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the devil is not as black as he painted

Meet Saya: the Incredibly Realistic Computer-Generated Japanese Schoolgirl

Saya, a Japanese schoolgirl whose only as real as the pixels on your screen

Although her looks indicate otherwise, Saya is not your typical Japanese schoolgirl. Her parents, Teruyuki and Yuki Ishikawa, have big dreams for their beautiful daughter. They want her to play a character in a movie they are self-producing. Where will she find the time with all her schoolwork? Not to worry. Saya is only as real as the pixels on your screen. Her soft cheeks, lush, black hair and hazel-brown eyes are all computer-generated imagery.

Computer graphics have improved so drastically in recent years that it’s becoming difficult to tell the difference between real life and renderings. But given a close, look I’m pretty confident in discerning one from the other. And when I first saw Saya I was convinced she was real. Only now, after looking at her revealing, skinless mock-ups, do I start to pick up on Saya’s subtle non-humanness.

Her creators, the Ishikawas, are a husband-and-wife duo who, together, are Tokyo-based freelance 3D CG artists. Saya was gently brought to life in their spare time as they attempted to balance commercial work and personal projects. According to the artists, the hardest part was achieving the moist, soft and translucent skin of girls this age. The hair, they add, are not up to their expectations.

A counterpart to Saya is also in development and both of them will be put to motion in the duo’s self-produced film. So we have that to look forward to.



the devil is not as black as he painted
yeah, i'm not following this cgi thing, so i think this is amazing, not only the looks but the fabrics also.. they're one awesome couple, lol


the devil is not as black as he painted
oh man, lol, but the scene from the old hulk where banner is changing and torn his shirt gotta admit was cool, i imitated that when i was a kid, luckily no cgi needed.. kids

yeah let's sit tight and wait for what the industry'll bring us.. maybe a fighting game with real life action stars, bruce lee and the likes


the devil is not as black as he painted
that ufc game with bruce lee, i must be living in a cave this whole time..

and i got a feeling it could take a long while before in game visuals could look like that elder scrolls online cgi, and some expensive rig on pc, the one that makes you sell your soul to a demon to have.. and no, not dante kind of demon


Elite Hunter
I think the graphics we have today should've been reached at the PS2

That's just technically impossible. Your PS2 would implode and create a black hole sucking your house whole if it had to try to run, say, Crysis 3.

It's got nothing to do with devs focusing on other things, it's just a matter of hardware limitations. A chip is limited in what it can do and can only process a certain amount of data before it says "Screw you" and commits seppuku. LOL


the devil is not as black as he painted
oh, ive seen that one with donnie yen and bruce lee.. i'm thinking they're not using any motion acting since it's rather clunky, but how the hell did they pull that off without motion acting? amazing work..

and the moves are all theirs alright --that donnie yen's signature back kick, that's what i want for the fighting game, just make it more flashy, lol.. and then there's tony jaa, michael jai white, hell bring van damme along with his splits..

i wouldn't go as far as thinking ps2 could pull off current graphic, but i do think with the current tech, we could pull alot better than what we have today.. maybe it's too much work for them, and costs too much money for it.. yeah, it's all bout money in the end


I Saw the Devil
Oh, Japan...
When creating the single most realistic CG character ever you decide to make it a schoolgirl... Wazzap with that? You could've gone with any single kind of human being in the world and you go with a schoolgirl... If you didn't fetishise them so much already I'd be like, alright, cool but I just-- I, ghh... I haven't the words. If you'd gone with an Idol I might've still gone facepalm face first but I'd still be less suspicious about the... purety of their intentions.

Dark Drakan

Well-known Member
@Dark Drakan
Yes, work on animation, graphics, shorten loading times, create systems that doesn't rely on cloud technology or online access to run.
I do feel gaming should've've met a few of these things awhile ago.

SSD's will become standard soon enough and come down in price and they VASTLY improve load times, also new measures that are even faster being worked on. Also plenty of companies using methods to hide load times and integrate them into the actual game is helping a lot (levels preloading during cutscenes for example).

However cloud tech is necessary for games that require large calculations of multiple systems over a network as one device simply isnt enough to calculate things on such a large scale. Especially with it comes down to online games with so much going on, on a level at one time and players being from all around the world. Its essential for all that data to be bounced around multiple location servers to prevent lag and de-sync and make sure its being calculated on all players in range screens at the same time. Of course if you have a single player portion then this shouldnt be affected but games that are designed around multiplayer need these systems in place to keep things as fair as they can for players worldwide. Also lots of character data is saved on cloud/hive servers so players can access them from multiple devices and PC's and use them on multiple servers (DayZ for example).

