The ranting thinking thread

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I thought it was just AdSense. I mean if the admins had a problem with scanty sigs those would have been gone long ago...?

It just occurs to me now that AdSense has some very strict policies on the content of sites using it. I honestly don't even know how DMC could pass Google AS' "sanitized" criteria. =/
Just to clarify guys, nothing is lost - just hidden for the time being ;)

I didn't mean lost lol... I just couldn't find the right word...:woot:

:( Check that administrator thread. If @Ieyasu is right all gore, profanity words and "provocative" art is forbidden.

I've seen it and refrained from commenting in there anymore... I'd get into certain trouble if I posted what I really thought (:tongue:).
I've been listening to the two of you argue for the past two days. You've treated me like cr*p because I'm (supposedly) siding with my mum. You took your 'Dad' ring off (which obviously I gave to you) and lost it...
After 18+ hours, guess what I found down the side of the sofa? I think I'll keep hold of it for a little while longer... you're not treating me like cr*p and getting away it... pillock...:shifty:
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I am rather upset. Ever since an incident where I was blamed as a thief for having a character that looked kind of like another person's, I've been getting dozens of angry PMs telling me that I'm a terrible person and that I should leave the site behind. (Not on here, mind)

I simply don't know what to do. My imagination is being stifled all because someone else had similar ideas to me.
I simply don't know what to do. My imagination is being stifled all because someone else had similar ideas to me.

I saw you running out of my Character Creation Lab... >:(
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Solar activity isn't the only thing that affects the climate:
Your second link doesn't provide any evidence or cites any research papers.
For the third and fourth link:

(Sources are in the description.)

Also, last time I checked I wasn't a, "cruel and oppressive ruler" of anything.
So how am I a tyrant?
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I am rather upset. Ever since an incident where I was blamed as a thief for having a character that looked kind of like another person's, I've been getting dozens of angry PMs telling me that I'm a terrible person and that I should leave the site behind. (Not on here, mind)

I simply don't know what to do. My imagination is being stifled all because someone else had similar ideas to me.
Really?! Some people are so damn rude. Some people don't have a clue. Sheeh. ignore them. And sorry for the crap you are going through.
Also, last time I checked I wasn't a, "cruel and oppressive ruler" of anything.
So how am I a tyrant?
It was a half-joke at the very most; calm down. I'm just saying, anyone who supports this theory is in support of authoritarianism and they just use that to try to make themselves feel secure.

Hypothetical Question: Would you ever have me arrested because I don't recycle? If it ever comes to that, you can be damn sure that I, and others like myself, will resist this (absolutely totalitarian) system and its supporters to the very end.

Down with the "green police" and anything else that would threaten my way of life.

I'm not hurting anyone. If I'm at home, minding my own business -- and if I don't recycle, then I don't deserve to be harassed for it.


Personally, I think all of that really is just an excuse that politicians use to arrest us; calling us "Climate Criminals" and the like.

Trust me, you don't want to live in a world where nothing is questioned. The science isn't "settled" by any means, that's just a phrase climate change believers use to smugly tell anyone who would question their opinion that they're wrong.

And I'm not calling you a dummy either. [In reference to the video below.]

I may think you're a misguided supporter of authoritarianism perhaps, but I don't think you're an all-out "Soldier of the Oppressor" ... yet.


[Comment taken from the above Youtube vid lol.]

"But the "computer models" PROVE "global warming". You know, those "computer models" that are nothing but COMPUTER PROGRAMS that are DESIGNED TO PRODUCE A SPECIFIC RESULT FROM THE DATA INPUTTED INTO THEM."


It seems that the commenters are doing a fine job of disproving potholer all on their own.

"@potholer54 "and once you believe this it may be hard to convince you of the science.” This statement assumes there is no correlation between cosmic rays and cloud cover, this IS the science, you may not like it, but it remains. Every attempt you make to prove otherwise is fruitless, and makes you seem biased to the political goals of AGW groups. Everything you say seems to be trying to deny the science of climate. You have blinders on this topic, take them off, and be honest."

"Potholer, you should not be trusted to deal with any scientific issue. a) Assume that only Nature and some US journals are "peer-reviewed". b) There is a research paper published in Geomagnetizm i Aeronomiya by Dergachev et al, showing clearly that temperatures and cosmic rays correlate in a continuous correlation. c) In Geophysical Research Letters 2001 Kniveton & Todd used ground based neutron monitors to determine correlation between precipitation and cosmic rays."

"@SuperAnimalDrummer on a molecule-for-molecule basis the direct radiative effects of methane is about 72 times stronger greenhouse gas than carbon dioxide over a 20 year time frame, but it is present in much smaller concentrations so that its total direct radiative effect is smaller. On the other hand, in addition to its direct radiative impact methane has a large indirect radiative effect because it contributes to ozone formation"

"Global warming is not a new phenomenon. Since the ice age the glaciers have been melting and of course the earth has also been getting warmer since that time. This is nothing more then evolution and there is no way to stop or even slow it down. Worrying about something you have absolutely no control over is stupid. It's for people like Al Gore who are using it as a way to scam money from anyone who will fall for this BS."


