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Were the reviews really paid or people aren't buying it?

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Fake Geek Girl.
For Chancey, an avid DMC fan like me who doesn't like DmC this much is a weaboo too. And guess what? I think he's right, rook at how KAWAII and SUGOI i "rook" and 'dressu", just like an" "animu charactah' or an "Exu-Japan" (band) "membah":


EDIT: As you all can clearly see, i'm descendant from the japanese, just "rook" at that horizontaru shaped eyes and really darku hair of mine! I really don't know why i don't have a katana or a tachi as a keepsake of my japanese samurai/ninja/half-akuma heritage.
I don't get what you're trying to prove. You know the type of anime fans I'm talking about when I use the word weeaboo. I never once said everyone is like that.


Fake Geek Girl.
Weebos are ones who only know pop culture. They have no idea what Japan is really like and see it as a land of kawaii, pocky and anime.Their image of Japan, and how they act (they think this is how Japanese act) is based on stereotype.

We had one in my Japanese lecture. She came dressed as Sailor moon:O Needless to say, she did not last long when she realised it was not going to be watching anime and doing cosplay.
Then there was the anime and manga club at my uni. None of them were Japanese language and culture students....the club was like a group of socially maladjusted who knows what. Fine if children or teenagers act like that because they don't know any better, but adults...

They really do act like this.
That's funny. Jamie Foxx lol.

Next time I talk to my friends from Japan I'm gonna find someway to fit "fo shizzle ma japanizzle" in the conversation.


It's One on One.
For Chancey, an avid DMC fan like me who doesn't like DmC this much is a weaboo too. And guess what? I think he's right, rook at how KAWAII and SUGOI i "rook" and 'dressu", just like an" "animu charactah' or an "Exu-Japan" (band) "membah":


EDIT: As you all can clearly see, i'm descendant from the japanese, just "rook" at that horizontaru shaped eyes and really darku hair of mine! I really don't know why i don't have a katana or a tachi as a keepsake of my japanese samurai/ninja/half-akuma heritage.
Dude you look good...:3 *walks away quietly*


I don't get what you're trying to prove. You know the type of anime fans I'm talking about when I use the word weeaboo. I never once said everyone is like that.

And I really do think since a large majority of the DMC fanbase are also anime fans, it really is a bunch of betrayed weeaboos who are the types who act like everything from the east is superior.

You've said in clear words that "the majority of DMC fanbase is a bunch of retarded people who thinks Japan is the mother of all good things in the world". Reality is that if you ever visited the "Those behind the screen" topic in the social boards, you'll see that what you're saying is plain bullshit, most of the DMC fans are common dudes and girls (me, Terrutas, meg, Cosplaying Godess, MultiBro, Striferu and so on). I'm not a fan of DmC, don't support it and would hate to see DmC as a replacement for DMC, and i not even come close to be an weaboo. It would be a very "lucky shot" to only have the enlightened non-weaboo old DMC fans here on these forums, if the majority of the DMC fanbase are made of these "retarded weaboos". My post was just a way to simulate the ingenuity of your statements, there's no DMC fan on this forum acting like these obssessed weaboos.

You and some other few DmC fans here just try to offend most of the DMC fanbase for nothing, it's not like one or two obssessed members of this forums represents all other DMC fans opinions. The same goes for DMC fans who does the same for DmC fans.

Dude you look good...:3 *walks away quietly*

Thanks for that :)


Fake Geek Girl.
You've said in clear words that "the majority of DMC fanbase is a bunch of retarded people who thinks Japan is the mother of all good things in the world". Reality is that if you ever visited the "Those behind the screen" topic in the social boards, you'll see that what you're saying is plain bullshit, most of the DMC fans are common dudes and girls (me, Terrutas, meg, Cosplaying Godess, MultiBro, Striferu and so on). I'm not a fan of DmC, don't support it and would hate to see DmC as a replacement for DMC, and i not even come close to be an weaboo. It would be a very "lucky shot" to only have the enlightened non-weaboo old DMC fans here on these forums, if the majority of the DMC fanbase are made of these "retarded weaboos". My post was just a way to simulate the ingenuity of your statements, there's no DMC fan on this forum acting like these obssessed weaboos.

You and some other few DmC fans here just try to offend most of the DMC fanbase for nothing, it's not like one or two obssessed members of this forums represents all other DMC fans opinions. The same goes for DMC fans who does the same for DmC fans.

