The ranting thinking thread

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My mother has been in hospital for over a week, due to suffering a heart attack caused by renal failure. This douche thinks it's funny. :cautious:

He is using my alias too, which is thesaunderschild. He has been harassing me for years now. This includes subscribing to me on YouTube, spamming on forums, and stalking me on Fandom.

This Australian moron needs to disappear. Seriously! :rolleyes:

People can be so sick.... been there, done that. Stay strong there. PM if you wish to talk about it.
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So I found out that my great uncle died yesterday via Facebook. And I don’t know what to think. Like it sucks that this is how I found out. But why no phone call? Is it the time difference? Or still in mourning that they didn’t have the chance? I feel like I’m over thinking all this…

But regardless, it sucks that he died. I knew his health hasn’t been great the past few months with dementia so I wasn’t totally surprised of his passing. But still, he’s like the only great uncle I ever had a relationship with so it still hurts.
We're finally seeing the harsh realities of compelled speech.

The other day a report came out about the story of a women who was raped in a hospital but when the police arrived the staff told them that a rape could not have happened because it was an All-Female Ward. But the staff forgot about the presence of CCTV and after the police reviewed the footage, they discovered that one of the supposed "females" was in fact a Trans-Woman. Eventually the hospital staff were forced to admit their lie which was told under pain of disciplinary action if they were to say the suspected rapist was anything but a female due to a "diversity and equality initiative". But the icing on the cake? This all didn't come out until a year later, so the victim is said to be on the verge of a nervous breakdown after twelve months of being gaslight as a liar.

The degradation of modern society continues...
We're finally seeing the harsh realities of compelled speech.

The other day a report came out about the story of a women who was raped in a hospital but when the police arrived the staff told them that a rape could not have happened because it was an All-Female Ward. But the staff forgot about the presence of CCTV and after the police reviewed the footage, they discovered that one of the supposed "females" was in fact a Trans-Woman. Eventually the hospital staff were forced to admit their lie which was told under pain of disciplinary action if they were to say the suspected rapist was anything but a female due to a "diversity and equality initiative". But the icing on the cake? This all didn't come out until a year later, so the victim is said to be on the verge of a nervous breakdown after twelve months of being gaslight as a liar.

The degradation of modern society continues...
Sweet, sweet tolerance.
What was the website again where people who have been e.g. raped in unisex dressing rooms tell their stories?

(Nothing against unisex dressing rooms, I just prefer leaving the female/male divide available as well. For this and a number of other reasons...)

/ Also now that I am on it... I'll tell you a story about compelled tolerance.

In an institute for actors, screenwriters etc in here, a guy wrote a screenplay about a boy who was heavily abused by her mother.
He got a lot of angry "feedback" from fellow students saying that he should think twice before making the antagonist a woman because "that's misogynist AF".

The thing is... the story was about his own childhood. His own mother. If I recall correctly, he was playing the boy's role himself because he felt it therapeutical. And because of this "feedback", he almost quitted his project.

Well his professor made him continue, but he didn't want to show up in the premiere or anything. They got another guy to play the protagonist.
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You misunderstood me. I felt how the people in your posts reacted was shameful.

Not you or Lain.
Glad to hear that, and thanks for answering. I wasn't sure about which way did you mean it.

Either way, I'd like to clarify that I don't have anything against gender minorities, minority sexual orientations, racial differences etc. One of the saddest things about these is that often the biggest problems arise from the actions of white heterosexual cis people... in which they are damaging those they are seeking to 'protect'.

I'm looking at e.g. you, Team 'Smash All The Cis Bathrooms At The University Even Though Polls Indicate Trans Students Are Happy With The Thought Of Having A Couple Of Unisex Bathrooms IN ADDITION To The F/M Bathrooms, Thus Not Demanding ONLY Unisex Options At The Campus'...

