The Writing (and Artistic) Ranting Thread

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Okay, I need to rant about this (apologies for both the length and language, open the spoiler tags at your own risk):

Complaining that there aren't enough POC (person of colour) characters and then telling white writers that they are incapable of writing anyone who isn't white just because of their skin colour and then telling them they need to research 10 million different tropes and not use them before they can even consider writing a POC character isn't encouraging more POC characters. It's just as intolerant as the person who claims fantasy leads can only be straight, white males because "it's historically accurate". It's also just as bullsh*t a claim.

Complaining that rape shouldn't be in any story for no real reason than "I don't want to see it" doesn't encourage a respectful approach of it. All it does is say that the experiences of those people who have been raped are invalid and not worthy of your attention. I don't condone rape (I never will...and I've thrown out plenty of fic ideas simply because there would have been rape in the plot and it makes me uncomfortable and I don't think I would have handled it well) and yeah, I think it's overused in a lot of stories, know what? So are a lot of things. The problem is that consensual sex doesn't get as's not as impactful in a story. And, while that's a problem, the bigger problem is that you, complainer, are sitting there yelling about rape and then turning around and posting about a fic you're writing where the MCs are brutally tortured. It's hypocrisy and, instead of saying "this isn't my cup of tea" like a mature person who can respect other writers...or, y'know simply avoiding it like someone with a brain would, you're making actual victims feel like bad people when they have absolutely nothing that could be blamed on them.

And, y'know, sitting there b*tching about how other people aren't being politically correct while you yourself aren't being politically correct makes you look like nothing more than a f*cking p*ssy. Because you won't commit to your writing beliefs. Stand up and talk to me like a grown up about your ideas. Make me see your point of view. Don't just cower behind your screen and change your words every. single. time. someone calls you out! know, I've had an idea. How about this? How about, instead of going out of our way to label everything and everyone, we treat all our characters the same and don't define them by their skin colour or race? How about we write them as real, layered individuals and not a label? I actually, as an example, have a character I'm working on right now that's Chinese. A pretty big part of her backstory actually has to do with her family having to hide that they're Chinese, but I've only mentioned it once in the story so far...and that was when I first introduced her. Now, if every sentence was about her being Chinese and all the struggles for her in that world because of it, would you feel anything for her? You'd probably want her to stop whining and then would roll your eyes every time she came into the scene, huh? Now imagine if every POC character did that. There's no reason for that. How about we try and teach our readers that a person isn't defined by their skintone or their race or their religion...they're defined by their actions. How about we teach our readers that people are people and no one person is better than the others. How about we teach our readers to not discriminate.

And, while we're on the subject of teaching, how about we teach our readers that all topics should be approached with respect and with care. That we should be able to write about the hard topics (all of the hard topics) with thought given to those who may have experienced those situations or who have been affected by it in some way or another. Why not take responsibility for your words and actions instead of hiding behind something flimsy like "I don't want to see this". Because not wanting to see things doesn't make them stop existing. (And, you know, if you can't handle something and you know you can't, here's another idea: don't write it and don't read it; that simple.)

One last statement: why the f*ck do I need to make every single aspect of my writing politically correct just to appease you? Being respectful and being politically correct are not the same thing (I'll gladly be respectful in my writing, but I sure as hell am not going to go out of my way to be PC). Here's the thing: as a writer, you are building countless worlds. You are God to these worlds. And these worlds should be allowed to push the boundaries and show people truths and untruths and halftruths they wouldn't normally see. Writing is basically being anything but 100% PC. Stop trying to limit people because you feel insecure and can't deal with that in a mature or constructive way. The world does not bow to your whims, complainer. Now: go write a story and break all the boundaries and teach people new things about themselves. Do it. I dare you.

...okay, I think I'm done, now.

Actually, I lied, I have one last thing to add:
Will people stop f*cking going onto BDSM stories just to scream that the relationships are abusive? Maybe some of them are, but 99% of the time they're not. Wanting to be spanked or tied up doesn't automatically equal abuse. Will you stop with the kinkshaming already? It makes those of us who write it to channel the fact that we're secretly into it (but won't come and be up front about it cuz we're scared) feel like sh*t and makes you look uneducated about the subject. As my mum used to say about veggies: don't complain til you've tried it; you might end up liking it.

Okay. I'm done for real, now.
@Shadow I almost pity whoever ****ed you off. Almost. :laugh:

(Seriously though, I agree with you. Writing is an art form; the moment people start telling us "you can't write that because you're not part of that demographic/can't represent it/I live in faerie land and refuse to see the darker side of life because I'm a sheltered little ****-ant" is the day I unload a ****-ton of vitriol on people's asses).
How the hell am I supposed to reconcile that? How do I explain why countless innocence died, when the Reg. Force should have stepped in to put an end to it before it even got that far? D:

(To elaborate, I'm talking about the wholesale murder of Jews during the 1340's when the Black Death was at its peak).

Ugh...I'll have to come up with some viable reason as to why they failed to save thousands of lives. At the very least, it will be an eye-opening, character building moment in history for Forneus and a few others (since he wouldn't take something like that well).

Hmm...I guess I could have their hands really full, between the different realms under their protection; have outbreaks of rebellion and sickness going on all over, making it impossible to save everyone...:unsure:
Nope, can't say that I have. ^^ Why?
Its a book on writing by a famous screenwriter named Robert McKee that I borrowed from the library, its pretty cool. I read about 4 chapters and its got me thinking about why i want to write and what to write.

Plus the scribbled in notes from the last person who borrowed are fun to read.
Its a book on writing by a famous screenwriter named Robert McKee that I borrowed from the library, its pretty cool. I read about 4 chapters and its got me thinking about why i want to write and what to write.

Plus the scribbled in notes from the last person who borrowed are fun to read.

Hmm. If I can find it, I'll have to check it out.
Its a book on writing by a famous screenwriter named Robert McKee that I borrowed from the library, its pretty cool. I read about 4 chapters and its got me thinking about why i want to write and what to write.

Plus the scribbled in notes from the last person who borrowed are fun to read.
Sounds cool, I've made a note and will be hunting this thing down the way Dante eats pizza.
Ugh, I just got two PMs from someone who wants me to beta read for them. Now, I don't really mind being asked to beta read, but I remember this guy. He started PMing me around this time last year and I told him I'd be interested, as long as he followed the same rules all the other people I read for follow. Namely: "Don't contact me during NaNo months with the expectation that I'll be able to get anything done for you." And...y'know, a few other basic rules. He waited until November to reply to me. I was kinda annoyed, but I ignored it until December, figuring he'd get the message if I put off replying until after NaNo. He hasn't replied to me until today. First NaNo month of the year, and both messages only four minutes apart. I'm not even sure I want to open them. If he can't respect that I can't give my writing time up during NaNo, then should I even bother with putting myself through the stress of helping him fix his story? (And it desperately needs help.) It just seems like...I dunno, like a bad idea. And I don't want to be mean or anything, but I also don't want to be taken advantage of.
@Shadow I'd say check the PMs just for curiosity's sake and remind him of your golden rule about NaNo. It's possible he's forgotten (which could easily be remedied by reading past conversations or checking your beta profile, I'm sure--but some people are exceedingly lazy when it comes to things like that). If you don't want to beta for him even after NaNo's done, that's your right. You give a lot of your time to people--taking time for yourself is in no way selfish.

I hope he doesn't give you any grief, one way or another. ^^;
@Shadow have you put your beta profile on hiatus? If so, I wouldn't bother responding to his messages. If not, just let him know you won't be able to help him until next month, if he'll still be interested in your help then.
