Spotted an oddity in the game (share your oddities thread)

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Right, we really should get back on the topic of any weird things we've actually seen in DmC, although weird interpretations of mythical folklore do relate in passing. If anyone does know more about demonic symbology and how the designs in DmC relate, that could be a fun way to mix up the topic.

For instance, the three eyes on Mundus, and the tattoo/mark on his human form's forehead- does this have some traditional meaning in some demonic mythos?
This thread used to be interesting, now it's just 2 people arguing about who is more stupid.
That was unrequired. If you want to add somethinga about odd things in the game, feel free. ^_^
For instance, the three eyes on Mundus, and the tattoo/mark on his human form's forehead- does this have some traditional meaning in some demonic mythos?
Could be something as simple as 'Mundus sees all' :lol:
Maybe it's like the psychic third eye seeing into the other world; which would make sense seeing as he has some power over malice and limbo and hell.
Or it could be Mundus' way of marking Kyle Ryder body as his own?
This thread used to be interesting, now it's just 2 people arguing about who is more stupid.

Yeah, discussing classic mythology and how it plays into DmC is so stupid, especially when four people are doing it at once. They should write single sentences that contribute nothing like wot us smart people does.

Vampires aren't oddities in the game either.
No, but they are mythological entities which have been subject to reinterpretation over the years, like succubi or nephilim. Read the posts discussing it.

I will say this though: All of this, vampires, witches, demons and Nephilim....they're all human inventions from a time when humans didn't know any better. Slightest thing went wrong- blame a demon.:lol:

What bothers me most is that initially the concept of DmC was kind of appealing, and I thought they might play a little with that old superstitious conceit that demons and evil spirits are guilty of all human ills and bring it to a contemporary Zeitgeist. World of Darkness has been doing that for the last thirty years for God's sake, so there's plenty of rich inspiration to draw from. In the end though the final product was unambitious with the idea and didn't take any risks with either it's realization or the satirical possibilities it offered.

Why in God's name is anyone letting them get away with having their Limbo look identical to the one in Bayonetta, but with more floating platforms...?!

You know what I found odd? If Mundas has had years to dominate mankind (And he's apparently only recently succeeded, as opposed to doing it instantly because, you know, he's a reality-warping god), why the hell would he be so unambitious as to only control the food supply with an energy drink? Wouldn't you try to control all food distribution to make humans completely reliant on your infrastructure?

That would have been so awesome. Imagine it; all food in each city is created from a massive corpulent demon, half covered in verdant greenery and the other with glistening meat, and he shaves his flesh off with giant knives in each hand constantly. It'd make for some great NIghtmare Fuel. When you kill him you create a food crisis inside the city and the people become more desperate, Barbas starts turning them on The Order with that much ease, and Dante has to realise that his revenge might start having ramifications beyond his control.

The lack of scope goes for the other bosses too. Imagine if killing Barbas took down the entire international news network and the internet, because he's the controller keeping it all in check. The people aren't as controlled and are more susceptible to The Order's counter-propaganda, but at the same time mass rioting starts to occur, making Dante guilty of the deaths of hundreds by proxy. He sees that Vergil is overjoyed as he sets about saving as many people as possible, and comes to understand how much he cherishes humanity and wants their suffering to end.

You know, stuff like this, that makes the world seem more interconnected and that the player's actions are influential. Not just deadpan exposition and zero ambiguity to the moral complexities that come with destroying a society one pillar at a time.
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Vorgul losing his motivation to finish this awful game

Man videos of the boss AI freezing up never get old. You'd think they would be able to do this part right at least considering the boss battles in DmC aren't even a third as complex as a normal DMC boss.
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Why in God's name is anyone letting them get away with having their Limbo look identical to the one in Bayonetta, but with more floating platforms...?!

You know what I found odd? If Mundas has had years to dominate mankind (And he's apparently only recently succeeded, as opposed to doing it instantly because, you know, he's a reality-warping god), why the hell would he be so unambitious as to only control the food supply with an energy drink? Wouldn't you try to control all food distribution to make humans completely reliant on your infrastructure?Looking at that newspaper extracted from the game, his appointment was a week prior to the start of the game:blink: So what was he doing prior to that? I'm guessing building connections in the human world, building trust so that he could cause the financial crisis, then make himself look good by offering a solution. I say he caused the crisis because again there is something in that article about a load of money mysteriously vanishing, then Kyle Ryder comes along to save the day. :P And,hey, if a drink is enough to control people, why do more? Maybe there was more, like a demonic McDonlads? Instead of the 'I'm loving it' slogan then have, demonic McDonalds would be 'you will love it'.:lol:

That would have been so awesome. Imagine it; all food in each city is created from a massive corpulent demon, half covered in verdant greenery and the other with glistening meat, and he shaves his flesh off with giant knives in each hand constantly. It'd make for some great NIghtmare Fuel. When you kill him you create a food crisis inside the city and the people become more desperate, Barbas starts turning them on The Order with that much ease, and Dante has to realise that his revenge might start having ramifications beyond his control.Yep, take away the food and people do become desperate. Now as for who they would turn on would depend. Yeah, Bob could up the lies about The Order and create a lynching mob of angry humans. But again, if D+V had destroyed all sources of food in the city, I don't know if that impact would be too much for the game. Not only would they have leveled the city by the end, but got a load of starving people to boot. If it's that situation, the humans were better off under Mundus. At least the were docile and had no idea what was going on in their happy illusion bubble.

