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The Lust for Power


God of Hyperdeath
Supporter 2014
Dylan moved his hand in a gesture that made it seem like it was talking. "Blah blah blah. The faster we get through you, the faster my father will be revived."

Satsui no Hado

Kefka:*smiles and says in a mocking tone*Oh mercy me,this lizard boy's papa has to be revived.Oh boo hoo....
Asylum:*puts hands on his head*Man,my head hurts....
Voice:This is taking to long...
Asylum:What the?Who was that?Did anyone hear that?
Sora:Hear what?
Asylum:Um,didn't you hear someone say "This is taking to long"?
Sora:No actually.
Riku:Me neither...
Scarecrow:I have not aswell.
Voice:You idiot,of course they can't hear me.I'm a vlice only you can hear.
Asylum:Who are you?Where are you?
Voice:I'm you.

Satsui no Hado

Asylum:Yeah you're right Dylan...
Voice:So you think you're being crazy?
Asylum:Just shut up and let me pay attention to this fight.I don't need a distraction...
Voice:I don't intend to distract you,I intend to help you...
Asylum:Help me?By doing what?
Voice:Take off the eyepatch,and then I'll help you...
Asylum:My eyepatch,but I need that so my warlock energy will be sealed.
Voice:Why would you wan't it sealed?
Asylum:Because it would then corrupt me.I don't want to lose myself in power...
Voice:....Who says that you'll lose yourself?
Asylum:So,I won't be corrupted?
Voice:No,thats a promise from me...
Asylum:Alright...I'll take off the eyepatch just this once.*takes off his eyepatch and puts it in one of his pockets,the entire Island started to shake from the intense warlock power Asylum had*


God of Hyperdeath
Supporter 2014
Dylan fell over from the earthquake that was emitted. "What the hell?! What the f*ck's going on?!" He looked around and his eyes locked on Asylum. "What the hell did you DO?!"

Satsui no Hado

Asylum:*look at hands surging with warlock energy*This power feels...so good...
Kefka:This kid seems interesting....*rushes over to Asylum and tries to land a hard kick but Asylum grabbed the leg with one and hand and then flicked Kefka's forehead,which caused Kefka to be blown away through the Island*

Satsui no Hado

Asylum:I didn't win.Hes still alive...I'll rip that clown's face off when I see him again...
Sora:Asylum,you're starting to scare us dude...
Asylum:Its fine,you guys aren't the ones that should be scared.That clown on the other hand...should be shaking in fear of me coming to find him...


God of Hyperdeath
Supporter 2014
Dylan snapped his fingers in front of Asylum's face. "Hey, ever hear the saying "power corrupts"? If not, you just did."


God of Hyperdeath
Supporter 2014
Dylan sighed. "You already are. You're threatening to kill so easily. Before this, you would never have wanted to kill someone. Not even that clown."

Satsui no Hado

Sora:Whos "he"anyway?
Asylum:Well,its hard to explain...but he would be me...
Nero:Let me get this straight,you told yourself that you wouldn't be corrupted.
Asylum:Well its not exactly the way you think...but-*before Asylum got to finish that sentence,Kefka appeared above them and fire an entire shower of fire blasts*


God of Hyperdeath
Supporter 2014
Dylan blocked the energy blasts using his body as a shield. "Keep explaining, Asylum. I'll hold off paint face here."

Satsui no Hado

Asylum:Well,there is a another me thats in my head.
Voice:You moron!Why did you answer them?
Asylum:You mean,I couldn't tell them about you?
Voice:No,you shouldv'e kept me secret.You shouldv'e lied...
Nero:Alright Asylum I think you might have gone insane.
*After a while,Kefka flies towards Dylan and knocks him out of the way which left Asylum and the others open for an attack*
Asylum:You'll regret hurting my friend like that...
Kefka:Bring it on kid...*fires super fast punches at Asylum but Asylum did the same thing and the punches of Kefka and Asylum were colliding however a few of Asylum's punches got through and hit Kefka*

Satsui no Hado

Asylum:*while punching*I'm being manipulated?
Voice:Ignore him.Remember,you're doing this to protect him.To avenge the death of all your spellcaster race.You are doing this also to protect Keneka,Nero,Sora,Riku,Cloud,Scarecrow and Azuka.Hehe...wouldn't it be a shame if Azuka died...it would have felt as bad as you losing your mother...
*Asylum's eyes were filled with hatred and murder,he grabbed Kefka's neck and then threw him at the church which caused Kefka to smash in through the church doors*
*Asylum then walked in through the doors and saw Kefka slowly getting up and having a few injuries,Kefka tries land a punch but the arm was sliced off by Asylum as if he had claws*
Kefka:AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHH!!!My arm!How dare you...*his other arm got sliced off the sameway the other one did,then his legs were cut off by Asylum's lightning spell*
Asylum:Burn!!!*snaps his fingers and made all the dismembered body parts burst into flames*
Kefka:*while on the ground bleeding*This sucks....I just got revived too...whats worse is that I'll die by the hands of a kid...
*Asylum then started to rip out Kefka's organs until they were all ripped out of his body,he saved the heart for last and ripped out with great strength and crushed the heart in his hands*
Asylum:The clown told his last joke...*snaps his fingers and Kefka's corpse bursted into flames*


God of Hyperdeath
Supporter 2014
Dylan gritted his teeth. "Dammit Asylum, SNAP OUTTA IT! You're being manipulated! Don't listen to whoever the hell is talking to you! It ain't worth it."

Satsui no Hado

Asylum:Manipulated?But I'm doing this to protect you*starts to cry*to...pro...tect you...*passes out*
Sora:Asylum!*runs to Asylum and tries to pick him up and then carry him on his back*
Scarecrow:Hold on...*reaches in Asylum's pocket and takes out the eyepatch,then he puts it back on Asylum's eye*
Nero:I think its safe to say that we should keep that thing on Asylum...


God of Hyperdeath
Supporter 2014
Dylan looked at his feet. "I wish the damn kid would listen... Would save us a lot of trouble if I was the leader, but that's not my call." He turned around and looked at the factory. "Why the hell are we even doing this, anyway?"

Satsui no Hado

Sora:Hey Dylan,its not Asylum's fault.Didn't you hear him?Someone told him do those things...he didn't mean to do those things...
Nero:Besides,nobody ever said that he was the leader...
Riku:...I'll just stay out of this since I'm just a newcomer...
Scarecrow:And Dylan,weren't we here because we were gonna investigate the factory?
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