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The Good, The Bad and The Hyped 2015


I'll just get right to the ass kicking.
Supporter 2014
It's that time people!! :D

2015 is coming to an end and it's time to list our favorite games and most hated games of the year along with what games you're looking forward to most in 2016.
Feel free to throw in some of your favorite or even not so favorite gaming moments as well if you want.

Personally I think 2015 was a fantastic year for Open World games but a terrible year for the industry, we've seen the release of fantastic open world games that offered 100s of hours of fantastic gameplay, the swan song of one of gaming's most well known creators, the death of a beloved icon, a publisher that became worse than EA, broken game launches, rise of the microtransactions, awful season passes and the loss of Japan's spine to scumbag SJWs.

Gaming Legend Hideo Kojima released his final Metal Gear game and left Konami after 30 years of service to form his own studio, beloved icon Satoru Iwata passed, Konami became the most hated company in the industry due to how they treat their employees, games had launches that left them broken and unplayable *cough*Arkham Knight*cough*, lackluster multiplayer only games with insultingly large amounts of DLC & micros and Japan begun self censoring their games and even denying localization due to the headache that is the scumbag SJWs.

Not a very good year for gaming's image in my opinion, though at least there was something good as Crystal Dynamic's CEO was fired over Rise of the Tomb Raider's failure, so I'm glad to see there was some justice for that god awful reboot.
Another bad thing for the industry in 2015 was that none of the games I wanted to play came out until the last quarter of the year so I've barely finished the games on my list and haven't even bought some of the games I wanted to play.
If Holiday 2015 becomes Holiday 2016 then I'll loose even more respect for the industry.

Still even though the industry is loosing my respect, the games themselves however still appear to be rather strong, as I said the Open World genre was in it's prime this year as massive open world games were released with 100s of hours of content and were loads of fun, but there were still some awful games too, though I didn't really play any of the most note worthy bad games that every tends to be putting on their lists, but I do hate them just as much so I'll put them on a certain list as well.

Anyway here is my Top games of 2015


My first time with the franchise and I really did enjoy it, though it's more of an open world FPS than a RPG it was still a good amount of fun to play.
Put 44 hours into it and have stopped because I'm playing my GOTY, but I'll return to it soon.


F**K YOU very much Warner Bros for that PC launch!!
But never the less this game ended up being very good fun when it was finally working, I didn't get to play it until some time in September when the game was finally patched.
The world was rich, the gameplay was good and I don't care what people say, the Batmobile is the best thing to happen to the Arkham series, loads better than the repetitive combat segments and tedious stealth segments, if it weren't for the Batmobile and my Harley this game would be on my worst games list.
Still haven't finished the game however.


People say this game wasn't any good because it was just a by the books open world game, but for someone like me who likes open world games and loved every minute of Fury Road, I really wanted to explore the newly crafted world of Mad Max and I enjoyed every minute of this game, I clocked around 28 hours in the game and still haven't done everything.
The story was surprisingly good, the combat was functional and fun, the driving was a blast, but my favorite part was the world, it was just so rich with detail from the world from Fury Road and I loved it.


Hideo Kojima has made the tactical military action video game I've always wanted, I loved being able to infiltrate as I see fit, command my own forces, take control of my favorite soldiers in the battlefield, playing around in the open world feeling like a commander of a private army.
It's just everything I wanted from this game.
Thank you Kojima!

#1 Game of the Year!!

I never thought for a second I would be seeing this game as my game of the year seeing as my history with the franchise has not been good.
I couldn't get into the first game, nor the second game, yet there was always something about the franchise that kept on pulling me back to it and I still don't know what it is.
Regardless I went into this game thinking it would end the same way as the first 2 games, but The Witcher 3 succeeded where the first 2 failed, the game got me hooked on it straight away.
I got the game during the GOG.com sale for half price and went into it after a Fallout 4 session and the beautiful world pulled me in straight away, then the story got a hold of me and then the well crafted gameplay got me engaged.
The gameplay was the right amount of challenging and I'm playing it on the 2nd hardest difficulty, that first fight with the Griffon must have taken my dozens of retries, but I loved it because I was being forced to get good at the game and use every skill I had.
The story is really engaging and easy to follow now and I now have a clear clue of what I'm meant to be doing as that was one of the big things that threw me off the first 2 games.
But my favorite part of this game is easily the world & visuals, after 44 hours of the brown & grey Fallout 4, the world of Witcher 3 was such a beautiful sight.
I still haven't finished the game as I'm savoring every single moment and I plan on getting the expansions, while the industry is loosing my respect, CD Projekt RED has my full respect & support.
I'm gonna give the first 2 games another shot once I'm done with this game.

Honorable Mentions:
- Tales from the Borderlands
- Saints Row Gat out of Hell

If you're wondering why Ark Survival Evolved and Just Cause 3 isn't anywhere it's because Ark is an early access game and it's final release is in 2016 so it's likely gonna be on my Best of 2016 list and I haven't bought Just Cause 3 yet because I still haven't finished half of my current games due to the Holiday 2015 release of them all.

Right, now for the crap, gonna be a small list because I didn't play any of the bad games this year.

Worst Games of 2015


The game had balls, but bad gameplay.


Boring, Brown, Grey, full of shaddy DLC crap, boring new characters, ruined the classic ones, catered to SJWs and had an awful PC port.
I'll keep MK9.

See, not that many as I avoided most of the other bad games that I suspected would be awful.

Now for the games I'm looking forward to next year!!

Most Hyped Games of 2016!


Damn right I want some more Wang!!!!


The Legend returns!


