We're gonna interview Tim Phillipps (DmC Dante voice actor) - submit your questions!

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1. Do you even lift?
2. Would you rather become Dante or Batman?
3. Do you love pizza? If so, what is your favorite(choose wisely)?
4. So many people complained about Dante's hair for the new game, if you got to choose any hairstyle for him, what would it be? I would personally choose a rainbow mullet.
5. Can I have a hug?
Game's a blast and you made a pretty awesome Dante. You are worthy of the mantle good sir. Have a good day.
Hm i woud like to know how he prepares himself for different characters, i mean what he does to do a accurate voiceacting synced with the characters personality that he is giving his voice.
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Guys, you're killing my brain cells. Take it somewhere else.
NO! This thread is now HALF pony territory (The kind and benevolent MRRANDOMLULZ feels this interview is important for the forum, so be grateful!)

Until the almighty gods known as the admins tell MRRANDOMLULZ otherwise,
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Two threads claimed in one day, eh? Sadly I'm afraid we need to keep this entirely on-topic, if you please.

Ta :)
Questions for Tim:

It's known that there were various rewrites during development; which of these effected your part of the project?
Do you have a favourite action film/franchise?
Was your deadpan delivery a directorial mandate or a personal choice?
Did you have to do much wire work or acrobatics? If so, how comfortable were you with it?
If you have played prior Devil May Cry games, what's the hardest difficulty you have completed one on?

Just a few off the top of my head.
What was it like stepping into the role of a beloved character, that had changed so much from it's original design, and when doing so, what did you want to bring to it?
Also, did you have any controversy issues of your own with DmC: Devil May Cry?
Hi gang,

Please do make sure to get those 'Likes' in nice and quick! I'll be passing on the most popular questions at some point on Friday! I'll leave this topic open for a final 24 hours, too, so as to allow for one last chance for everyone to submit their questions! Hurry hurry!
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Do you have difficulty in mantaining american accent? (Like sam worthington in black ops)

Where did you get the inspiration for dante's attitude?

Have you played the previous games?

Is this your first time acting as a video game char? How does it feels?
Did you and David De Lautour have to learn how to use swords (or Kendo bamboo swords)?

If so, how long did it take each of you to learn?

Do you think there should be an even harder difficulty mode that's (much) worse than Dante Must Die (such as "Dante Will Die"?) to please the hardcore fans? A lot of them thought it was too easy.
Great questions, guys. Keep 'em coming, and those 'Likes', too! 'Net connection permitting, I'll be checking back later on and wrapping this up before handing the questions over to Tim.
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