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The cry of an Atheist


涼宮ハルヒの憂鬱 SOS団
This forum needs some more lol threads.

Amiright gaiz?

^*Sad attempt at humor.*

But any way, here is the joke:

The only persons that knew I was an atheist was my sister and cousin.
They didn't care because they were on too, so we all laughed; cracked jokes, and watched Pen & Teller.

Good times.

( I seem to be telling this story like a girl)...(Oh well)

Well the information some how got to my parental unit, and in a fit to put me on the spot; and or embarrass me she told my Grandmother who happens to be a super-Christian.

She, in-turn, called me a "Omen child", and something along the lines of a demon spawn. I laughed it off and proceeded to make a ever-so-funny come back in the form of Challenging her gods powers.
She said( In all seriousness) I'd be dead by morning. Then I said if I'm fine your god is a crock of ****.

She stormed off, and I went to my room.

This where the laugh comes' in...

Late that night I became so bitterly cold my teeth were chattering and I could even stand. I just seemed to get colder and colder.
I huddled into a ball, and waited in incredible pain as my chest jerked and my body grew slower.
At one point I was so cold I couldn't move what so ever.

Then I became perfect after two hours.

Here are the strange and eerie facts:
It was 3:00 AM when it started.

The heat was on 90 degrees.

I had a huge cover on too.

The fact it happened after I challenged the real invisible man.

Then it suddenly stopped.

My douche bag cousin and sister did the classic ghost noise and said it was the wrath of god!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I laughed; we laughed, I told the invisible man to blow out his ass, and we live happily ever after.

The end.

Now laugh, or I'll come for you.


Is not rat, is hamster
I got called Jesus the other day - I was like "lol, wut?" until they mentioned my avatar - like Angel is any harder to type than Jesus, but there ya go...


Aya Brea
Jesus is like a guy you meet at a bar that never calls you back. (Meaning he never answered my prayers. No they were not selfish or out ragious ones either. There are other reasons why I'm no longer a christian as well.)

Dark Alpha Wolf

The Ace of The Game
I was never really into the whole "God is your saviour" stuka, but I was baptized nonetheless. Ever since reading "The Sight" by David Clement-Davies, though, and hearing of Fenris and Tor, the wolf gods, I have started worshipping them. Some may call that some form of atheism, some say that it's devil worship, some say that I'm breaking one of the Ten Commandments, and here's what I say every time to each one of them: it's not that I don't believe in God, it's just that it's not the same God. I believe in two gods, a female and a male god. I, more or less, believe that God is what we percieve it to be, just like beauty. And if that's atheism, then by Fenris and Tor, I AM THE BIGGEST ATHEIST OF ALL TIME!!!

The Da3dra

Master Of War
"believe that God is what we percieve it to be."
(too lazy to quote)

Thats not atheism:dry:. Atheism is the belief of the nonexistence of gods, or the rejection of theism. Defined more broadly, it is an absence of belief in deities.So no your not.

If fenrir and tor are gods in a real religion I suppose you could google their names to find which they belong to....just did lol. It's norse mythology I don't know what thats called lol.

Cosmological Quantum Physics suggests that if this universe is as real as we believe that it is, it must have been cast into relity by an external observer.


And yet, paradoxically how can there be anything external in an all inclusive universe? But how can we say that this universe is all inclusive if the study of parralell worlds are common study in Quantum Physics? *BLAH* too complicated.

I'd like to state that I am both Religious Agnostic and a Nihlist.

Religious Agnostics (there are different levels of agnostic) do not claim to know existence of any deity, but still believe in such an existence as a higer power.

A Nihlist believes that existence is without objective meaning, purpose, intrinsic value, objective morality does not exist, no action is logically preferable to any other in regard to the moral value of one action over another, and that even if higher rulers or creators exist humanity has no moral obligation to worship them.

I like to think of "God" more or less the same way "Futurama" portrayed him. I'm not going to find the exact quote but in the episode he says that if you help people too much they start to depend on you, but if you help them too little they lose faith. "You have to use a light touch, like a safecracker or a pickpocket." I know for a fact he says that.

I know this post is mostly off topic but stories that involve god in any way shape or form tend to do nothing but annoy me and nine tines out of ten can be explained logically. I'm not trying to offend you BoC I'm just saying I don't like the story.

P.S. I'm not laughing, would you like my adress? :lol:

The Da3dra

Master Of War
Iced Digger;141121 said:
I hate religion. Cristians mostly. I find them annoying.

Congrats? Granted I was off topic by posting who I am but it was because of the comments made before and at least I acknowledged the original reason the thread was made. You just came on and sort of said something random.


Is not rat, is hamster
Iced Digger;141121 said:
I hate religion. Cristians mostly. I find them annoying.
Always nice to be hated by people who have never met me :D

Just to note guys, if this becomes something of a classic "religion" thread (i.e. full of flaming and insulting comments) it will be gone...


Is not rat, is hamster
LOL - wouldn't worry about me, I can take a few hits ;) - it's more in keeping with the rules whereby hateful posts concerning sexuality, race, religion etc are not permitted. Anyone who knows me knows I'm no fan of religion, but I'm very much a Christian. There's a world of difference between faith and religion as far as I'm concerned, as my sig says :)


Is not rat, is hamster
Pretty much - although I can only really speak for my religion as I have never been Muslim, Sikh, Hindu, Jew etc etc.

Like my sig says, I just don't like all the man-made elements which are basically in place to make the little man do whatever the priest/head of church/whoever wants - it's not Biblical therefore it's not right to pretend "God said you have to give us all your money" or whatever.

There is a lot of stuff out there under the guise of Christianity which serves no purpose other than to hurt other people - unfortunately, we all get lumped in with the idiots.

Black Angel

Semper Fidelis
^^All true, the bible is mostly something written or added on to by priests and Holy men who want to control everyone back in medieval times. That is why the Pope could excommunicate you, it was the Catholic church's way of controlling an ignorant people.

Not saying that ur faith in the bible is wrong, just stating facts.


Is not rat, is hamster
Not sure that you've got the facts entirely right - it's true there are versions of the bible which have been modified by various sects such as Jehovah's Witnesses, Mormons, Christian Scientists and the like - as well at certain omissions from particular Roman Catholic versions - but essentially the bible (as is commonly circulated) has remained as it was written over 2,000 years ago - the core of the message remains identical regardless of version. Every time a new translation comes out, the people responsible go back to the earliest transcripts rather than the most recent ones so that validity remains the focal point.

Back in medieval times, they read everything out in Latin, knowing that the regular guy on the street couldn't possibly understand and then translated it according to how they wanted the people to behave - therefore it was very likely that the latin said "love thy neighbour as thyself" but they told the people "God says give us your money" or "buy these relics or you'll go to hell" - because those two options are not in the bible as it was written in the first place.

You can pick anything out of almost any religious book and twist it according to your own purposes - hell, I can do that no problem at all - but if one intends to actually read any religious text they should do so with an open mind. The Roman Catholic church has strong roots in politics and there are many elements they follow which are not featured in the bible whatsoever, but those parts are what I consider to be religious as opposed to rooted in faith. Same with the Protestant, Methodist, Baptist etc etc churches - all of them split off from one another due to politics and misunterpretation of parts of the bible. Basically, people suck :lol:
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