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The Lust for Power

Satsui no Hado

OOC:Well,I'm back from watching E3.Such a dissapointment....
Nero:Hey kid,aren't you listeaning to me?
Boy in Armor:*stares at Nero for a while and then quickly swings his keyblade at Nero*
Nero:Whoa*jumps away from the attack*
Boy in Armor:My name is Vanitas...and I'm here to kill you all*smiles evily*
Sora:Vanitas?!?But thats not possible.You were suppose to be dead!!!
Vanitas:I can sense Ven's power from you...*points his Keyblade at Sora*
Asylum:Whos he suppose to be?
Sora:Hes a mistake that was made along time ago but was erased by Ven,who is a true hero.
Vanitas:How poetic.


Hope with Doubt
Yeah*Brings out her blood demon wings (Red angel wings) and flies closer to Cloud*I'm finally Catching up with you

Mr Anderson

gun slinging sword master
should i slow down i mean you could just sit behind me and save us both time and energy in case of a fight


Hope with Doubt
*All my Feathers drift away making my wings disappear*Sure*Gets on the back of cloud motorcycle*Thanks

Mr Anderson

gun slinging sword master
exactly and i brought you cause i dint know if i could trust nero to follow orders BTW imm not trying to be bossy but if give an order its generally important or for a reason other than flaunting leader ship power

Satsui no Hado

*Nero,Sora and Asylum all try to attack Vanitas but Vanitas keeps on blocking and dodging the attack*
Nero:Fight back already,otherwise you'll get destroyed!!!
Vanitas:Very well.*Vanitas stabs the Keyblade into the ground and a huge blast of energy erupted from the ground below Nero and damaged him*
Nero: Damn,*coughs up some blood*I'm getting beaten again.I won't let that happen...*grabs Vanitas with the Yamato arm and slams him against the tree*

Satsui no Hado

*Vanitas gets up and throws his Keyblade at Nero but Nero blocks it with his own sword then the sword falls to the ground but teleports back into Vanitas's hand*
Sora:...Still up to old tricks huh?*turns into wisdom form and fires beams at Vanitas*
*Vanitas slices away all the beams*
Vanitas:You're pathetic.

Satsui no Hado

Sora:Vanitas...just tell me.I can't focus on this battle unless you answer my question.How are you still alive?
Vanitas:Thats it?Thats all I have to tell you in order to get you to put up a fight?Thank goodness,for a minute there...I actually thought you were this awful in combat.Very well then,I'll tell you.All I know is that I was brought back to life by some warlock.
Sora:Warlocks have a spell like that?!?
Asylum:A warlock?Oh no,was it Kayne?Hey Vanitas,what did the warlock look like?
Vanitas:He was in a large black coat at the time,however I did notice some facial hair.
Asylum:My god...its him...
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