Ever since I heard the rumors that this game would possibly be launching 2016 I've been hyped as hell, I really hope the rumors are true.

Right that's me! Let me know what your best and worst games of 2015 were and what you're looking forward to most next year and have a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!



Elite Hunter
I didn't get to play it until some time in September when the game was finally patched

I heard the patch didn't change anything. You confirm it did?

I heard the rumors that this game would possibly be launching 2016

Hmmm. There's no way it will launch in 2016. CD Projekt already stated they will still focus on The Witcher, supporting it with the new expansion Blood and Wine (which will be way bigger than Hearts of Stone) that will release in the first half of the year. There's no way they'd have enough man power and time to finish a game like Cyberpunk, which they said will be even more massive than TW3.


I'll just get right to the ass kicking.
Supporter 2014
I heard the patch didn't change anything. You confirm it did?
I can confirm it does, before the patch the game was unplayable for me, after the patch the game ran buttery smooth.

Hmmm. There's no way it will launch in 2016. CD Projekt already stated they will still focus on The Witcher, supporting it with the new expansion Blood and Wine (which will be way bigger than Hearts of Stone) that will release in the first half of the year. There's no way they'd have enough man power and time to finish a game like Cyberpunk, which they said will be even more massive than TW3.
Cyberpunk 2077 was announced way back in 2012 so they've been developing it for 3 years, now that the Witcher 3 is out, the main man power will likely be put on the game which may have speed up it's development.
At the very least we may be getting something about it in 2016.


Elite Hunter
Cyberpunk 2077 was announced way back in 2012 so they've been developing it for 3 years

Not exactly. There was only a small studio working on it while the vast majority of CD Projekt was on TW3. And even with all that man power, it took 3 years to release it, with numerous delays. Imagine how much time it will take to finish a game they aim to make even bigger than TW3. They will only go full force on Cyberpunk when Blood and Wine releases. They did say 2016 would be "the year of The Witcher" after all (referring to how they'll continue to support it).


I Saw the Devil
The Good





the bad:




I don't like Mortal Kombat and I didn't play MG5 but generally, yeah, this is kinda my list, too

Edit:@Innsmouth I take it you've played The Old Hunters and that's part of why it's on your list. I'm no expert of Lovecraftian lore but isn't the fishing village based on the village of Innsmouth?
Last edited:


Sleeping DMC Fan
Supporter 2014
Edit:@Innsmouth I take it you've played The Old Hunters and that's part of why it's on your list. I'm no expert of Lovecraftian lore but isn't the fishing village based on the village of Innsmouth?
Hmm honestly I didn't. I bought it but was busy playing Witcher all the time T_T but considering how much Bloodborne inspired by Lovecraft I can imagine it may very be the case. That being said I got Innsmouth vibes from the main game as well. While no fish monster, people in city slowly transforming in beast and worshipping weird deities, while roaming streets hunting for unlucky guests definitely seems like the case.


Fake Geek Girl.
I hardly got to play many new titles this year myself because I'm broke as a mofo so my year was specifically full of Nintendo games that were of course great games.

The Good:
My Favorite Game of the Year I actually Got To Play


The Bad:

I may have not have gotten a chance to play many new games this year besides Nintendo games but EFF THIS GAME. It ISN'T EVEN BATTLEFRONT. It's freaking Battlefield with Star Wars wallpaper with no clone wars, no classes, and no campaign. I held out a small glimmer of hope, but I should have known better than to do even that. Thankfully I still have Battlefront 2 for the PS2 I'll gladly still play to this day.

The Hyped:





Don't Let the Fall of America be Your Fall
The Good





The Bad


(**** you activision! You don't release news for a remaster a friggin FEW DAYS before the ACTUAL GAME RELEASES! And the worst part is that it's not even a good remaster! The gameplay is more sluggish, the screen tearing, and the grahpics look worse in HD! Way to make a crappy remaster of my favorite series and make THAT the last memory of it Activision:mad:)

The hyped




I Saw the Devil
ah yes :D Cant wait to check it out. If this is based on Shadow over Innsmouth that would be really great :D
... Kinda. There are references and hints but in typical Souls fashion you will never get a direct answer or even anyone saying it out loud.


Sleeping DMC Fan
Supporter 2014
... Kinda. There are references and hints but in typical Souls fashion you will never get a direct answer or even anyone saying it out loud.
I never expected anything less xD Thats why I love Souls so much. No attempt to tell story in cinematic manner.


I think im sort of dimensional traveller lol
For me somehow i got none of games what been released in 2015 what i would favour or not, maybe just beacuse im more hyped for next year where well some RPGs i want are released like FF XV, P5, KH III and DE: MD.

Dark Drakan

Well-known Member
The Bad:

I may have not have gotten a chance to play many new games this year besides Nintendo games but EFF THIS GAME. It ISN'T EVEN BATTLEFRONT. It's freaking Battlefield with Star Wars wallpaper with no clone wars, no classes, and no campaign. I held out a small glimmer of hope, but I should have known better than to do even that. Thankfully I still have Battlefront 2 for the PS2 I'll gladly still play to this day.

I played the originals and thought they were great. I own this but haven't played it yet, was mainly for step son to play with his friends. However from what I've seen and read I think it does Battlefield a disservice to call it that it's more like Battlefield-lite. Battlefield has far more content & far more styles of play and customisation than Battlefront ever will from look of it. I'm actually planning on going back and playing some Battlefield 4 soon after being disappointed by Hardline. Yeah BF4 launched in a rough state but fair play to developers for still pumping out updates and free content for it to this day.
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