The odd morality.

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I Saw the Devil
Oct 15, 2011
I gatta say... I'm surprised to know that people are going apes#!t over this whole dead baby thing. I mean killing babies..? No cool, that much is true. However in this case it seems the none existent baby that got blown away, who by the way was the devil's spawn, is getting some odd amount of sympathy. I say this because, and to the point, A) it seems that people forget that on the previous level you spend a boss fight shooting, punching, slicing, dicing, and generally attempting to ensure some violence on to a mother and child and while some would argue that the end result of that conflict did not result in death I say violence is violence and if one is not right the other should not be ether. B) I honestly think that if Vergil had executed baby while he was out of the mother looking as disgusting as he did this wouldn't be an issue. Hell, I'd bet money on it.

More than that if the mission wasn't to capture but to kill in the game there would be no gripes about it ether. Why? I think it's because

I get it though. There are morality scenarios in ethic classes and books that ask you if you'd kill a child to save the world of cure diseases and the PC thing to say is no but the reality is that mobs would gather to tear the child apart no question. If this scenario were real and people knew that that woman was a demon and her child was satan spawn not only would there be no objections they would bring chips and salsa.

I'm just saying that it's an odd double standard that it's cool to insert violence, and I mean violence, on to a demon baby and mommy but it's uncalled for to kill 'em. I say ether both or nether, no middle ground where the idea of killing that ugly evil thing is a no no but it's OK to shot and hack at it's eye ball.

... Wow... This was a way longer post than I intended or that was necessary.
I don't see the problem. I kill a baby every morning before breakfast... and then the baby is my breakfast. I'm on a strict diet.

Anyways, there's been demonic babies on other games that you slaughter as well. Dante's Inferno, anyone?
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This is my opinion on it: I honestly wish we knew how long Lilith was pregnant, if we knew maybe people wouldn't of lashed out by Vergil shooting her and the baby.
1. If we knew how long she was pregnant then we would of known that there was still a chance the baby isn't really...fully made, so to say.
2. Once someone is pregnant, after a couple of weeks that's when the Baby is, well abortion between that time isn't really evil in other's eyes since it's not human.
3. But, this is a damn demon baby, you could see it...kicking.
Hell, probably even without knowing how long she was pregnant people would still lash out at that.. Now honestly, I didn't mind it..hell the boss fight was even worse and gross. But Vergil made their death quick and painless.
EDIT: Please don't remind me of Dante's inferno, while the game was awesome and that ending..some areas gave me nightmares..I'm looking at you, Lust.
I'm glad I didn't see that, then. I beat the game countless times, but..I never payed attention to his area >.>
It's dark at that boss fight so you don't see it right away.

But when you do......

It will never go away.....

ONTOPIC: So eeh, yeah. Killing babies, bad unless their are demonic or necromorphs.
I'm surprised everyone paid attention to Lilith being shot by Vergil, and no one mentioned how Dante was shooting human SWAT men while getting to Kat which goes against old Dante's sutra of not killing humans. Just thought that would be a complaint.:/
I'm surprised everyone paid attention to Lilith being shot by Vergil, and no one mentioned how Dante was shooting human SWAT men while getting to Kat which goes against Dante's sutra of not killing humans. Just thought that would be a complaint.:/
One word: Reboot.

Also, by normal logic, they were shooting him too so he just answered the gunfire.
EDIT: Please don't remind me of Dante's inferno, while the game was awesome and that ending..some areas gave me nightmares..I'm looking at you, Lust.
What about Cleopatra and shooting mosters from her chest :O That was just....I have no words for that.

As for DmC, I guess what happened would be terrible if:
1: She wasn't such an evil cow at the club and had not got the foetus out to kill Dante.
2: She was not a demon, or at least the audience was not aware she was a demon.
3: If she was a regular human infatuated with Mundus and didn't know he was a demon and had no idea what she was pregnant with.

Having said that, I did kinda feel sorry for her. She just looked so darn pathetic and scared during the exchange. Then there was the way she had her hands across her stomach protectively.
If she had been human, looking so worried and crying, then I don't think NT would have been able to pull off the kill scene.
Having said that, they did present this as her being vulnerable. So I don't know if that was supposed to illicity sympathy from the audience maybe?

I know Vergil took the first shot, but who took the second? I did think it was Vergil, but the second shot comes from the right and then exits her head from the left. For Vergil to shoot her, it would have to come from behind and exit front. Vergil hadn't moved to change the shot angle, so who did it?
Yeah, I've seen people complaining about this on tumblr. To be honest, it feels more like grasping at straws from the haters than a conflict of morality. The same people complain about Dante's "**** you" exchange with the Succubus und use that to show how "bad" the dialouge is, ignoring the fact that that's like not even a minute out of the whole game, then they also show how unlikeable Dante is because he - as the ~protagonist - taunts Mundus with his child's murder, ignoring the context of the scene. Here it's the same. If Lilith wouldn't walk around as a human and instead would have looked more like the demoness she actually is, nobody would give a sh*t that Vergil killed her. But because some people really hate this game they're looking for just about anything to complain about, and suddenly it's despicable to kill demons. >_<
I'm surprised everyone paid attention to Lilith being shot by Vergil, and no one mentioned how Dante was shooting human SWAT men while getting to Kat which goes against old Dante's sutra of not killing humans. Just thought that would be a complaint.:/
he didn't hit a single one though, i think he was just taking pot shots but who knows they could've been like the order of the sword and turned to demons in Limbo
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Mundus' spawn is not human. Just because Lilith takes a human form doesn't mean that human morals apply to her.
Having said that, I did kinda feel sorry for her. She just looked so darn pathetic and scared during the exchange. Then there was the way she had her hands across her stomach protectively.
If she had been human, looking so worried and crying, then I don't think NT would have been able to pull off the kill scene.
Having said that, they did present this as her being vulnerable. So I don't know if that was supposed to illicity sympathy from the audience maybe?

This. Looking past the morality of the act, I felt pretty bad for Lilith. The baby was her "big chance", and it's always a little sad to see a really hopeful character have their dreams (and brains (and baby...)) dashed against the ground.

Or maybe I was just sad because I thought she was a more entertaining villain than Mundus.

Anywho, killing hostage Lilith + her baby might be justifiable if you think that it will eventually lead to a greater good (a world without Mundus), but I'm not sure Mundus ruling is all that bad. I mean, if his claims during his final speech have any truth then he's been in charge of humanity for a while, and besides being manipulated their lives are generally pretty good.

Vergil's whole plot to kill the demon king ends up wiping out an entire city of people, and the merging of the real world and Limbo would lead to many more deaths. The whole ordeal makes the killing of Lilith's baby seem pretty minor.
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