The Fine Line of Change

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1. When they decide to rip-off not one, not two, but FOUR enemy types from DMC1 but didn't do so with DMC2 and 3. That is lazy. Nero only had two bloody weapons and the extra moves don't make up for the lack of extra weapons. That is lazy. Capcom couldn't be bothered to create brand new areas for Dante to go through. That is lazy.

First of all, DMC 4 is a sequel to DMC 1. A sequel means it can have elements from previous games. It means sequel can use context from its predecessors. It can not be called a rip-off. How about you stop your non-sense with DMC 4 having enemy designs from DMC 1, cuz its a sequel goddamnit. It does not matter if DMC 2 and 3 did not have enemy types as DMC 1 but DMC 4 did. It's nostalgia. Deal with it.

Also, I am forced to backtrack in DMC4 if I wanted to reach the ending. When I play at higher difficulties, I choose to do so on my own whim.

Again, reaching the ending is not forced on any one jus as playing higher difficulty modes. You are subjective on reaching the ending as your criteria when the game has more than that. Reaching the end is not forced on you but you forced it on yourself.
First of all, DMC 4 is a sequel to DMC 1. A sequel means it can have elements from previous games. It means sequel can use context from its predecessors. It can not be called a rip-off. How about you stop your non-sense with DMC 4 having enemy designs from DMC 1, cuz its a sequel goddamnit. It does not matter if DMC 2 and 3 did not have enemy types as DMC 1 but DMC 4 did. It's nostalgia. Deal with it.

Again, reaching the ending is not forced on any one jus as playing higher difficulty modes. You are subjective on reaching the ending as your criteria when the game has more than that. Reaching the end is not forced on you but you forced it on yourself.
1. You may not think it's lazy but I sure as hell do and that applies for every other game that reuses a great deal of enemy types from previous games. Emphasis on the "I".

Scenario 1
I want to finish the game without backtracking. The game does not allow me to finish it unless I backtrack. The game forces me to do something I do not want to do in order for me to do what I want to do.

Scenario 2
I want to play the game on a higher difficulty setting after beating it once. The game allows me to do that.The game does not force me to do something else in order to do what I want to do.

We can argue semantics all day bub but I would choose not to if given the choice.
I am not defending DMC 4's story. I don't see the emphasis on story on a gameplay-driven game. If you find it a con, you are playing it wrong. I have said this before, if you are looking for fiction, play resident evil or assassins creed. DMC is not about story but has been about gameplay.
Just a point. Saying that a game is gameplay-driven does not mean that plot issues have NO relevance at all. It's just saying that plot issues can be less important cons, but cons nonetheless. They can be outweighed by gameplay pros, but they still are cons, even if less important ones...
Just a point. Saying that a game is gameplay-driven does not mean that plot issues have NO relevance at all. It's just saying that plot issues can be less important cons, but cons nonetheless. They can be outweighed by gameplay pros, but they still are cons, even if less important ones...

A decent and "coherent" (in terms of timeline, storyline...) story is what a game like DMC needs, just this. Cool, fun and interesting characters (which they already had, just needed to explore then more), and that is all, Capcom was lazy to not do so and throw out anything story-wise, then they created plotholes and things that needs to be fixed to the story sustain its coherence. But in the case of DMC4 we all know that it was rushed down, i don't know how the story would go on if they worked better on that without Capcom pressure to launch right in the begining of the generation.
Lots of companies use DLC, even your precious P* games. Capcom looks like they may be learning though. Bloody Palace was free and I think the RE scenario maybe gave them a good slap in the face. That article is talking about a completely different developer and says Capcom is thinking about their mistakes in like 1 sentence of that whole article. Weak attempt at proving your point that Capcom is evil but I can tell you Capcom is evil. THEY KILLED MY MEGAMAN!!!!:mad: Evil bastards killed my little blue bomber.

And do you seriously think DmC was some cash grab? Where does that even come from? It's quite obvious DmC is a risk more so than anything else and also you can't seem to see beyond your fanboyism for a moment to see why even a reboot was made in the first place. I read an article in GameInformer a while back about Capcom's current state of affairs, a reboot to DMC was not a decision that is made overnight and multiple factors came in to play.

your argument:
taunt- seriously? does this really matter and is some game breaking deal? I don't think I ever used this much because it's just Dante saying something stupid and I'd rather talk with my Rebellion and guns in a hack n slash game. Talk is cheap to a demon who's ready to light another devastating fart my way.

