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Supergirl TV show


Fake Geek Girl.
Nonsensical pandering is making Thor suddenly unworthy JUST to replace him with a female character. Or killing off Peter Parker very early on in Ultimate Spider-Man JUST to bring in a half black/half latino Spider-Man. (granted, I do still like Miles Morales, I just don't think he can replace Peter simply because I'm a Peter Parker fan)

These comics and character's inception were also around a time where diversity wasn't really accepted. But you know, comics got with the times. So does entertainment in general. It's freaking 2015.

V's patron

be loyal to what matters
First time I saw it I didnt finish it but i was in a rush so now that I saw it a second time I dig it and i'll try and catch a episode or two to see if i'll watch it

Im actually curious as to how they handle the Big Blue Boy scout himself and its important to note that is the first show to be based on a legacy character. That term refers to characters like War Machine or Robin and i'm suprised this wasnt done sooner because legacy characters fit tv better because they tend to be less static.

It would have been awesome if Brandon Routh could have played Supes here if he wasnt already cast as ATOM over in Arrow.

I'd prefer something more like the new 52 where she comes to earth as a teenager so its more a fish out of water story and more of flip on Supes's origin. It be even cooler if she was active while he was growing up ( tons of story potential there) but im cool with this.

The rom-com elements are a lil helter-skelter but they can improve.


i like turtles
Supporter 2014
outside of smallville and the new 52, i typically don't care for the character of kara. however, this is a strange exception because this is basically palmiotti's powergirl wrapped in a "supergirl" costume. and since i LOVED that comic (and basically anything palmiotti does) i adore this show already *prepares to be laughed at*


Well-known Member
Xen-Omni 2020
I am disappointed with it tbh , after how well smallville went and how well tom welling did the part I am sad at how this looks as what seems like a spinoff , it would have been better if they used the kara from smallville

V's patron

be loyal to what matters
I am disappointed with it tbh , after how well smallville went and how well tom welling did the part I am sad at how this looks as what seems like a spinoff , it would have been better if they used the kara from smallville
i guess its the same reason they didnt reuse the Green Arrow actor, they just wanted to have a clean slate to do their own take.

But they could always have her guest star as Power Girl who is a older version of Kara from a different universe/timeline in the comics and that would be a cool way to connect Smallville.


Well-known Member
I'm willing to give it a shot.

Though I must admit, some parts seemed kinda cheesy.(Although I could say the same about almost every TV show I watch.)

V's patron

be loyal to what matters
I think green lantern should get a television show & have a chance to redeem the cinematic name somewhat & SuperGirl should've gone to the big screen.
I think a GL tv show would require a extremely high budget to accommodate the big bombastic space opera feel that the comics tend to go for but I get your point about Supergirl since i wish DC did try to have other female heroes outside of WW in the justice league film. Especially since Marvel got flak for not really being diverse and would have been a great way for DC to one up them.

Anyway i dont mind the tone of the show as it reminds of the flash which i love completely and it doesnt means that the show cant deal with dark subjects or have pathos, it just means that they are gonna let the darkness get them down.


Legendary Devil Hunter
I just watched SuperGirl & wow.
My opinion & first impression is Okay well it started as not making much sense, because each time Superman gets rebooted & i see they send him off in a rocket & i see the Kryptonian technology i wonder more & more why the smurf couldn't they at least built an escape ship that could hold more then 1 person.

And SuperGirl makes it worse.
If she's suppose to protect him then why couldn't the Kryptonians build an escape pod for two.

However SuperGirl does two make two positive points i so love.
It's not an S, but rather the symbol for my family's coat of arms of the House of El.
And my favorite
“What do you think is so bad about girl?
I’m a girl and your boss and powerful and rich and hot and smart. So if you perceive Supergirl as anything less than excellent, isn’t the real problem … you?”

It's something many have already been saying long before this.
Based on my understanding, Jor-El (Superman's father) simply felt baby Kal-El would be better off without him. In Smallvile, Jor-El apprantly felt like, he would have been a corrupting influence on his son.
Kara was sent by her father, Superman's uncle, the reasons tend to vary. And he did so, without Jor-El's knowledge


I Saw the Devil
I heard it was suppose to connect to the Superman returns movie
Nope. Just the look. It's it's own thing. It's one of those where Superman first showed up by rescuing a plain and she does the same thing.

Honestly, I'm not impressed. The whole first show was super rushed and it flew through everything way too fast. It would've benefited from been a two parter episode and not to have everything squeezed in to just one hour. I'm willing to chug it off to it been a pilot and I'll give it up to episode 3 before I dismiss it but so far it's not that good.

Because EVERYTHING has to be "by the comic" or some nerd ****** like that -_-
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