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Twitter Hires Sarkeesian


Supporter 2014

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Twitter empowers every voice to shape the world. But you can’t do that unless you feel safe and confident enough to express yourself freely and connect with the world around you. To help give your voice more power, Twitter does not tolerate behavior intended to harass, intimidate, or use fear to silence another user’s voice.

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Don't Let the Fall of America be Your Fall

Now I don't HATE Sarkeesian, buuut...eh

Director Bison

King of Games
Premium Elite
Working together, we will ensure Twitter is a platform where anyone, anywhere can express themselves safely and confidently.
if your afraid of words from random people on the internet that you will never meet
then you lack the confidence and intelligence needed to post on the internet

and that's your problem which you need to fix
not force change so you never need to deal with said peoblem


God of Hyperdeath
Supporter 2014
if your afraid of words from random people on the internet that you will never meet
then you lack the confidence and intelligence needed to post on the internet

and that's your problem which you need to fix
not force change so you never need to deal with said peoblem

King of Games ain't gonna take your ****. Listen to the majority for once Anita.


Well-known Member

Why oh why is she the center of modern day feminism? WHY?! She puts out poorly argued videos about sexism in media. Why is she the authority on political correctness? Why do people care so much about what she has to say?



I Saw the Devil

Why oh why is she the center of modern day feminism? WHY?! She puts out poorly argued videos about sexism in media. Why is she the authority on political correctness? Why do people care so much about what she has to say?

Because she speaks to the demographic of women that want to be told they're been oppressed, to the people who want to have their problems, which are small in the grand scheme of life, told they deserve better. She is selling something and she does it well. Have you seen the last video where she claims that men not showing butts is a form of gender inequality, that Batman's cape is a piece of Wayne Ent. technology specifically design to cover Batman's ass from view? Who could possibly buy into this crap, you may ask. People want to be told that their little problems are the only ones that matter.

I'll tell you this, though. The women who claim they're been oppressed in these circles don't know what oppression is because real oppression, the oppression I know exists in my home country, is the kind where there is no guarantee you'll wake up alive if you speak out like they do. What makes it a bigger spit in the face of those people who are genuinely living like that every day is how these spoiled children claim that those issues are also theirs, that that's how they live, too. I'm sure you know that video of that woman screaming a cursing people out in public; she knows she's safe, she isn't afraid for her life but there are places in the world where she could loose body parts for talking like that, so no, not the same thing.


Well-known Member
Because she speaks to the demographic of women that want to be told they're been oppressed, to the people who want to have their problems, which are small in the grand scheme of life, told they deserve better. She is selling something and she does it well. Have you seen the last video where she claims that men not showing butts is a form of gender inequality, that Batman's cape is a piece of Wayne Ent. technology specifically design to cover Batman's ass from view? Who could possibly buy into this crap, you may ask. People want to be told that their little problems are the only ones that matter.

I'll tell you this, though. The women who claim they're been oppressed in these circles don't know what oppression is because real oppression, the oppression I know exists in my home country, is the kind where there is no guarantee you'll wake up alive if you speak out like they do. What makes it a bigger spit in the face of those people who are genuinely living like that every day is how these spoiled children claim that those issues are also theirs, that that's how they live, too. I'm sure you know that video of that woman screaming a cursing people out in public; she knows she's safe, she isn't afraid for her life but there are places in the world where she could loose body parts for talking like that, so no, not the same thing.

Well said, berto. Absolutely well said.

I know waaaaaay too many people who want to find sexism everywhere. And when they find even a trace, they latch onto it as proof that they are horribly oppressed. I won't say oppression doesn't exist in the United Staes, because it absolutely does, but not in the form a lot of these feminism say it does. In the four-ish years I spent immersed in feminism I can say that the movement is filled with some of the most self-loathing, insecure people I have ever come across. So you're absolutely right in saying that Sarkeesian speaks to them and sells them what they want to hear. I totally get that.

What I don't get is why people outside of young, organized feminism love and embrace her too. The reason why she got this job and others like it is because she's popular not just in her own circle, but outside of it as well. Maybe it's because video games and media in general needs to have a good discussion about sexism and so much of the discussion revolves around her. Her videos illicit very strong reactions from people, positive or negative. I think she got to this level of popularity and support because of all the hate she has gotten from all her terrible videos. I don't think the majority of people would objectively think her videos are that good, but because of the amount of hate she's gotten, people feel the need to support and praise her. Which then results in her gaining more popularity and credibility. Interesting....

On a side note:

I haven't watched any of her videos in a couple years, but I might check out the butt sexism video because it sounds entertaining.

EDIT: Okay I totally just watched the video. :facepalm:
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I Saw the Devil
What I don't get is why people outside of young organized feminism love and embrace her too. The reason why she got this job and others like it is because she's popular not just in her own circle, but outside of it as well.
This is only a theory but I think it's because people are trying to do the right thing. I would guess that the people who support her that aren't from these circles do so because they want to do good and their good intentions are getting taken advantage of. A 'if you're not a part of the solution' attitude that's been shoved into their faces provably brings that support because no one wants to be the reason women are been oppressed, that we are the reason our mothers, sisters, daughters and wives are hurting, which is what they are been told, and they provably don't have the time to look in to it any closer than that so that helps accept it at face value.

When I first saw some of her videos I thought she had some good points, she brought up interesting theories but some of it was pretty far fetched, which is common for YouTube channels, but the more I saw the nuttier it got. Soon enough it was down right ridiculous. I'm guessing people who support her are on the first stage, good points, interesting theories, a tad far fetched but overall not a bad thing. They provably haven't seen enough to realize just how out there her stuff is. Just a theory, though, I can't really see into people's motivation and when ever I think 'hey, people are smart' the universe seems to get a kick out of proving me wrong.

Laurence Barnes

Still not dead. Just not really here any more.
And just when I considered starting Twitter again. It may be an unpopular opinion or not but I hate that woman, from what i've seen and read about her, she's an ass. Only a few weeks before she was getting her friends working at Twitter to silence people who gave their opinion on her terrible videos and tweets. Anyone remember that time she said that Samus was transgender and credited herself as a source? The time when she cried about death threats and such on the internet despite the fact that said death threats were mostly just people giving their opinion.


Well-known Member
I don't have a Twitter. And I could care less about anything Anita does.
I would like to point out that by saying "I could care less" you are literally saying that you do in fact care to some extent. In order to convey actual indifference, you would want to say "I couldn't care less."

Grammar people. If you are going to come into a thread and add nothing productive to it, at least use proper grammar.


I Saw the Devil
I would like to point out that by saying "I could care less" you are literally saying that you do in fact care to some extent. In order to convey actual indifference, you would want to say "I couldn't care less."

Grammar people. If you are going to come into a thread and add nothing productive to it, at least use proper grammar.
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