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The Official MCU Thread

The Good Gentleman

S'all Part of a Miracle Masterpiece
Simple thread! Discuss, chat, argue, fangasm and demean about anything in the Marvel Cinematic Universe.

The Marvel Cinematic Universe is a combined setting produced by Marvel Entertainment. It was distributed by Paramount and Universal from 2008-2011, followed by Disney from 2012 on, with Sony co-producing some of their films from 2016 onward. Starting with Iron Man in 2008, the setting has grown to include numerous film adaptations of Marvel's many comic book properties.note The setting also features secondary Marvel properties, such as the spy organization S.H.I.E.L.D., as common elements that tie the different films together.

Read more: http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Franchise/MarvelCinematicUniverse#ixzz3lLwDzGjW



Television Series

So, to start the thread off:

Yep.... o_o
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The Good Gentleman

S'all Part of a Miracle Masterpiece
I never liked Doctor Strange lol.

Anyway how do you feel about the Marvel movies & they're influence over the comics ?
Um, optimistic and conflicted? Marvel's take on it has been relatively faithful to the comics, and the execution has been top notch. Simply put, Kevin Feige is the man.

Unfortunately, their success has inspired pretty much everyone to blatantly copy them without any real regard for the source material they're adapting. The biggest offenders are Warner Bros. with their upcoming DC films. But setting even them aside, you get these completely irrelevant, no-one-really-gives-a-**** franchises being given a "shared universe treatment" just so they can jump on the bandwagon, like that bizarre Hitman-Deux Ex film adaptation shared universe that one even seems to see the point of or get. I mean...how does that even make sense?


the devil is not as black as he painted
ooooo.. mcu thread, gonna share an opinion,

i only like incredible hulk and the first thor movie.. the rest of them are too cheery or confused for my taste, and no, i don't want to argue..

but i'll stay to read more opinions

The Good Gentleman

S'all Part of a Miracle Masterpiece
But is there anything you'd wish the Marvel films would get a little closer to when adapting the source material ?

I guess....try not to shy away from the costuming factor. Take a look at Captain America for example - in the films, he tends to lose his helmet/mask really often. At this point, they might as well have Chris Evans wear a T-Shirt of himself in costume.

The biggest offender is easily Hawkeye. In the films, he wears a fairly generic looking tactical uniform - not a trace of his original costume.

Granted, they embraced it a little bit more in Age of Ultron with the Vision (how he shamelessly and proudly looks at Thor's costume and decides he wants a cape too!).

These are superhero movies. I imagine people get that since they're such a success. So, no need to shy away from the outfits. It's all good, ridiculous fun anyway.


"The city's flying... Okay - the city's flying. We're fighting an army of robots. And I have a bow and arrow. None of this makes sense!"


Fake Geek Girl.
I love both Marvel and DC, but I've always tended to lean more towards Marvel. And since DC's movies are just trainwrecks in the making, I'm glad Marvel knows what they're doing.

My favorite MCU projects would have to be Daredevil, Captain America: Winter Soldier, and Guardians of the Galaxy.

I'm hoping to add the new Spider-Man movie to that list and am totally glad the greatest superhero of all time will be joining the MCU.

V's patron

be loyal to what matters
My interest had waned in phase 2 because Thor 2 was a let down and i need to catch up on the rest but I'm still interested in their upcoming films. I dug DD so I'm excited for season 2 and the other Defenders.

Civil War was the story that got me into American comics so I'm curious as to how it'll be adapted in the newest Captain America movie.

The Good Gentleman

S'all Part of a Miracle Masterpiece
My interest had waned in phase 2 because Thor 2 was a let down and i need to catch up on the rest but I'm still interested in their upcoming films. I dug DD so I'm excited for season 2 and the other Defenders.

Civil War was the story that got me into American comics so I'm curious as to how it'll be adapted in the newest Captain America movie.
Don't let one bad apple ruin it for you. Thor 2 may have been underwhelming, but Phase Two is home to two of the best movies in the entire franchise, The Winter Soldier and Guardians of the Galaxy.


That Guy Who Hates Fox McCloud
In terms of comic book alliances, I've tended to lean towards Marvel---especially since their Ultimate run was, in my opinion, God's gift to man and Marvel's unsurpassed hold on comic book legend for all time---although I do enjoy and read DC. And for almost fifteen years, with DC rehashing Batman and Superman like aging porn stars for practically EVERY DC film they've ever attempted, and Marvel spending the decade playing it a little too safe with modest exploits like X-Men and Spider-Man after failing with many early, failed experiments like Electra and HULK, I remember thinking to myself: "Man, I wish DC or Marvel would so something ballsy, like adapting more of their obscure heroes for the big screen. To better they'll never make that risk."