Thanks for that :)
I'm a Devil May Cry fan. Why do people want to establish some line of separation. You guys seriously think this is some civil war or something. This is retarded. Yea, I like DmC but, I also like the original series. I don't know how many times I've said I still love the very first Devil May Cry more than any of them.

DmC is STILL a Devil May Cry game and I never viewed as some replacement. After all, they've clarified so many times the original series isn't gone forever. Maybe you missed that.

I look at DmC as the Ultimate Devil May Cry so to speak. Like how in the Marvel Universe Earth 616 is where we have The Amazing Spider-Man (well now Superior) and then we have the alternate which is Ultimate Spider-Man.

Devil May Cry is Earth 616
DmC is Ultimate.

Makes sense to me. I'm still a fan of both Earth 616 and Ultimate Spider-Man. That's how I am with DmC. I can see the intention behind a more contemporary Devil May Cry and one that isn't trying to be that generic anime anymore and take it for what it is. And I've just grown use to DMC changing. No Devil May Cry has never been a true sequel or prequel to the first game that started it all and it's always just been a mixed bag. This is why I don't want to accept DMC 3 (even though I still enjoy playing it) It contradicts the entire established canon up until that point in favor of a really annoying generic anime look and totally losing the spirit of that first game and overall doesn't make any sense.

And I never focused on anyone particularly here. But there is no denying the DMC fanbase has now pretty much gone up there in the fandumb right next to Sonic fans. So yea, I'm going to talk some sh!t about them because this ongoing reaction to just an experimental reboot is WAY over dramatic and also sure as hell is not as bad as some people want to make it out to be.

There's not a single person I've seen give a logical reason why something like DMC 4 is considered better. And it's so weird why so many people have a change of heart about that game. Everyone hated it, what happened? The game didn't magically get better. It still sucks. DmC is one of the better games in the series. Not my favorite but a game that shines in its own right that does also surpass the originals in some aspects and an encouraging building block to take the series from here on out regardless of which version would return. Quit acting like DmC did nothing right. That's complete bs.


It's One on One.
Do I think the reviews were paid for...nah.

Do I think there was a lot of ass kissing going on in some of these reviews...heck yes.


Devil hunter in training
Do I think the reviews were paid for...nah.

Do I think there was a lot of ass kissing going on in some of these reviews...heck yes.
Partly that and aslo a sense of pity because of the negative reaction, so to counteract that, the reviews were softer than they should have been.

Maybe because people think Dante has a tight butt.
Dat ass..I'd hit it:troll:


Solid Ocelot
DmC is STILL a Devil May Cry game and I never viewed as some replacement. After all, they've clarified so many times the original series isn't gone forever. Maybe you missed that.

Capcom only said they might make another DMC, so they're not sure. I read DmC2 is already in the making. That, coupled with the fact that DmC is called a reboot, which implies that it's rebooted or restarted the series tells me there's a high probability the old series will not be continued. If DMC were to be continued, DmC would not be called a reboot, but rather a spin-off or alternate universe. That said, they did say DmC takes place in an alternate universe and that it's a reboot as well, but that's just a polite way of saying ''Dear die-hard DMC fans, don't get your panties in a bunch''. Besides, DmC didn't sell that terribly, I think. 1.2 million is still pretty nice, and most likely enough to consider developing DmC2.


It's One on One.
Partly that and aslo a sense of pity because of the negative reaction, so to counteract that, the reviews were softer than they should have been.

Dat ass..I'd hit it:troll:

Eh I think they could've been a little more subtle with it. Heck overpraise is the reason why people think the reviews were paid for to begin with. That's just me though. I see where your coming from though. Also....

*Looks at yours and Chauncey's post* You naughty people you :blush:



I'm afraid that we can't make this discussion on this topic, but some things you pointed out are just misleadings or incosistent by what i've seeing you saying on this forum, that have already been discussed before. I just would like to point out where are these misleadings and inconsistences are:

I'm a Devil May Cry fan. Why do people want to establish some line of separation. You guys seriously think this is some civil war or something. This is retarded. Yea, I like DmC but, I also like the original series. I don't know how many times I've said I still love the very first Devil May Cry more than any of them.

You've pointed to the DMC fanbase to begin with, Chancey. And it's true that you say that you love the first the game, but you're one of the people that already said that the old series is better buried in his own grave than receiving new titles, kinda contradictory a fan wanting to a series he says he love dying for the sake of one that has nothing to do with the old one (i'll explain why DmC being sucessful and DMC still living is nothing likely to happen).