60fps- I remember reading something that had Kamiya saying the combat didn't need 60 to function and I can't tell the goddamn difference anyway. I don't care. Dante's animations in DmC look better than ever and that you can't argue. It looks good and still is pretty fast and furious. What I expect from a Devil May Cry.
It's ironic your argumenting for how DmC was a superb iteration of DMC, and DMC DNA:
Then you go to talk about how bloody palace was "free", Taunt was not needed, 60 fps is unecessary etc.

These things are part of DMC DNA. Bloody Palace more than Taunt, and 60 FPS more than Bloody Palace.

But let's forget that.

i'm done with our "discussion".
Just a point. Saying that a game is gameplay-driven does not mean that plot issues have NO relevance at all. It's just saying that plot issues can be less important cons, but cons nonetheless. They can be outweighed by gameplay pros, but they still are cons, even if less important ones...
I'd like your post if I could.:|
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Well, they did give a new gameplay character compared to DMC 1 and DMC 1 did not have style system of DMC 4. So technically, DMC 4 did offer variety in fighting with new protagonist and new mechanics compared to DMC 1 and preserved nostalgia. Can't agree that devs were lazy when they gave a new gameplay character and maxed out dante's skills which totally are'nt at the same as DMC 1. Try analyzing the game better next time.

Well, there are a lot of other casual games you can play and have fun but spare DMC your logic of "fun". Also you are not forced to back track in DMC 4 as any of the higher difficulty modes. Nobody is. That's how the game is to be played.
DMC 4 is the prime example of a series pushed through the ringer to shake it down for sequels. You're delusional thinking DMC 4 is anything but lazy. That game is so artificially lengthened. Not only does the game force you to repeat the same exact levels half way through but it also does stupid things like that ridiculous and tedious board game mechanic and it's even more pointless because the game is so linear anyway. The developers were LAZY. It's such a pathetic game. And it's true everything else about the game is just rehashed sh!t from its predecessors.
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U cannot? :| Oh well... Is this a site problem? (Ok ok, I got nothing to do but do pointless replying, sry.)
Nah, it's just some stupid game I'm playing by myself in this forum. The game is to not like things that I like. Pretty stupid of me but yeah.
It's ironic your argumenting for how DmC was a superb iteration of DMC, and DMC DNA:
Then you go to talk about how bloody palace was "free", Taunt was not needed, 60 fps is unecessary etc.

These things are part of DMC DNA. Bloody Palace more than Taunt, and 60 FPS more than Bloody Palace.

But let's forget that.

i'm done with our "discussion".

Any game that's suppose to work with high-precision timings needs to be at 60 FPS, with 30 FPS you lose too much visual reference to do advanced things and need to rely only in your rhytmic senses. That's because it is so important that fighting games don't drop on frames or run with less than 60 FPS, even the latency from earlier HDTVs proved to be an issue, and the lags are not that much on that TVs. But i digress, i've already adressed this kind of things on this same topic on my very first post on that community.
It's ironic your argumenting for how DmC was a superb iteration of DMC, and DMC DNA:
Then you go to talk about how bloody palace was "free", Taunt was not needed, 60 fps is unecessary etc.

These things are part of DMC DNA. Bloody Palace more than Taunt, and 60 FPS more than Bloody Palace.

But let's forget that.

i'm done with our "discussion".
I love how you just twist my words around and make me think you need to work on your reading comprehension skills. I don't see when I was ever being ironic. I think you need to look up the meaning of the word. Your argument for what's vital to Devil May Cry was honestly something as trivial as a taunt button. I didn't think that really mattered because I spent my time slashing and shooting demons. Was I doing it wrong? And yea Bloody Palace is still in the game and they didn't charge for it so cool with me. As for the FPS I seriously just don't care because I can't really tell the difference. I still had fun with the game so like whatever.
I love how you just twist my words around and make me think you need to work on your reading comprehension skills. I don't see when I was ever being ironic. I think you need to look up the meaning of the word. Your argument for what's vital to Devil May Cry was honestly something as trivial as a taunt button. I didn't think that really mattered because I spent my time slashing and shooting demons. Was I doing it wrong? And yea Bloody Palace is still in the game and they didn't charge for it so cool with me. As for the FPS I seriously just don't care because I can't really tell the difference. I still had fun with the game so like whatever.

As DragonMaster said to me before, you're entitled to like and enjoy the game. Games are made for enjoyment after all, i myself could take some enjoyment out of DmC but the game was not able to keep my interest.

