I completely agree with you. DmC Dante should´t be dependent of original Dante.
They are two completey different characters.
But that does´t mean Tameem Antoniades or anyone else can´t say "Dante is young compared to DMC Dante".
And despite there is no need to compare the two characters people do it. Even Capcom and NT has done it.
Which is pretty stupid if you ask me.
There is no need to say "DmC Dante isn´t no good because he is not like DMC Dante" or something similar. Because if you are aware Tameem Antoniades did say that Dante from DMC (DMC 1 released in 2001) who's 12 years old isn´t cool no longer. That´s his words not mine and it goes to show you even developers of DmC is comparing the two characters.
E3 2010 Trailer i saw a Dante that was made by NT. 2012 DmC Dante is a Dante influenced by sales thoughts and fans. He SEEMS no longer what Tameem Antoniades had in mind when he said Dante is angry and angst.
So he has been changed if not a lot. And the reason for the change? Because he was compared to DMC Dante.
Capcom thinks of sales. And i believe that is why DmC is in MANY ways a copy of DMC. Because DMC has a fan base which means people who will buy DMC games. So by adding DMC stuff to reboot DmC you get more people on your tail to buy the game.
What they should have done is make a game that would be the spiritual successor to DMC. A game with a new character, new story but at at same time it has the gameplay that is in DMC. Such as Rebellion, Air Hike, Jump canceling etc. This is why it´s called a "spiritual successor".
This would give NT more freedom as well

But Capcom didn´t do that. Despite that would PROBABLY be a very good thing to do. And why didn´t Capcom do that? reason: Sales, Sales and Sales.