DmC is STILL a Devil May Cry game and I never viewed as some replacement. After all, they've clarified so many times the original series isn't gone forever. Maybe you missed that.

Nope, it's not. It's a different world, totally different characters, plot and even downgraded gameplay. And you really think that Capcom would run two Devil May Cry series seeing how expensive it is to make a game nowadays? You're just playing dumb or trying to do some sort of damage control? If DmC was a sucess, DMC would not have a high probability to see the light of the day anymore and it's clear for everyone that knows just a little about the business world and videogame industry, make two different franchises runs is very different than make separated storylines for cartoons, they're not that expensive. Capcom knows this very well and they just said this to calm down the fans they've ****ed with the decision to reboot this so differently from the original.

I can see the intention behind a more contemporary Devil May Cry and one that isn't trying to be that generic anime anymore and take it for what it is. And I've just grown use to DMC changing. No Devil May Cry has never been a true sequel or prequel to the first game that started it all and it's always just been a mixed bag. This is why I don't want to accept DMC 3 (even though I still enjoy playing it) It contradicts the entire established canon up until that point in favor of a really annoying generic anime look and totally losing the spirit of that first game and overall doesn't make any sense.

1 - No one asked for a more contemporary Devil May Cry, and you say a lot about that "generic anime" thing but never really explained what makes it looks like this and why it could be a bad thing. And that complaint of your seems inconsistent, as DMC1 Dante is your favorite Dante and he has that "anime" thing going on too: he's "overpowered", has long white hair, gigantic swords, demon forms, he even fights with Mundus flying all over around and shooting demonic energy and even a kinda of a "dragon" made of demonic power on him. If you don't like Devil May Cry for his "anime-ish" setting, you're basically saying that you don't like the old series at all. And the canon thing: it's just a matter of fixing it, no big issue here, the only game that seriously broke things up were DMC4.

2 - Devil May Cry world never changed so abruptly since DmC, obviously it has taken a different path from the first one but on that we agree. But DMC build his own personality with the first 3 games, DMC started with ideas to do a Resident Evil game and got changed to the point of being the first DMC, it needed to build more of a unique thing as a game and it was reached with DMC3, even if you didn't like the direction it have taken, it's STILL Devil May Cry, it's still Dante and his same world and basicaly the same foundations of the series was there (the idea of Dante as a character, similar but strongly upgraded gameplay, an attempt to explain Dante's past, presentation of his brother and their story), they've just developed it more (Dante was already a cocky and joking character in the very first DMC, in the very first cutscene he pretends that is nearly dying with Trish's attacks to him, then he just gets up with a sword impaling his chest like nothing had happened).

And I never focused on anyone particularly here. But there is no denying the DMC fanbase has now pretty much gone up there in the fandumb right next to Sonic fans. So yea, I'm going to talk some sh!t about them because this ongoing reaction to just an experimental reboot is WAY over dramatic and also sure as hell is not as bad as some people want to make it out to be.

I know that you not aimed any particulary member on this forum, but indirectly you've talked about "the majority" of the DMC fans who don't accept DmC. If you see complaining because they're trying to kill one of your favorite franchises (without even trying to make an ending for it) for the sake of a new series as fandumb, i don't know what is liking something anymore, seriously. The same way DmC fans don't want to see DmC dying because of the market failure (neither i want, i would like to see Capcom at least finishing what they've started if they plan to continue with DMC or kill the franchise once and for all), we do not want to see DMC die because of Capcom's greed and lack of respect to their fans. Capcom would not run two hack'n'slash franchises, they're not that profitable (in the businessmans views), if they had launched a new IP out of DmC ideas all that "civil war" would not be happening by the time, although i can't say if the reception on the market would be better or worse without the "Devil May Cry" name being used.

There's not a single person I've seen give a logical reason why something like DMC 4 is considered better. And it's so weird why so many people have a change of heart about that game. Everyone hated it, what happened? The game didn't magically get better. It still sucks. DmC is one of the better games in the series. Not my favorite but a game that shines in its own right that does also surpass the originals in some aspects and an encouraging building block to take the series from here on out regardless of which version would return. Quit acting like DmC did nothing right. That's complete bs.[/

I would say that they're nearly tied up, but i think this too is a discussion to be made (it was already made before, but whatever) in another topic, and i don't have played DMC4 for a long time until now, i've just rushed through the game (played on my friend's X360) so i'm not the best person to make this comparison. But i know by seeing things that DMC4 mechanics and design (even made by half because of Capcom rushing the team) is way better and balanced than DmC's one, and DmC itself has a much more consistent (but not that great too) story, but it's a simplistic answer that means nothing if i can't argue too long here and show some content to reinforce what i'm saying, we need another topic to discuss this if you're willing to discuss. I would digress, but if you want some answers and clarifications i'm here for this.


