So glass has left me more scars...

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The Dark Avenger © †
Premium Elite
Supporter 2014
Xen-Omni 2020
Oct 16, 2007
Red Grave City
Okay, so I wake up today around about 6:50am, thinking "Nope, not waking up now" Go back to bed, and then wake up around 10am to see my best friend Damien :) All is well and we are playing X-Box Live, but at 11am I have to phone my girlfriend in order to tell her what time I am seeing her later. So I pick up the house phone and slowly enter the kitchen, typing her house number in as I go along... 01934 4... (just kidding :P) The phone rings as it would do, and she rather tiredly answers me with a still cheerful "Hey :D" We are talking, and about five minutes of being on the phone I playfully swing my right leg towards the door with no intention of smashing my foot through the glass.

At this point life is feeling rather surreal, as if it's not even happening to me. I stare in front of me, my leg through the glass door and pull it away just as quick as I put it through it >.< As I do so, I can even see the slash being made to my lower right leg leaving a rather bloody wound! Holding the wound with my hands, I drop the phone on the floor after pressing to hang up. Blood dripping down my leg, and even on the phone itself. Calling up to Damien, who was clearly alarmed by the smash of the glass "Call a ****ING ambulance, my leg is bleeding like a bitch!!!"... Damien does so as quick as anything, and comes down to aid me :D Applying a tea towel to the cut, as the pressure helps restrict the blood from gushing out as much. Still remaining calm, we wait until a man comes to bandage me up. This all still feeling surreal, Damien calling my parents at work now telling them of the scene.

My rather unhappy parents arrive home (Although we were going to get a new kitchen door anyway, so they are okay with it :lol:) Damien telling his mum he was going to the Hospital with me.

My mum and step-dad arrive, clearing bits of glass away; the man asking me personal questions to get my details. We decide that me and Damien are going to the Hospital in his car, and he doesn't really know the right way. So we give him directions, and we make it to the Hospital.

Without Damien's help at the time, I would of been rather in pain and very panicky. So I owe a lot to him, and I would of done the same for him if he was as foolish as me XD lol

He not only helped me, with the calling of the ambulance; but assisting me with the wound, remaining calm, and staying with me until I was all patched up (Or stitched up rather ;)) Which is more than some may of managed to do, so through his quick thinking and calmness he came to my rescue and turned out to be the true hero from it all!

So I thank him greatly ^_^

We both had to wait for about 4 hours until being seen, where I was X-Rayed which found no further glass in me. On the bed, the men looked at the wound which was bleeding heavily; informing me there was another gash on the back of my lower right leg. Anaesthetic was given to me in both wounds, and the two wounds were rinsed thoroughly and then stitched up and bandaged. In total there were about 15 stitches, but I also had some inner stitches to the more open wound that was at the front of my lower right leg. So about 20 something stitches in total. I was soon bandaged up, and told the usual crap about seeing the GP and having the stitches removed... Blah blah blah, heard it before.

I cut my left knee open on some glass in Year 6, so I've been through it before. And now I shall have three scars left to me from glass, which adds to my utter hatred of glass >_< In total I have four scars on my body, and have been to Hospital more times than anyone in my family.

So that all happened in my day, how fun >>>> O.O

Please, tell me of your 'amazing' Hospital experiences.
I got the flu once, was hospitalized for a week due to the dehydration the illness apparently caused.

Glad my Mom knew what was wrong with me, the idiot doctor wanted to do exploratory surgery cause he thought my appendix was infected.

So one week of an I.V. line later, I am fine.

I hate hospitals to this day though, that was not a fun week.
Nothing of that sort happens to me often. It happened only once... well. It was summer, and it was damn hot on streets, around 313.15 degrees kelvin (that's 40 degrees Celsius and 104 degrees Fahrenheit), and i was way tired. so what happened was that i fell un...coisunus or whatever this thing was. And ta-da, i wake up in a hospital. Well, nothing really bad happened except that they found some sickness in me i never even heard of before. "Hypertension". :D well... that thing does not bother me, i usually feel just fine.
I've only been hospitalized three times in my life and those were for my surgeries. I don't remember anything about them though, other than waking up in the bed and watching a portion of an anime show which I still like to this day.
ingrown toenail which was kinda nasty to look at afterwards -.-

also i fell into an ants nest and lemme tell youthat wasn't pleasent now i have a fear of them and my leg swelled up i had over 20 bites
I went to hospital after i fell over a brick and landed on the round end of a nail ( in a wall ) so i was sat on the floor and had my hand in the air with my wrist covered in blood and i saw the nail in my skin !!

I hit my head on the wall so i was dizzy and i had to go to hospital and wait 4 hours !!!!
Wow, seems like we all have our fair share of injuries here.

Who has ever broken anything in their body? Because I broke my wrist in Year 8, and that didn't hurt either.
I was having an awesome time, skateboarding along when going to grind a rail on my board, I misjudged it and the board broke but not only the board. I fell on my hand, broke one finger and bruised my arms as I had hit the rail on my way down to the floor, and ten a week later after much pain I discovered that I had also broken one toe on my right foot and two toes on my left.............I haven't skateboarded since that happened.

I was being very stupid, I will admit it now but I thought skateboarding was fun but when I got to the hospital I was given a very stern look by the nurse and told to be more careful. So I took up blading instead, much safer except my blades have no brakes....
i can honestly say that before this year, i have never broken'm not sure if this year i have or not...long story...i fell off my nack and hit my ass on the cement, but i did it so hard that i either broke or bruised my tailbone...hurt like a bitch...could barely walk, stand up straight, or sit....i had to lay in weird ways man...
I've never broken anything, which, after a two years ago, seems like a miracle.

I've only ever been hospitalized twice in my life. The first time was when I was a child and they thought I had sprained my ankle. The second time was after I was hit by an idiot in a Monte Carlo doing, like, 25 mph around a corner, with no blinker. I was launched, apparently, like 6 feet in the air off of my new bike (which was totaled, basically), and landed in the street. Needless to say, I was in quite a bit of pain, but I somehow was able to stand up, get into the police cruiser that arrived on the scene, and get a lift home, which was only about 3-4 blocks away (since I had just left to go do some shopping downtown). The whole thing in the hospital was really annoying, but apparently the worst was the huge egg of a bump on my head that stayed with me for, like, two weeks. I was out of the first day of school, since my mom kept me home, and I was out of football for the rest of the season, which sucked, though it was cool not to have to practice, but I wasn't able to play in the final game of the year, which was the last I ever was able to attend, since it was my final year at the junior high school.

I wonder if it was just luck that saved me from worse injuries, but I'm just glad whatever or whoever was watching over me did.
The only things i've broken was my arm and leg. Both by skateboardin'. I still skateboard, but I don't try to do stupid tricks. :lol:
Never broken anything - been in hospital after falling off a roundabout face first and smashing my face in. Also smashed my front teeth on a metal gate after being pushed down a steep slope by my sister and her friend when I was about 3.

Last time I went into hospital was due to a heterotopic pregnancy and things exploded inside me, nearly drowned in my own blood and had to have emergency surgery to stop me being all dead and stuff. Sometimes you just need to have an exciting weekend, yes?