As well as the Team 'A Hall Called White Ocean Is Racist'.
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What was the website again where people who have been e.g. raped in unisex dressing rooms tell their stories?
Not sure what the name is exactly but I do remember a website chronicling these types of crimes though not solely limited to unisex dressing rooms, including one where the rapist used their status to get access to women's shelters, but knowing the state of the internet (Everything is forever unless you're saying something inconvenient), it's either changed domains entirely or gotten nuked for "hate speech", especially if it used to be on Wordpress.

TBH, if so-called activists actually gave a damn about marginalized groups (gender/romantic/sexual minorities, etc.) then they would absolutely give a damn that that group is at best being infiltrated by people who have no problem exercising the power of an oppressor class against a historically oppressed class (trans-women who identify as Neo-Nazi and make open threats against cis women, particularly lesbians) or at worst the group is willingly harboring known criminals and bigots for the sake of "gender solidarity".

A denial of crime on the sole basis of gender identity of the criminal is ridiculous because if allies to the LGB community (if not the community itself) were equally as supportive of pedophiles and zoophiles and standing by the personhood of sex pests on the basis of "they're like gay people because they have alternative sexualities too", or clamoring that "this literally never happens and it's just straight people making things up", the backlash to that would be Hollywood disaster movie level.

Or if 1 in every 10 women right now turned out to be Aileen Wuornos and the remaining 9 women closed ranks and defended that in the name of feminism and the occasional dude or five defended that in the name of allyship or because the serial murders don't affect them specifically, the men that are affected would have every reason to be wary about that sh#t and exclude women from their spaces.

But when it comes to trans issues and activism, liberal allies like to engage in what's essentially "soft bigotry" where they view trans women as both pathetic and sexless, because their reasoning goes, "well, why would any male choose to debase themselves by identifying outside of their gender, when it means giving up male privilege? their reasons must be really pitiable and that makes them pitiable, so they must be of no threat to anyone", which is how you get a woman being gaslit for a year.
In an institute for actors, screenwriters etc in here, a guy wrote a screenplay about a boy who was heavily abused by her mother.
He got a lot of angry "feedback" from fellow students saying that he should think twice before making the antagonist a woman because "that's misogynist AF".

The thing is... the story was about his own childhood. His own mother. If I recall correctly, he was playing the boy's role himself because he felt it therapeutical. And because of this "feedback", he almost quitted his project.

Well his professor made him continue, but he didn't want to show up in the premiere or anything. They got another guy to play the protagonist.
Have these delusional imbeciles never heard of an abusive mother before? They do exist in real life you idiotic mother-****ers! They must love having a mind more simple than a child. Those people would flip their lids at Lusamine or Ragyo. I guess it doesn't count, if the mother is abusive to her daughter, then it's not considered mysognistic? Freaking hypocrites!

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Is it selfish of me for not wanting to do an introduction between my mom’s foster dog and a potential adopter? Like it’s not me being lazy. But the thought of it made my anxiety skyrocket and had a total “Stranger Danger” mindset. Like my mom does have to work and they’re trying to plan it on one of my days off. But it sounds like there’s potential with this person who’s interested in this dog (even aware of the big issues this dog has). Like I want to help, but again… body is just o_O

Also part of me is like… this is my mom’s foster… shouldn’t she be the one to deal with this? I feel like an ass, but I don’t want to be taken advantage of either? Either way, I guess I’m roped into it anyway.
So my sister and I haven’t properly lived under the same roof for a few years now. And there’s talk about her moving in when our mom moves out eventually. Like she’s still my sister and all… but there were problems in the past… it helped that we weren’t living together. But with current stuff going on, it just makes more sense for her to move in and help me with the rent. And it was my idea in the first place. But there’s a part of me that’s going “What if it doesn’t work out again?”

But I’m hoping that with us being in our 30’s and having steady jobs will make things easier this time around?… I’m hoping indeed
Who the hell let Logan Paul into the WWE? I stopped caring for wrestling all the way back in 2008, but the only reason I'm shocked (but not that shocked), is because I was watching WrestleMania with my older brother. The only reason I did that was to spend time with him, because he went to go to Tennessee for a work project for the week. This is exactly why I don't bother with the WWE anymore. I know AEW is good, but like I said before, my interests in wrestling dropped years ago.