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King Avallach

Deity of the Old World
What are your views on the cult of Scientology. As is made clear in the rules please refrain from excessive cursing/ swearing. Also no violent or degrading vitriol will be tolerated, neither will be debate of excess violence.

Debating is allowed here but just don't lose your head.

The dark knight

Well-known Member
I dont think I should judge them. It is someones beliefs. I shouldnt hate them for it. I have no right to judge and no right to accuse. Cause I have never been in it.


Aya Brea
I'm strongly against the church and some of their practices. Tom Cruise is really their poster child and is bat sh*t insane. It is not a religion, it is a brain washing, cult that robs you of your money, family, and dignity. They kill people, they stalk people, and can ruin lives. I'm glad it is outlawed in many foreign countries. We actually had a Scientology Church down the rode from where I live now. It was sued and therefore does not exist in my city. In other big cities I'm sure in the state I live in, but where I live is like the heart of the bible belt, it was chased out. For once I was glad of what the churches down here have done.

Alot of the members know nothing of Xenu and all that other bullcrap Hubbard came up with while chasing the dragon back in the 50s and 60s. Seriously. The real root behind it is just as dumb as certain sects of Mormons believing the "Mother Ship", is coming to see who to take with them for their "prophit" is abord, when the world ends. I don't deny that there are all kinds of life forms within the galaxy and beyond, and this isn't the big Star Wars nerd in me speaking. Anyway...

What we do need to see that there is a good and a bad side to Scientology. I've known people who are scientologist, and I have a friend who been through it and got out. Thankfully the ones down here don't go ape sh*t when you decide to leave.

Having a religion and knowledge is free.

Having to pay over $500,000 just to join a religion (more like a silly club and cult), is the biggest BS. It is written that if you know of the ways and stories of Xenu you're like this live 08 (I forgot what it is called.), and that if you are not part of scientology, been through the practices and payed your dues you WILL DIE of phnemonia(Spelling?). I've known of Xenu and all the other further writings since 2004 and I'm still breathing.

Unless all that we see is a false reality. *twilight zone music*


The devoted
I agree with VI, its stupid to have a religion that says if you know about it, then you will die if u dont pay, but i suppose that if you believe it then you should pay, because your dumb enough to believe it, and its probably cheaper than going to a mental asylum

Also Vi its spelt pneumonia but i cant see how it can happen, you die of it if you know, unless you believe that it can happen, start going mad, go out into the street, in freezing cold and catch it, but then your just as bad as belonging to the cult


Is not rat, is hamster
You have to remember that Hubbard is a science fiction writer ;)

I know little about the cult itself in detail but their "counselling" sessions that members have regularly are highly dangerous and could damage someone permanently. I'll bet my last cupcake none of those "counsellors" are trained properly by a recognised body and their techniques are, as some have already said, brainwashing. It's dangerous and any so-called church who requires a ton of money to be involved in is not right. In a Christian church, for example, giving money is between you and God - no one can tell you to pay up and no one has the right to ask what and when you are giving. Whilst the bible says to tithe (give) money to further God's work (i.e. fund projects that benefit the wider world, fund churches so they can afford buildings and wages, help out those in need financially within the community and church itself etc) it also says that God doesn't want your money if you're just gonna moan about it - and the quantity is of no real interest to Him; it's the heart behind the giving that matters, not the number of zeros on the cheque.

Aside from that comparison, Scientology is contradictory in almost every fashion and if you look at any website dedicated to the teachings of Hubbard you will read that he contradicts himself within the same sentence sometimes and I personally believe he is trying to live out his own science fiction fantasy world and has duped a lot of people into doing the same along the way.

If someone joins a religion it should better them as a person, their lifestyle and ought to be of benefit to those around them because of how they have improved. If they are just nutters then they have either completely missed the point or have joined a cult version of religion which is both a mockery of true and honest faith as well as a danger to society and the people who get sucked in.

Bad Wolf

32 flavors and then some


I have nothing against the beliefs of Scientologists. I think people should believe whatever they want, if it doesn't hurt anyone else.

The organization of the Church of Scientology, however, is criminal, and David Miscavige should go to prison for a very, very long time. They are a group of frauds and charlatans whom I honestly believe are responsible for several deaths (see www.whyaretheydead.net and don't click Josephus Havenith's link unless you have a very strong stomach, as it is very, very graphic). They have the cruel policies of "disconnection" that tear apart families, and "fair game" (though they deny it exists) that allow them to slander and discredit critics by any means possible. Any "religion" that forces you to pay for "salvation" is not a religion, it's a pyramid scheme.

In my opinion, however, Scientologists are not necessarily bad people. I simply think that many of them have been duped and brainwashed. Also, there is, in fact, a group that practices outside of the Church, called Freezoners. They believe that the basic tenets of Scientology work, and also that the materials should be made available to people for free.

Wow. I think this is the most I've ever written on this forum since I've joined. :D


Well-known Member
Issac Hayes who voiced Chef in South Park left the show because of a Scientology episode...kinda hypocritical if you ask me, after all South Park makes light out of all forms of usually controversial material.

^and thats my random fact of the day =p
Well, religion and i don't mix, but whoever pays to be in something that some science-fiction writer created, and it's called religious, it's f*cking insane, i even heard that if you try to get out of this religion, they hunt you down and even try to kill you or leave you for dead.



Well-known Member
–noun 1. a set of beliefs concerning the cause, nature, and purpose of the universe, esp. when considered as the creation of a superhuman agency or agencies, usually involving devotional and ritual observances, and often containing a moral code governing the conduct of human affairs.

–noun 1. a particular system of religious worship, esp. with reference to its rites and ceremonies.
2. an instance of great veneration of a person, ideal, or thing, esp. as manifested by a body of admirers: the physical fitness cult.
3. the object of such devotion.
4. a group or sect bound together by veneration of the same thing, person, ideal, etc.
5. Sociology. a group having a sacred ideology and a set of rites centering around their sacred symbols.
6. a religion or sect considered to be false, unorthodox, or extremist, with members often living outside of conventional society under the direction of a charismatic leader.

Definition: a controversial belief system developed by L. Ron Hubbard, based on a person being an immortal spiritual being whose survival depends on him/herself and his/her attainment of brotherhood with others and the universe Etymology: literally 'knowing how to know'

Sounds like a cult to me.

I havent edited the above, just made it bold and orange :D

source: Dictionary.com
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