Apparently Kevin Fiege telepathically accepted that challenge, because I not only saw my favorite Marvel character Thor get his long-awaited Live Action Debut, and partially had my interest in Captain America revived....but also watching them occupy a SHARED UNIVERSE.

And on that note, here's some MCU Opions

  • The first Thor film is my favorite. The story, the casting, the central themes, the transition of Asgard to the big screen under Kenneth Branagh's masterful directing...and the genius decision to bless Thor's characterization with both his Classic and Ultimate characteristics...and an actual beard :laugh:
  • As good as Avengers was, I felt some parts of it were a bit padded, and yearning for comedic value in scenes that didn't need it
  • Tony Stark is getting way, way too much of a shoe-horned role in the Avengers movies. He's practically the protagonist, and everyone else feels like accessories.
  • I'm willing to put my Thor bias aside and admit that Captain America: Winter Solider had the best writing of any Marvel movie to date, including the Avengers
  • Daredevil remains the best-written and in-depth THING existing in the MCU, movie/non-movie whatever
  • Casting Samuel L. Jackson as Fury and Tommy Lee Jones as Colonel Phillips were excellent choices
  • Loki was cool. Thanos looks to be even cooler. But Red Skull is my favorite villain hands down.
  • Malekith was completely wasted in Thor 2.
  • Ultron was absolutely butchered in Avengers 2, and is the worst-adapted villain to date.
  • I'm not looking forward to Deadpool's inclusion, because I've never liked him as a character.
  • Guardians of the Galaxy was good popcorn entertainment, but was overblown and overrated faster than a one-hit wonder hip-hop single.
  • I'm really stoked for Infinity War, and even more excited for Ragnorok. Too bad both are probably coming out when I hit retirement age. :grumpy:
And last, but certainly not least:

  • Scarlet Johansson's Black Widow is the worst, I repeat, WORST thing to come out of this franchise. Everything about her portrayal, her role, her acting, and her shoe-horned romance with the Hulk exhumes weapons-grade levels of awfulness. It's literally the only thing I hate about these movies, and every scene with her reeks of outdated, late-90's "bad girl sass" coupled by one-note automaton acting from the consistently-untalented Scarlet Johansson. :poop:
And before some moron cartwheels in to accuse me of hating on her simply because she's female, let me remind you of the infinitely better female characters occupying the same universe: Look at Pepper Potts. Look at Lady Sif from the Thor films. Look at Agent Carter, who was even competently-written and developed enough to get her own show.

Scarlett Johanson...go the hell away. Take your stuffy, narcolepsy-inducing acting and your painful one-liners, and shove them down that embarrassingly-low V-neck where you keep the rest of your "talent."

Absent Nova

Phantom Thief
I'll vent. I was underwhelmed hard by Avenger's 2. I avoided every trailer and ad possible to avoid getting hype and yet I was still let down. Don't get me wrong it was enjoyable but just not great.

The Good Gentleman

S'all Part of a Miracle Masterpiece
I'll vent. I was underwhelmed hard by Avenger's 2. I avoided every trailer and ad possible to avoid getting hype and yet I was still let down. Don't get me wrong it was enjoyable but just not great.

Lol, I kinda had a feeling actually. Ultron's overall story was incredibly weak in the comics. Kinda weird that Whedon picked that one as his "most personal story ever."


Fake Geek Girl.
I was never the biggest Captain America fan, but I gotta say this. The first Captain America movie was the best pre-Avengers flick, and Winter Soldier is one of the best in the franchise period.

Plus, Chris Evans as Captain America is one of the best embodiments of a superhero I've ever seen. The dude does not get enough credit.

Now, I have to figure out a way to tell my mom I'm gay, but only for Chris Evans.


Sleeping DMC Fan
Supporter 2014
Iron Man one is prob one of the best movies out of new line, turning me from somebody who don't care about character into somebody who like him. Iron Man 2 was sadly underwhelming with poor antagonists and filler plot. Iron Man 3 in the contrast actually was pretty good and I liked it as much as original film.

Incredible Hulk was ok. not bad, but not that good either. It was "watchable"

Thor rightfully got worst film of the year here when he was released. It is THE worst marvel movie not only of this
Marvel generation but also half of the older ones as well. Somehow Thor 2 outdid it by being even more atrocious film. The only thing that I regret is how low Sir Hopkins fallen to play in this piece of cinematographic disaster. thor 3 is on my "not to waste sight on" list.

Captain America was pretty good, but had few hiccups, which is Winter Solder corrected with its solid wiring. Looking forward to civil war.

GotG is my absolute favourite out of all new Marvel films and I'm looking to next sequel.

I equally loved Avengers 1 and 2, but they didn't wowed me like GotG did. Will be looking forward to the third one.

I really looking forward to Doctor Strange actors especially lead, since I loved Sherlock.

