I really like the direction the reboot has taken. I like how it feels open world like, but still also feels like a Tomb Raider game. You don't feel like the openness takes away from what the game is really suppose to be about, in fact to me it greatly enhanced the experience.
Yeah, a really good game.