But a reality is that a hack'n'slash running on 30 FPS will have a dumbed down combat and action because of what i explained on my last post. The same goes to the dumb enemy designs (i guess don't need even mention the bosses), weapon designs and the acessibility of advanced techniques like jump-cancels for example, they made the hitboxes on ground and on air much larger in DmC for the player not fail in their attempts of jump-canceling, this ended up killing variety one more time, as before you could segment all hitboxes in 4 main types: Head, torso (also see people calling it upper body or rise and body), legs and dead zone; and from this knowledge you could work the moves out to fit the hitboxes and your intentions using their properties. That's just an example, i could break down on the mechanics of DmC much more, but i already did this a couple of times (even on this topic), and i really don't want to convince people to don't play it, but it's impossible to not compare with the previous entries on the franchise.

And in previous entries taunt were a very useful button to gain some DT runes, i use it all the time in 1, 3 and 4, plus it can be very stylish too. But i don't think that taunt would have some impact on the gameplay of DmC, so whatever.
^ Mundus in DmC is the worst ****en boss, gameplay wise and from a boss perspective. I ****en puked at how crap of a boss he was.
I thought a demon king would look SOMETHING AND I REPEAT: SOMETHING like this:

But nope, he is the result of buildings demolished by Donal Trump:

None of the bosses impressed me to be honest. That's not to say they were bad.
But i was very very disappointed at how crap as a boss Mundus was: 1) he was the main target of the game/story 2) He looked just crap. The others didnt impress me but Mundus was again crap.

That is not to say i thought Mundus in story cutscenes was bad. I thought he was kinda stupid for a demon king. He couldnt catch Dante, got his baby killed etc.

But i loved when he told Dante "You seem to have all freedom since you killed my heir".
Wow, i wonder wat made resident evil have 6 games(along with a lot of other non-canonical games) and still capcom did not find it stale but DMC has 4 games and its stale??????? I know RE 6 was not a success but still games like revelations still has hope for resident evil. When it is fine with resident evil, why is stagnancy an issue with DMC. Street fighter has been for years and capcom does not find it stale and ryu and most other characters still have old move set and added moves. It did not need a reboot saying , "oh its out of market today". I think the reason for the reboot is team that worked on previous games is no longer in capcom.

DMC as a franchise is very "KABLAM HERE IT IS NOW YOUR DONE!" It has replayability with difficulty challenges and Bloody Palace, but that doesn't stop the core gameplay from getting stale to some, and without a larger story for people to latch onto, it's easy to lose interest unless you start trying to get really stylish, still a minority. DMC's main focus is gameplay, combat, specifically, and when you go through the same motions over and over for four games, it wears down. It's the same reason why some people think Mario is stale, because all you do is run and jump in all of his games.

I've known a lot of people who love DMC but never feel the need to go back once they complete them. DMC is really fun, but to some consumers it's not something they continuously go back to - DMC is a somewhat fleeting experience to most who don't have a slightly competitive spirit that makes them want to "get better."

Then there's a fact that "getting stale" doesn't necessarily refer explicitly to the gameplay. I personally felt that DMC got the most stale in everything that wasn't combat - the story and character development was week old bread, and they latched on to tropes in the end. They didn't try. That's why they went with NT to help them make a game that had a focus on narrative presentation, and hey, while they were on a completely new version of DMC not part of the classics, might as well try out some new mechanics, too.

Oh, and Resident Evil? Let's not forget how RE4 completely changed the mechanics of the game - they literally changed the main gameplay aspect from fixed camera survival horror to over-the-shoulder hoard survival, and they've been using that until they realize people still liked survival horror, and that's why Dead Space did so well.

The higher-ups felt the classic RE was getting stale, so a change was made, and it was great. It was great because classic RE was very involved, you felt extremely involved in your character's survival, and that involved feeling transferred over well in RE4. Then they went a little too far with RE5, and involvement was a bit lost with having a partner, because you no longer felt wholly responsible for your survival. Then they pretty much ruined it with RE6 by turning it into a Hollywood action movie where involvement was almost null, and you were just a zombie hunter who could survive anything. Literally playing on Professional and getting too much grenade launcher ammo, actually playing a meta-game trying to see if you can finish the game with zero launcher ammo - nope...couldn't do it...

Now we have a return to form with Revelations, a return to that survival horror involvement.

Devil May Cry doesn't have that kind of involvement. That's why RE was able to keep going, because one of its key features wast that involvement. DMC's involvement was only in the high-level play that a majority of the consumer base didn't attempt, and DMC was easy to put down for some. Then, as the narrative stuff got stale, other fans were happy with something more. That's probably why some DmC fans who cite staleness in the classics welcomed something new for the series - even if it was a change.

That's an understatement. Nero is a full-fledged gameplay character with unique moves. And we have dante who has the most complex combat system with 5 styles on the fly. To this day, i am still exploring his combat system. Saying that DMC 3 and 4 are the same is not acceptable. Nero's gameplay is totally different from dante. Anyone who plays dante still will find it difficult to play as nero cuz nero is brute force and less technical. Adding one full-fledged gameplay character is fairly enough to give a new game since the new character is protagonist himself.