Look, just... don't immediately support this. Not until you've read enough information to come to your own conclusion.

I'm sorry if I came off as overly hostile. It's just that I can't abide by people telling me that the "science is settled" and that's it.


I'm also sorry that I called you a "supporter of authoritarianism" -- but I really do think you have to stop supporting this. It simply isn't good for us to believe such blatant misinformation.
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"calm down"
How about this: You stop with the name calling and assumptions then I'll calm down.

"anyone who supports this theory is in support of authoritarianism and they just use that to try to make themselves feel secure."
You'd be wrong in that assumption.

"Would you ever have me arrested because I don't recycle?"
Arrest? No. Criticize and condemn? Hell yeah.

"I'm not hurting anyone"
You, and people that think and act like you, are hurting the environment.
Which inadvertently will hurt people.

Heres a response to, "The Great Global Warming Swindle":

"just an excuse that politicians use to arrest us"
I have never heard of any one being arrested for not supporting climate change or not recycling.
So I'd like some evidence to back up that claim.

Just repeats what you said in your previous post along with some other myths and misconceptions.
Like there thinking that record temperatures for climate is determined by ****ing weather.

Mr.Monckton is very prone to making mistakes.

As for the NASA video:
Just because some scientists are against it doesn't instantly invalidate the overwhelming majority of scientists and there experiments which show otherwise.

For the third video and if you don't trust computers:

Potholers response to first comment: "Once you believe what? Perhaps you could tell me where I can find this quote and then I can see what it refers to."

In response to the second comment: A) is wrong.
B) and C) Are irrelevant because no one is claiming that solar activity has no affect on climate.

The third comment isn't even addressing what is being said in the video.

And who ever made the fourth comment clearly doesn't know how climate change works or how humans can affect their environment.

I'm also sorry that I called you a "supporter of authoritarianism"
Then why is it still in your post?
Why not edit it out if you apparently feel sorry for typing it?
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Very well, Malik.

I didn't edit it out because I honestly do firmly believe that anyone who supports this supports totalitarianism.

I'm done here. I've tried to present my sources, and you've dismissed them.

When they lock you up for littering and throw you into a FEMA camp, just remember that I tried to warn you.


"Now Obama is going after ranchers in Nevada by rounding up their cattle, despite the fact that the ranchers have been running cattle on the land in question for over 100 years. Why is this happening? In large measure it’s over a supposedly endangered tortoise!

The video I’ve linked to is SHOCKING. Obama’s federal agents, with guns drawn, ferocious dogs, and tasers unleashed, go after Nevada ranchers during a protest. By the way, the feds would only allow the citizens to protest in a special “free speech area.” A pregnant woman is knocked to the ground. A man is zapped with a taser. Another guy is struck by a federal vehicle."


I rescind my apology.

You support big government and therefore by extension, authoritarianism.


This isn't paranoia either; the system is going to screw you over eventually. I was just trying to prepare you for that. It seems though, that my efforts have fallen upon deaf ears.

Regrettably, I'm going to put you on ignore because I no longer have any interest in what you have to say.

So long.


Very well, Malik.

I didn't edit it out because I honestly do firmly believe that anyone who supports this supports totalitarianism.

I'm done here. I've tried to present my sources, and you've dismissed them.

When they lock you up for littering and throw you into a FEMA camp, just remember that I tried to warn you.


"Now Obama is going after ranchers in Nevada by rounding up their cattle, despite the fact that the ranchers have been running cattle on the land in question for over 100 years. Why is this happening? In large measure it’s over a supposedly endangered tortoise!

The video I’ve linked to is SHOCKING. Obama’s federal agents, with guns drawn, ferocious dogs, and tasers unleashed, go after Nevada ranchers during a protest. By the way, the feds would only allow the citizens to protest in a special “free speech area.” A pregnant woman is knocked to the ground. A man is zapped with a taser. Another guy is struck by a federal vehicle."


I rescind my apology.

You support big government and therefore by extension, authoritarianism.


This isn't paranoia either; the system is going to screw you over eventually. I was just trying to prepare you for that. It seems though, that my efforts have fallen upon deaf ears.

Regrettably, I'm going to put you on ignore because I no longer have any interest in what you have to say.

So long.
Just so you know, I don't trust the system/Government.
You both are way out of line. One of you is getting incredibly upset and the other is being passive-aggressive and trying to "prove" that you're right.
You both are way out of line. One of you is getting incredibly upset and the other is being passive-aggressive and trying to "prove" that you're right.
I've been pretty direct about how I address his points.
And neither of us are acting particularly aggressive/upset.
Sure, he called me a few names, but that's hardly what I'd call "incredibly upset".