Devil hunter in training
Eh I think they could've been a little more subtle with it. Heck overpraise is the reason why people think the reviews were paid for to begin with. That's just me though. I see where your coming from though. Also....
You're right. Too much praise does look suspicious. So I can see why it would lead to people saying reviews were paid.

*Looks at yours and Chauncey's post* You naughty people you :blush:
I guess I am:blush:


Fake Geek Girl.
I'm afraid that we can't make this discussion on this topic, but some things you pointed out are just misleadings or incosistent by what i've seeing you saying on this forum, that have already been discussed before. I just would like to point out where are these misleadings and inconsistences are:

You've pointed to the DMC fanbase to begin with, Chancey. And it's true that you say that you love the first the game, but you're one of the people that already said that the old series is better buried in his own grave than receiving new titles, kinda contradictory a fan wanting to a series he says he love dying for the sake of one that has nothing to do with the old one (i'll explain why DmC being sucessful and DMC still living is nothing likely to happen).
How am I contradicting myself? Do you even know what that word means? I never said the original series is better buried. All I said is how the original never made any sort of return. That spirit of the first game was lost long ago and I would love the original series to return, if it would be more like the first game but I have a feeling seeing more DMC is seeing the feel of 3 and 4 all over again. I've lost pretty much all faith in Capcom. I don't trust them. And I have no clue what they can do with the story because they have seriously just written themselves in to a corner with DMC. It's so unorganized and such a clusterf*ck that contradicts itself it's just riddled with plot holes and continuity issues.

Nope, it's not. It's a different world, totally different characters, plot and even downgraded gameplay. And you really think that Capcom would run two Devil May Cry series seeing how expensive it is to make a game nowadays? You're just playing dumb or trying to do some sort of damage control? If DmC was a sucess, DMC would not have a high probability to see the light of the day anymore and it's clear for everyone that knows just a little about the business world and videogame industry, make two different franchises runs is very different than make separated storylines for cartoons, they're not that expensive. Capcom knows this very well and they just said this to calm down the fans they've ****ed with the decision to reboot this so differently from the original.
But it's not "totally different." Get right down to it it's pretty much Devil May Cry but without the anime look. Capcom also said the original series isn't dead forever. The way the fanbase makes things look though it looks like they just want carbon copies of the original series. Variety is the spice of life. Different and bad don't mean the same thing. I took DmC for what it was and judged it for what it was. Came out having a pretty good time with it and it was still fun to play. Could use some improvement but a strong enough outing for a new direction that isn't just a clone. All you guys can do is be unfairly biased.

1 - No one asked for a more contemporary Devil May Cry, and you say a lot about that "generic anime" thing but never really explained what makes it looks like this and why it could be a bad thing. And that complaint of your seems inconsistent, as DMC1 Dante is your favorite Dante and he has that "anime" thing going on too: he's "overpowered", has long white hair, gigantic swords, demon forms, he even fights with Mundus flying all over around and shooting demonic energy and even a kinda of a "dragon" made of demonic power on him. If you don't like Devil May Cry for his "anime-ish" setting, you're basically saying that you don't like the old series at all. And the canon thing: it's just a matter of fixing it, no big issue here, the only game that seriously broke things up were DMC4.

2 - Devil May Cry world never changed so abruptly since DmC, obviously it has taken a different path from the first one but on that we agree. But DMC build his own personality with the first 3 games, DMC started with ideas to do a Resident Evil game and got changed to the point of being the first DMC, it needed to build more of a unique thing as a game and it was reached with DMC3, even if you didn't like the direction it have taken, it's STILL Devil May Cry, it's still Dante and his same world and basicaly the same foundations of the series was there (the idea of Dante as a character, similar but strongly upgraded gameplay, an attempt to explain Dante's past, presentation of his brother and their story), they've just developed it more (Dante was already a cocky and joking character in the very first DMC, in the very first cutscene he pretends that is nearly dying with Trish's attacks to him, then he just gets up with a sword impaling his chest like nothing had happened).
Translation "I think I'm the voice of the entire fandom so I'll just yap about how my personal preferences speak for everyone just because I personally like it more"
"No one wanted DmC". The game still has people going out and buying it. Also having a pretty good time with it. I was rather skeptical at first but it would be very narrow minded of me to just condemn off the bat. I gave it a fair shot and came out pleasantly surprised. Still had some fun with it and that's what we play video games for. Fun.

