The rule is it has to be descriptive and not stupid.Now i called the trigger based on how it seems. It can´t be a Devil or Demon trigger because demons form don´t include clothes (and they certainly don´t become red) or white hair as their demonic trait.
The best option to call it is Dante trigger because the idea with the white hair and red jacket is to make fans realize "OMG it´s classic Dante!!". Hence why i believe Dante trigger is the most suitable name.
The second to that comes Saiyan trigger because Goku´s hair changed when he transformed, and he also got new clothes (Super saiyan 4).
Then comes a new term called "Punk Trigger" which is just a random name i put considering DmC is a punk themed game. This name has nothing to do with the look of the transformation (so not a good term).
Then you can make generic names such as :
Crazy Trigger
Brutal Trigger
Rage trigger (DmC Dante looked really angry with his mouth opened and eyes closed)
I can only tell you that white hair and red jacket is not a Devil trigger.
I can also tell you that since DmC Dante is half angel i expect a Angel form/mode which will be more than appropriate to call a "Angel trigger".
And here´s my idea for Angel and Devil trigger (based on which stance your on):
Angel trigger: alot faster attacks.
Devil trigger (assuming demonic transformation): heavy damage trigger.
This builds on the concept of angel stance weapons being fast and Devil stance being slow but heavy hitter.
My idea about Angel and Devil trigger is great Should get paid for that!
Dante Trigger: Stupid, he is always Dante.
Saiyan Trigger: Stupid, he is not a Saiyan.
Punk Trigger: Stupid, he is always a punk.
Names like this work as fan nicknames but are can't be the official name of anything that is supposed to be taken seriously.
Crazy Trigger: not descriptive as far as we know Dante is sane.
Brutal Trigger: not descriptive Dante does not become any more brutal when using it.
Rage Trigger: not desciptive this is ridiculously generic
Devil Trigger: very descriptive, preexisting term. Less descriptive if you ignore previous games but demonic power is still involved so it is still the most descriptive non-idiotic name avalible)