Lets see some evidence.Dude, people were screaming "**** CAPCOM" because Dante's hair wasn't white. That literally happened.
Lets see some evidence.Dude, people were screaming "**** CAPCOM" because Dante's hair wasn't white. That literally happened.
Lets see some evidence.
Lets see some evidence.
The only issue really is that with this realistic take on combat it would be hard to animate Nero literally changing arms mid combo and not disrupt the flow of combat (this isn't like Devil Arms where they just pop out of nowhere or like DmC where Rebellion apparently transforms into other weapons) but it could be possible. I wonder if they'll try to add a strong sense of realism to Dante's animations and moveset too. That would be tough to do compared to Nero especially with that motorcycle.......hmmmmmmmmm...
Im gonna miss his devil bringer but... I wonder if he will get his own devil trigger.. I havent kept up with much of the news of dmc 5 since i basically only using my phones data atm
This was confirmed to be misinformation by Matt himself. Only way to switch between breakers is to break them...
Well this makes things a lot better (if this person isn't bull****ting).
— Twitter API (@user) date
This was confirmed to be misinformation by Matt himself. Only way to switch between breakers is to break them...
— Twitter API (@user) date
Only way to switch between breakers is to break them...
I should have clarified besides picking them up. Because you cant switch this way if your arms are full, and the arm you pick up always becomes the first one. People thought the Reddit guy was saying was that you could switch to another arm without breaking as in cycling between the 4 arms one way.And yet, here at around 18:05 he switches from Buster to Overture without breaking the former.
That tweet seems to address Break Away specifically. It sounds like he's specifying that BA is not the way you cycle through the DBs, rather than denying manual switching in the first place.
I should have clarified besides picking them up.
I feel a lot of people don't realize how limited the breaker switching is now, because they assume you can switch on the fly like DMC4... So that's why there is not a lot of talk about this limiting factor, except by people who have analyzed the details more closely... So when game releases a lot of people are going to be confused and annoyed that they can't switch to the breaker they want without destroying it.
Really wish we could get Itsuno and co to change their mind on this... Because this really is a huge thorn in my side with this game. I really like everything else, so it is just really confusing why Itsuno won't give us at least an option to cycle through them all without breaking. Not really asking for d-pad usage here...
"I want to play what Itsuno and co have in mind, not what fans think they want."
"It's that entire Too Awesome To Use/Destroy dilemma. Breakers are supposed to be disposable/consumable combat tools that you're encouraged to burn through constantly. You can't switch to another one until you destroy the one you have equipped through either sloppy usage resulting in damage, a defensive burst (Breakaway) or deploying a super attack (Breakage). The second you can switch your Devil Breaker without destroying it, that's the second you start playing favorites and ignoring key tools of the system on a breaker-by-breaker basis.
For instance, I'd never destroy Gerbera because an air dash and a parry are too valuable in moment-to-moment gameplay and I don't value its breakage that much. It'd just turn into a Trickster/Royal Guard style switch where I use it in the second I need it and change back to a much less valued breaker when the coast is clear. I'd never end a fight with its breakage either, even if I was in an optimal place (A narrow cooridor) and I knew that I wouldn't miss its utility for the next few rooms until I stumble across another one. Same thing goes for Buster - I would only use its basic buster against enemies whose busters could be turned against other enemies (Basilisk, Gladius) or against bosses. Until then I'm perfectly happy to let it gather dust in its slot.
At the end of the day I like the breaker breaking. When I fought against Goliath yesterday, I felt like I made a mistake when I blew my Gerbera against him inside the church since he starts flailing and running away a lot more in the courtyard. That sort of regret was not a feeling I've had in a DMC game before. Blowing a DTE a bit too late in a fight stings, but fifteen seconds and a couple of taunts later you're typically good to go again. Having a whole new level of short/long-term resource management and fight/route optimization like that is a really neat niche for Nero to explore."