I know that you not aimed any particulary member on this forum, but indirectly you've talked about "the majority" of the DMC fans who don't accept DmC. If you see complaining because they're trying to kill one of your favorite franchises (without even trying to make an ending for it) for the sake of a new series as fandumb, i don't know what is liking something anymore, seriously. The same way DmC fans don't want to see DmC dying because of the market failure (neither i want, i would like to see Capcom at least finishing what they've started if they plan to continue with DMC or kill the franchise once and for all), we do not want to see DMC die because of Capcom's greed and lack of respect to their fans. Capcom would not run two hack'n'slash franchises, they're not that profitable (in the businessmans views), if they had launched a new IP out of DmC ideas all that "civil war" would not be happening by the time, although i can't say if the reception on the market would be better or worse without the "Devil May Cry" name being used.
How the hell is DmC considered anything but a risk? Capcom could have just played it safe and released another DMC 4 with hardly any effort again and it would have done fair to say the least. Do you know why so many comic book heroes are still here today after being around for decades? It's because they changed. DMC would inevitably kill itself if it never tried to broaden the audience. And Capcom was clearly out of ideas. A creative dead end no matter what you say. And overall, the DMC fans should chill out because it's not THAT bad. It could be so much worse. You could be in my position.

My precious MegaMan is dead. 4 games just cancelled with hardly any hope on the horizon. MegaMan is more important to me than Dante. I grew up with the little guy since I was a wee lad. And also Resident Evil and the horror genre in general is dying in the AAA market. I think MegaMan fans have better reason to be angry at Capcom. We got nothing but bad news.

I would say that they're nearly tied up, but i think this too is a discussion to be made (it was already made before, but whatever) in another topic, and i don't have played DMC4 for a long time until now, i've just rushed through the game (played on my friend's X360) so i'm not the best person to make this comparison. But i know by seeing things that DMC4 mechanics and design (even made by half because of Capcom rushing the team) is way better and balanced than DmC's one, and DmC itself has a much more consistent (but not that great too) story, but it's a simplistic answer that means nothing if i can't argue too long here and show some content to reinforce what i'm saying, we need another topic to discuss this if you're willing to discuss. I would digress, but if you want some answers and clarifications i'm here for this.
I'm not even gonna go in to that again. There's no way in hell you can convince me such a lazy lackluster disservice to consumers is something worth more than DmC. Which delivered a full and still fun experience. No way in hell a Bloody Palace mode will be ever worth the price of a full game. Even out of the older games, there are better alternatives than DMC 4. Just play 1 or 3. They're still great minus the stupid, annoying, and obnoxious bs.


Fake Geek Girl.
Maybe we can say DMC in the all pro DMC point of view is more "rose tinted" than anything else.

I can admit to that as well. My nostalgic heartstrings still are wrapped around the old guy to an extent. I'm not in charge of Devil May Cry though. It might not seem like it to you guys but, the worst case scenario for me is Devil May Cry gone for good. I'm already devastated about my poor MegaMan.



Solid Ocelot
I'm not even gonna go in to that again. There's no way in hell you can convince me such a lazy lackluster disservice to consumers is something worth more than DmC. Which delivered a full and still fun experience. No way in hell a Bloody Palace mode will be ever worth the price of a full game. Even out of the older games, there are better alternatives than DMC 4. Just play 1 or 3. They're still great minus the stupid, annoying, and obnoxious bs.

I don't believe he said he thought DMC4 is ''something worth more than DmC''. What he said is that both games have their merits and flaws and that you can't go blow up one of the games' flaws and act like it's the worst DMC game ever.
You can read it right here: But i know by seeing things that DMC4 mechanics and design (even made by half because of Capcom rushing the team) is way better and balanced than DmC's one, and DmC itself has a much more consistent (but not that great too) story, but it's a simplistic answer that means nothing if i can't argue too long here and show some content to reinforce what i'm saying

So he didn't even say one was better than the other; he juxtaposed them. I don't see why you have to bring DMC4 into the picture anyway. Nobody even mentioned it until you decided to compare it to DmC, for some reason. It doesn't even suck; if it did, DMC3 very nearly must've sucked too, but you seem to love its gameplay. DMC4 is in many ways a step forward from DMC3, and in some departments, it goes the other way. How does that make it far worse than DMC3? I'd say, get over your hate for the game and start appreciating it for what it is instead of what you would've liked it to be.