Nero had two mechanics new to DMC - the Devil Bringer, and Exceed. Both of which are cool, but otherwise Nero is still just a Dante clone...with...less interactive moves. Buster essentially turned Nero into a Kratos clone, too, letting animations do most of the work in a franchise about doing all the cool stuff yourself, instead of relying on QTEs. In fact, Nero's Busters end up being lazier than QTEs because you don't have timed button presses during just hit the button and go. Well...unless you're in DT, then you can jam Shoot for Summon Blades.

Nero isn't really a "full-fledged gameplay character" when they just took the base Dante and gave him two new features, one of which half the player base doesn't really use.

Nero is great, don't get me wrong, but they didn't do nearly enough to keep me excited about him. They made a new character, gave him a grab mechanic, and were just content with that - no extra weapons to expand on his skillset at all.

As a hack n slash game, DMC 4 is satisfying. Jus cuz you don't like the feel of the game does not mean its "half-assed". DMC 4 was to appeal to anime fans. If you don't understand animes , you might as well stop criticizing DMC 4 cuz its not your cup of tea. And DMC is about gameplay, lets stop with the retardedness of how the story gets the characters played.

It's not half-assed in its "feel," it's half-assed because the introduced a new character and didn't keep expanding on him through gameplay. All of his changes were on the surface, and while there was some great things to be done at high-level, he was too similar to Dante in a lot of ways. The other half-assedness of DMC4 was the Dante retread, and fighting enemies clearly not designed for him, as I said before.

It has nothing to do with anime, or understanding it...which I do...even though that sound really hipsterish to say. Anime is just an animated feature that can fall into one of a lot of genres, some that existed well before anime :/

And hey, be careful about crapping on people who like DMC for its story. They're just as important to the franchise's success as the pros are for keeping it going with Style tournaments and such. Their love for the characters and lore aren't to be dismissed.

Again, if resident evil and street fighter can have new ideas with old characters not undergoing drastic changes , i think its possible with DMC.

It's possible, but with DmC, they wanted a drastic change. That's just how it goes, they literally wanted something that was different in display instead of just making another DMC. Capcom said it themselves to NT when they had proposed concepts that were very similar to the original, (paraphrased) "If we wanted to make a classic DMC, we would make it ourselves." Capcom wanted a DMC with more narrative focus, and they got one. DMC has never really been lauded for its storytelling, so when they wanted to figure out how they could rectify that, we got DmC.

And some people, possibly even the guys at Capcom, felt aspects of DMC were getting stale, and they aren't wrong. In one perspective, it has. The length of a franchise isn't quite what determines that, either.
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Again, reaching the ending is not forced on any one jus as playing higher difficulty modes. You are subjective on reaching the ending as your criteria when the game has more than that. Reaching the end is not forced on you but you forced it on yourself.

That sounds really of the main reasons a game has a single player or story mode is to reach the end of it. If getting to the end of the game isn't a main goal for the player, then why did they bother even making an ending? Why was there a story they want us to see through to the end? Why not just make it all Bloody Palace all the time. Hell why does Bloody Palace have a top floor?! If not as a goal to get to! Why not let it keep going indefinitely?!

Why even bother suffering through the challenges put forth in the game as you progress? Why am I even bothering to play this game? It's not like anyone is forcing me to play this, so I shouldn't really complain about the content therein...

I cannot believe that you're whisking away complaints of the Dante retreading by saying what equates to "Well, one is forcing you."

It's blowing my f#cking mind right now.

Why don't I tell IncarnatedDemon to quit his bitchin' about the final boss in DmC? Since...y' one is forcing him to fight the final boss, so he can't hate on it :/
Why don't I tell IncarnatedDemon to quit his bitchin' about the final boss in DmC? Since...y' one is forcing him to fight the final boss, so he can't hate on it :/
...or you can tell me that i am wrong about Mundus being a boring looking and not totally fun boss to fight.
You're missing my point >_< I have no beef with you and your opinion of Mundus.
Fair enough but a little advice: using the word bitching is wrong.
I interpret it as in "His points is invalid" to me, and id be shocked if anyone else interpreted this differently.

To contribute to the discussion your having with that other person: Hideki Kamiya said the story in Bayo is there to be a break from the gameplay. As for games getting boring: all games do when you play them to much.
But what you should accept is that some games should take a break or possibly die.
If you had great fun with a game, i am very sure that a year or two after youll again have great fun with it once again.