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The Lust for Power


Hope with Doubt
Okay*Casts a healing spell on Asylum*Please work Please*Tear drops from her eye and lands on Asylum's face*....Please


God of Hyperdeath
Supporter 2014
Dylan pushed hard, knocking the spear away. "I will never tell him such a thing. He deserves better!" He rushed forward with Spellbinder extended.

Mr Anderson

gun slinging sword master
*uses octalash 5 on sephiroth and as he falls impales him with buster sword* i have zacks blade angeal's blade my blade I.WON'T.LOSE.

Satsui no Hado

Sephiroth:That won't kill me this time...*fire a thousand warlock energy blasts at Cloud*
Loch:*slashes away the hit*The only thing my son deserves is to be beaten mercilessly until he bleeds and cries...*smashes Dylans face against a wall*
Asylum:*slowly gets up and looks at Azuka*See what I mean?I'm pathetic,even my own father says so...


God of Hyperdeath
Supporter 2014
Dylan gritted his teeth. "That's not true. You're merely too blind to see that." He turned around and stabbed forward quickly and powerfully. "I will make you see, or have you die trying."

The crazy demon

Metal Gear Vindicare.
OCC: And how the hell in the blue monkey can i go inside this sittuation, you know you made a few 8 pages the time i was away


God of Hyperdeath
Supporter 2014
Dylan smirked. "You don't sound very sure of yourself." He said mockingly, pointing Spellbinder at Loch's chest. "C'mon, if you mean it, say it like you mean it then. Unless you don't."

OOC: Sorry TCD. We'll stop and let you catch up.


God of Hyperdeath
Supporter 2014
The crazy demon;251706 said:
OOC: Jsut a explaniation of what is happening right now is enought, and how i can reach the place :D.

OOC: Alright. Dylan is fighting Loch, the main villain. Cloud is fighting Sephiroth, and Azuka and Asylum have escaped at Dylan's request to recuperate. You can get to the location easily, as it's the biggest building that's still standing in the ruined City of Dragons.


God of Hyperdeath
Supporter 2014
Dylan waved his sword. "C'mon, you just gonna stand there and reminisce, or are we gonna fight?"

OOC: GTG for about 30 minutes. Gotta take a shower.

Satsui no Hado

Loch:I have had enough of this nonsense...*kicks Dylan which makes him crash into a wall*
*as Kayne enters through the dungeon door,the fighting stops and everyone is looking at him*
Kayne:Hello Cloud,hello Dylan...we meet again...


Hope with Doubt
Thanks Asylum and You are not pathetic don't even say that*holds asylum"s hand*You are more than you think you are

The crazy demon

Metal Gear Vindicare.
Moises entered though the hole that Dylan maked on the wall, helping him getting up and summoning his scythe in a puff of darkness.

Satsui no Hado

*Asylum looks in Azuka's eyes*
Asylum:Azuka,I love you...but I need to know if you feel the same..and its fine with me for whatver choice you make...

Mr Anderson

gun slinging sword master
*puts godhand out and punches with holy energy making a blast that sends us both flying*if impaling you through the heart doesnt work looks like ill have to decapitae you and burn you

Satsui no Hado

*Asylum still looks at Azuka's eyes and then picks up her hand and then kisses it*
Asylum:Like I said,make any decision you wan't and I'll respect it...
(back at the dungeon)
Sephiroth:You will die here and now Cloud!!!*Slashes a wave of energy at Cloud*
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