The Writing (and Artistic) Ranting Thread

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Oh, thank the gods her GoFundMe page is intended to raise funds for editing on her novel. I was worried she intended to self-publish without giving any thought to just how much work she still needs to do before it's publish ready.

I still feel she's somewhat jumping the gun on this, but if she has the sense to know it requires editing--especially professional editing--then I feel a great deal of relief. Her prose still needs a great deal of work, but hopefully she'll come to that realization without getting horribly burned in the process.
The problem with writing about a place you've never visited:

"Oh, wow, I've done so much research on this place I could probably find my way through it easily if I were really there. -accidentally zooms in on the map- Oh no. No. No, no, no, this isn't what I thought at all. -accidentally zooms more- Oh, gods, where am I? What's happening? -zooms more- Help."

"Oh, they have boroughs? That should make--wait, wait...why do these change every 4 years? And none of them have the same areas in them for long? How do they know where they're going?"

"-looking on the wrong side of the map- That's a major tourist attraction, why is it nowhere on the map?"

"-spends hours looking up restaurants and their menus just in case--comes to find out that place has been closed for years when you need it-" the end, you really know nothing about what it means to live there.
I love rewriting completed works.
I also loathe it with every (working) nerve ending in my body.
One minute you think you've got the scene where it needs to be. The next you're cutting out the whole damn thing because it no longer fits.
I mean by all things shem this is YEAR 4 and I still haven't finished rewriting chapter 1. It's not even that many words, it's less than 10k. Actually, it's much less than that now that I've cut out a page or two worth of work.
This is why writers drink.:mad:
I'm going to get myself a damn glass of wine now.
Hmm...I'm pretty sure I no longer need this scene (since the topic of discussion is actually something that will be explained in Shadow & Flame), but now I'm trying to decide whether to replace it with something else, or cut it entirely.

Whichever option I go with, I'll need to find a way to transition things so that it's not clunky going into the next scene. In sum, today's editing might actually involve writing more than a paragraph. Good gods, am I even ready for this?

Damn you, revisions.
Okay, if I understood correctly this thread is about writing and artistic ranting in general. Great, I'll need this.
Well, I think I'll only talk about writing today: I'm stressed 'cause I'm on a block right now, I can't get anything right now even though I'm trying to match everything in my original story, drawing all the characters on pc that I only have on sketches and stuff and I still got plenty of things to do, but I can't even keep writing the two fanfic stories I'm doing (one about Metal Gear and another one about Persona 3 with the Arisato twins AU, trying to fit everything from both games).I can't even write JoJo's oneshots right now, ugh. I was thinking about maybe writing some Resident Evil oneshot series or something, but I'm not sure, should I?
I know this is just due to my horrendous memory when it comes to my own writing (and anything else in life, really, thanks to modern medication).
But I just found a separate page on which I wrote one of my MC's catch phrases and quirks. He likes to be twisted and childish, kinda like how Chucky is a kid's doll but actually a serial killer.

Sorry, my point is, I don't remember writing it.
I know I did, obviously I did, only I could have written it, but seriously. What was I drinking when I wrote this? When did I write this? I can't be the only writer who glares at a piece of their writing and questions which parallel universe it spawned from, am I? Did somebody hack my PC and leave this here for me?

OH FUDGE I hope not. That is such a creepy thought. :nailbiting:

The "knock, knock" one is pretty cool, though. If used in context. Anyway. Rambling. Procrastinating. Revising is bloody hard work. :banghead::banghead::banghead::banghead::banghead::banghead:
*Sees a writer meme stating: "When you finally start writing, and everyone interrupts you, because "writing's not a real job" (table-flipping image).

*Scrolls through comments to see people commiserating, and comes across: "It's not a real job until you're getting paid. Until then, it's a hobby."

I really, really hope (for your sake) you were pointing out the attitudes you've come across, and not your actual views. Because I cannot think of a quicker way to get yourself crucified in a writing topic. :meh:
My sister bought me a book of writing prompts that i sporadically attempt.

Ive been trying to set into a consistent rhythm and i did two this morning.

They are good for quick warmups but i dont feel too energized after writing it.

One thing i have noticed i have ideas but i do have a narrow way of thinking, especialky when it comes to my own life.
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So, I ran into quite the dilemma. I want to write, but having a hard to starting. -.- I'm having a very hard time writing the very first sentence and it's bugging me! @-@

I like to start off with dialogue. That, for me helps break the ice. For example I'll create a short sample right now on the fly.

"Jason you horny idiot!" A female's voice roars amongest the chaos of the fleeing citizens. "Stop trying to pick up tail and help me evaluate these people."

"Your such a buzz kill Mary." Jason sighs as he lighty pushes away the terrified woman he was trying to swoon. "Their is never a bad time to hit on women."

"Seriously?" Barks Mary as she points at the gigantic piece of bacon looming over them. "Hurry up and combine your bracelet with me so we can become Super Broccoli-Man!"

See when you start with dialogue everything else falls into place. :D
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