IM really hyped for Deadpool, but will keep my hopes in check for rest, though Im wondering about Black Panther and Spidey's new movie.

Finally I won't be watching any TVs from marvel after watching 5 episodes of Daredevil, which came up for me as movie shoe-horned in TV format, overblown with filler scenes and trying desperately be edgy as hell only for the sake of being edgy. I would have been interests in seeing David Tennant as Purple Man, but than again, eh. Waste of time.

V's patron

be loyal to what matters
Don't let one bad apple ruin it for you. Thor 2 may have been underwhelming, but Phase Two is home to two of the best movies in the entire franchise, The Winter Soldier and Guardians of the Galaxy.
It's also cause I didn't like agents of shield nor Iron man 3 but i could give it a second look.

I think phase 2 gets a bad rap online as it didn't have the same build up/united feel as phase 1 so I'm hoping phase 3 fixes that.

Tbh I think the mcu is just going through it's own growing pains because shared universes are hard to maintain. It even had these pains during phase 1 so it's not something to lose sleep over.
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The Good Gentleman

S'all Part of a Miracle Masterpiece
I think some folks here are confused lol. Deadpool isn't a part of the Marvel Cinematic Universe. He's part of Fox's "Shared X-Men Universe."

Which...really, at this point, is just "X-Men Franchise" since they butchered Fantastic Four. Again.

Since everyone's sharing opinions, I guess I might as well.