The lack of scope goes for the other bosses too. Imagine if killing Barbas took down the entire international news network and the internet, because he's the controller keeping it all in check. The people aren't as controlled and are more susceptible to The Order's counter-propaganda, but at the same time mass rioting starts to occur, making Dante guilty of the deaths of hundreds by proxy. He sees that Vergil is overjoyed as he sets about as many people as possible, and comes to understand how much he cherishes humanity and wants their suffering to end. Perhaps Raptor news was a new thing just started by Mundus? What if he had to secure his places as head of Silver Sacks before he could expand his empire? So maybe his end goal was total domination of all media? But it seemed like Raptor was doing a good job. Besides, the whole city seemed like a testing ground for Mundus until he was ready to expand across the globe.

You know, stuff like this, that makes the world seem more interconnected and that the player's actions are influential. Not just deadpan exposition and zero ambiguity to the moral complexities that come with destroying a society one pillar at a time.
It would have had more impact if it was: Take down the education system, take down the food production, take down all media and take down the law enforcement. They are all things used to stay in power through indoctrination at an early age through school (but Raptor also did this), the mind altering food, media to spread lies and propaganda and the law to stop Mundus sending out SWAT and enforcing his laws. They did show a brief example of the law though with the prison that Bob Barbas was running where they took people who became aware for their 'crimes against demonology' and punished them.
I'd say they did show the ambiguity and complexities, but they were for the player to work out. Not everything needs to be so obvious, or are gamers stupid now that they can't work this out anymore? However, the attempt was ham fisted. Vergil seeming like he's the saviour, but becoming more corrupt, the Lilith shooting debacle, Phineas warning Dante what would happen to lives of many if they angered Mundus, but they do it anyway; Mundus confronting Dante in the office claiming he saved humans from their own nature, while Dante and Vergil brought violence and death, and then Vergil revealing to Dante his intention to rule in front of a crumbling and wrecked city. So it's not like they made no attempt at showing this.
I'll get back to you after I finish work Loopy.

Vorgul losing his motivation to finish this awful game

Man videos of the boss AI freezing up never get old. You'd think they would be able to do this part right at least considering the boss battles in DmC aren't even a third as complex as a normal DMC boss.

Well obviously Vorgil is imitating his idol, Dio Brando.

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Vergil: Brother, our mother was Mexican. Our father was Korean. We...are Gerbils.
Eh?! :lol: Making up what a Nehilim is comes to one thing, but saying a Mexian and Chinese couple would have a gerbil child:/:lol: At least Nephilim are grounded in fiction, but I've never heard of real humans having a kid like that.

You know what Dante and Vergil really are? :troll: They're Lilltle Nicky's like the film:lol: Turns out Sparda and Eva were horrendously drunk when they got together and a heaven and hell mixer and by the time the kids came along they'd sobered up enough to relalise what had happened.
I thought Nephilim were the offspring of angels and the sons of Cain, who were considered to be cursed. I suppose that even in biblical terms, it takes more than a dark original sin to make you a demon, but I thought that was the important distinction. I just don't remember Nephilim being offspring of ANY human and an angel- correct me if I'm wrong.
Eh?! :lol: Making up what a Nehilim is comes to one thing, but saying a Mexian and Chinese couple would have a gerbil child:/:lol: At least Nephilim are grounded in fiction, but I've never heard of real humans having a kid like that.

Sorry, the joke was supposed to be that Vergil doesn't understand nomenclature. You should try doing one, they're fun.

Vergil: Brother, our mother was bitten by a vampire while she was pregnant with us. We...are Leprechauns!

Dante: we aren't.

Vergil: Faith and be-jabbers.

Dante: Stop that.

Vergil: Moondas is after me crock of gold!

Dante: No!

You know what Dante and Vergil really are? :troll: They're Lilltle Nicky's like the film:lol: Turns out Sparda and Eva were horrendously drunk when they got together and a heaven and hell mixer and by the time the kids came along they'd sobered up enough to relalise what had happened.

I can't wait for Ninja Theory's next game. It'll be a reboot of Splinter Cell based on Don't Mess With The Zohan where you get to use Blade Mode.

Yep, that's the biblical idea of a Nephilim. They were giants or something. According to this (is wiki a credible cource?:P) Nephilim are also other things.

As we discussed earlier, Darksiders is actually a lot more consistent with biblical canon when it comes to Nephilim, while still giving them a slight permutation: They are big inarticulate barbarians with strength that greatly eclipses that of humans, but they are not the children of male angels and human women. It's enough of a change that it doesn't completely miss the point while still putting a spin on things.
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Sorry, the joke was supposed to be that Vergil doesn't understand nomenclature. You should try doing one, they're fun. oops, I was taking that literally....:blush: You know, like a weird joke:lol:

Vergil: Brother, our mother was bitten by a vampire while she was pregnant with us. We...are Leprechauns!

Dante: we aren't.

Vergil: Faith and be-jabbers.

Dante: Stop that.

Vergil: Moondas is after me crock of gold!

Dante: No!
:lol:I now want that dialogue to be in the next game! Maybe even make them pixies or merfolk....