How am I contradicting myself?

Like this:

The way the fanbase makes things look though it looks like they just want carbon copies of the original series. Variety is the spice of life. Different and bad don't mean the same thing.

Get right down to it it's pretty much Devil May Cry but without the anime look

Variety is the spice of life

And I've just grown use to DMC changing

I'm assuming that you're just playing dumb with me, seriously. You contradict yourself all the time, your opinions have no consistence or reasonable points whatsoever, you just say what looks better at the time. First you say that DMC is on a creativity dead end, then say that get used to DMC changings (supporting that the games changed, the ONLY real similar games are 3 and 4, 1 and 2 plays with much differences while keeping the basis of the game), then you say that you want the first DMC experience back, "variety is the spice of life" and claims to be a fan of Megaman who is basicaly the exact same thing since the very first Megaman title, even Megaman Zero is "more of the same" for the Megaman franchise, i'm a fan of the Megaman franchise too, played it since X and it's roughly the same thing until the end of Megaman Zero 4, even reusing Zero's moveset in some MMZero games.

Translation "I think I'm the voice of the entire fandom so I'll just yap about how my personal preferences speak for everyone just because I personally like it more"
"No one wanted DmC". The game still has people going out and buying it. Also having a pretty good time with it. I was rather skeptical at first but it would be very narrow minded of me to just condemn off the bat. I gave it a fair shot and came out pleasantly surprised. Still had some fun with it and that's what we play video games for. Fun.

1 - Look at the sellings, it's pretty much a failure compared to other games of the franchise. This means the fans had lost their interest in this reboot, most of them have played it with a pirated/rented copy or in a friend's house like me and decided that it was not worth the money at release and probably helping killing the old series at the same time.

2 - No one ever asked for a reboot, literally. I've never seen any DMC fan complaining that DMC was all the "same carbon copy bullshit all the time" before DmC comes out and that became an "argument" for the DmC fans. There's a lot of franchises that keep the same basis since the 90s, as i've already said in another post, and some tried to change and had commit grotesque mistakes, like the Mortal Kombat series who made the best reboot i've ever seen after likely being dead for a plentyful of years, now it's staying faithful to its roots while still bringing new things to the scene, i'm a fan of the Mortal Kombat series since i was a child.

How the hell is DmC considered anything but a risk? Capcom could have just played it safe and released another DMC 4 with hardly any effort again and it would have done fair to say the least. Do you know why so many comic book heroes are still here today after being around for decades? It's because they changed. DMC would inevitably kill itself if it never tried to broaden the audience. And Capcom was clearly out of ideas. A creative dead end no matter what you say. And overall, the DMC fans should chill out because it's not THAT bad. It could be so much worse. You could be in my position.

Risk x reward, know that concept? They thought they could keep the old fanbase while drastically changing all the series to make it "more appealing to western people" (?) , they've even said that on interview. And how do you say that DmC has some effort put into it? I mean, a package of glitches, unbalanced combat, simplistic and broken features, poor boss and enemy designs is a thing that you put a lot of work? Even DMC1 released in 2001 is more well designed than DmC, just look at all the concept involving critical hits and how differently you have to tackle each monster in the game, or how the boss fights plays out. Or you're talking about effort because a new story was written? Things need change sometimes, but DMC had barely 4 titles, it was not the case, most cartoon heroes appeared in the 40s, and you're comparing it with a series that has been born in 2001, that's just plain dumb like the majority of things you try to say here on this forum.

My precious MegaMan is dead. 4 games just cancelled with hardly any hope on the horizon. MegaMan is more important to me than Dante. I grew up with the little guy since I was a wee lad. And also Resident Evil and the horror genre in general is dying in the AAA market. I think MegaMan fans have better reason to be angry at Capcom. We got nothing but bad news.

Yes, each Megaman game is a whole new experience, variety is the spice of life. I get it. I love Megaman too, but i'm not too worried with this franchise and don't talk about it because here is a DMC forum, you know? If i wanted to talk about how Capcom killed Megaman i would search for a Megaman community, and not try to justify Capcom's retardness with another retardness.
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