  • Iron Man - the film that started everything. From action, to humor, to casting, pretty much everything was spot on. Credit really has to be given to Jon Favreau for making it happen. And that Nick Fury cameo! As awesome as the entire film was, that one scene was where you went "**** just got real." Only thing I didn't like about the film was Terrence Howard, so, I'm one of the few who was glad he was replaced by Don Cheadle.
  • The Incredible Hulk - It was alright. Just had a "been there done that" feeling compared to that weird Eric Bana Hulk. And something about Edward Norton playing Banner felt really....lifeless. He couldn't have been more unenthusiastic about it. Explains why he never reprised the role.
  • Iron Man 2 - Probably the second worst of the MCU gang, but it DOES get a bit of unjustified hate in some respects. For starters, Sam Rockwell! Every minute he's on, he steals the movie as possibly the single most obnoxious and insignificant villain ever. Anyone else would have made him unbearably grating - he does it in a good way! And of course, Don Cheadle is the perfect Rhodey.
  • Thor - A fun romp, and not much else to it. It's really Loki's movie because he virtually steals every scene he's in with aplomb. Biggest disappointment, weirdly enough, are the deleted scenes. Some of their inclusions in the final film would've actually made it quite a bit better! So, unfortunately, poorly edited in that respect.
  • Captain America: The First Avenger - Period piece! War film! Superhero! This film does it all with perfection and style that really brings that whole WWII atmosphere fore-front. It was hell on earth at the time, but even so, you kind of wanted to be there and then!
  • The Avengers - The Loki Movie: Part 2, with supporting roles from The Avengers! Really though. This movie is all about Whedon geeking out over Tom Hiddleston's performance in Thor and wanting to pit that against all of the established heroes. The only issue is, it DID feel kind of small - even with that whole alien invasion. Though, I am glad that some of the smaller characters played their rolls as well - specifically Erik Selvig. He's probably the second most popular original character after Coulson, and with that I've got no complaints.
  • Iron Man 3 - LOVED IT! For several reasons. For starters, it was an Iron Man movie that had the audacity to remove Tony from the Iron Man suit, and largely leave him out of it. This film was all about what the man can do when he has most of his toys taken away, and it all ended up for one hell of a fun ride. Though the best bit? The Mandarin of course. Even Hideo Kojima would be proud with that one, in all the best ways. You can be asshurt all you want (and technically there's that short film that addresses some of that), but the fact that you weren't expecting it AT ALL simply means it was a success. >:3
  • Thor: The Dark World - The worst of the MCU gang. Everything about this movie just screams underwhelming. As much as I love Loki, and Loki stealing the show, his material was just gratuitous and fanservicey here. And Malekith is the single most insignificant and boring villain out there. He's literally like that guy from Turkish Star Wars: "I'm going to destroy the world! (beat) I'm going to rule the world!"
  • Captain America: The Winter Soldier - Let's put it like this - I'm conflicted over whether this film is better than GOTG or Daredevil. It's that ****ing good. The action was hilariously well choreographed. The plot played out like an old school thriller. The Winter Soldier himself to this day holds the title of Scariest ****ing MCU Villain, and the inclusion of Robert Redford alone elevates this film head above heels. The Russo brothers prove themselves the star children of Marvel and have effectively stole Joss Whedon's thunder as a result. They have some serious expectations and standards to meet with Civil War and Infinity War.
  • Guardians of the Galaxy - Sci-fi perfection. Nothing else to it. There is literally NOTHING this movie does wrong. In ANY respect. Voting for your "favorite things" in this movie simply does a disservices to all of the other things. Even the lowly prisoner who gets his knife snatched by Drax. The movie literally plays every other day, three times a day, on Starz. And anytime I catch it while channel surfing, I stay until it ends. Still not bored of it!
  • Avengers: Age of Ultron - This can best be described as "filler material." To ramp up the Infinity War, they needed something in the interim. In that respect, it plays its role competently. But other than that, it's surprisingly meh. Ultron was entertaining, and James Spader was perfect for him, but that's about all that stands out. The film just felt rushed - you'd think that including that entire hour of deleted scenes would've fleshed things out further. Or....maybe just made the film go slower. Who knows. Having said that, The Vision was a pure joy to watch. So there is that: This the film that debuted The Vision. You gotta respect that.
  • Ant-Man - Small but fun! In every way, from the hero, to the setup, to the story; the film is just small. Compared to earlier films in Phase 2, this might not be enough for some people, but for me it was good to go back to the basics. And you can just tell that Scott, as a professional thief, is going to be utilized in some seriously awesome ways in future films as an Avenger. Though, there were certain parts of it where you can just see Edgar Wright all over it, and some.....where you can't. Him getting the boot was probably the worst thing that happened to the film, but at least it wasn't disastrous. And of course, there's that fight against Falcon. Short but sweet. More than anything though, this film really does kind of set the atmosphere for Civil War. Much, much better than Age of Ultron did.
  • Agents of SHIELD - This series gets a lot of flack, and reasonably so. The majority of the first season wasn't terrible, but it was so....meh. So unremarkable and inconsequential. People rightly jumped ship. But for that reason, due to its excellent second season, it's become the MCU underdog and is now the underrated project of the bunch. It fleshed out Phil as a real character, and not just first-name-is-Agent-Phil-Coulson. The others took their time to develop as well, but they did - some in better ways than others. Ian de Caestecker was a real revelation as Leo Fitz and I can definitely see good things ahead of him as an actor. And Grant Ward made for a surprisingly awesome villain, despite being quite possibly the worst of them as a hero. Maybe Brett Dalton is just better suited portraying a psychopath? If he isn't the MCU's version of Taskmaster, I'mma be disappointed. And lastly....the one and only Kyle Machlachan as Calvin Zabo? SHEER. BRILLIANCE.
  • Agent Carter - This is a weird one, in that it's even less of a superhero show than Agents of SHIELD. Whereas SHIELD has both Daisy and Lincoln in their ranks, this one just little ol' Peggy. Who kicks a hilarious amount of ass. It's basically a period-piece-spy-show that just happens to be set in the MCU universe, and that's just fine with me. The setting was one of the best things about The First Avenger, so more of that is never a bad thing. Plus, you really gotta love how it meaningfully connects to the rest of the MCU - specifically Black Widow's story.
  • Daredevil - The other part of the holy trinity. Just about everything here is perfection, from the casting and acting, to the story, to even the pacing - this could be the single best paced series ever made, as it never feels like it's going too slow or rushing. Everything moves with confidence. About the only jarring thing here is the gritty atmosphere and ridiculous violence. You wouldn't be blamed for not even knowing this is connected to the rest of the MCU if it wasn't for the constant references and callbacks. But all the same, it's good to know that trying to be a hero can just hurt. For all the insane action you see onscreen when an Avenger is present, you sometimes forget that blood and bruises and scars actually exist. Not everyone is gifted, but some are a hell of a lot more determined. Probably what elevates Matt Murdock above even an Avenger. If he doesn't show up in at least one of future films, it'll just be a crime against humanity.
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Elite Hunter
The Amazing Spiderman and the XMen aren't part of the MCU are they?

Quick rundown of how I enjoyed the movies:

- Iron Man -- loved it.

- Iron Man 2 -- "what the hell am I seeing" kind of bad. Liked Don Cheadle though.

- The Incredible Hulk -- meh.

- Captain America: The First Avenger -- liked it.

- Thor -- entertaining but ultimately meh.

- The Avengers -- Jesus Christ the awesomeness. Although Cap America's costume is horrid especially compared to his First Avenger outfit.

- Thor 2 -- didn't watch it, not interested in the character.

- Iron Man 3 -- liked it better than 2, but still a no. Getting worried about Iron Man movies's quality.

- Captain America: Winter Soldier -- Jesus Christ the awesomeness #2.

- Guardian of the Galaxy -- didn't watch it, not interested.

- The Avengers: Age of Ultron -- liked it, but less than the first. Cap America costume fixed though.

- Antman -- didn't watch it. Definitely not interested in the character.
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