Consoles are by rights holding back tech from moving faster, PC's are far and away moving a faster pace than ever and hardware wise consoles are being left behind. However developers still have to make the games playable on consoles, its nothing short of stunning how some games are able to run on the hardware that consoles have inside them. Consoles are becoming more open platforms with more PC features such as early access and external HD's and now Windows Streaming to PC etc (XB1) however for the price people want to pay for consoles they simply cant have the latest hardware inside. In order to cover these technical limitations other methods must be used to bridge the hardware gap and allow external systems to do certain calculations to take some of the load from the consoles.


the devil is not as black as he painted
wow, @Dark Drakan knows much about these things, i'm liking this.. yeah, i think we're closer to much better improvements in gaming visuals, not to mention the coming of HBM2, now the first HBM isn't really tested yet, but if it worked the way it's described well bigger memory bandwith means faster traffic means more visual candies will be able to put in use and not so demanding --theoritically, and if this means more use of polygons for better looking models well this is awesome..

and not to mention dx12, yea we know dx is somewhat also what's holding back the gaming industry, but dx12 is a nice improvement, it reduces cpus overhead making it possible to process more information goin on on the screen..

all of those could ensure stable and realtively high framerate with fine visuals.. maybe we won't be getting cgi quality visuals in game, but closer to the likeness..

and i believe next gen console will be even more closer to pc, some parts might even be upgradeable, i don't want console to die even if it's holding back the visual improvements, since the good games -for me, are there in consoles even if i play on pc.. maybe console'll change to something more like the steam machine, that way it 's approachable for any kind of gamer..

Dark Drakan

Well-known Member
wow, @Dark Drakan knows much about these things, i'm liking this.. yeah, i think we're closer to much better improvements in gaming visuals, not to mention the coming of HBM2, now the first HBM isn't really tested yet, but if it worked the way it's described well bigger memory bandwith means faster traffic means more visual candies will be able to put in use and not so demanding --theoritically, and if this means more use of polygons for better looking models well this is awesome..

and not to mention dx12, yea we know dx is somewhat also what's holding back the gaming industry, but dx12 is a nice improvement, it reduces cpus overhead making it possible to process more information goin on on the screen..

all of those could ensure stable and realtively high framerate with fine visuals.. maybe we won't be getting cgi quality visuals in game, but closer to the likeness..

and i believe next gen console will be even more closer to pc, some parts might even be upgradeable, i don't want console to die even if it's holding back the visual improvements, since the good games -for me, are there in consoles even if i play on pc.. maybe console'll change to something more like the steam machine, that way it 's approachable for any kind of gamer..

Its tough from both sides, on one hand gaming needs to be affordable to all and consoles are affordable but if people want to see all these techonology improvements then they are going to have to pay for them. PC has a lot of these improvements already in the works or systems already being showcased in games.

With consoles having 10 year life cycles, they are never going to keep up with PC's but upgradable parts would help from hardware limitation standpoint however they are still pretty closed and restricted platforms. However I can imagine if consoles went this route then it would be confusing, unclear and overall work out more expensive overall than PC gaming as parts would have to be made interchangeable and universal fittings for all models of each console. Also having to make sure games run on every version of the console would be very difficult so not sure how accessible this idea would be in practice. Anyone who has ever tried to upgrade a laptop or bought a gaming laptop will know the troubles you can come across with them and purchasing parts.


the devil is not as black as he painted
Its tough from both sides, on one hand gaming needs to be affordable to all and consoles are affordable but if people want to see all these techonology improvements then they are going to have to pay for them. PC has a lot of these improvements already in the works or systems already being showcased in games.

With consoles having 10 year life cycles, they are never going to keep up with PC's but upgradable parts would help from hardware limitation standpoint however they are still pretty closed and restricted platforms. However I can imagine if consoles went this route then it would be confusing, unclear and overall work out more expensive overall than PC gaming as parts would have to be made interchangeable and universal fittings for all models of each console. Also having to make sure games run on every version of the console would be very difficult so not sure how accessible this idea would be in practice. Anyone who has ever tried to upgrade a laptop or bought a gaming laptop will know the troubles you can come across with them and purchasing parts.

yeah i forgot where upgradeable means adjustable visuals also while the purpose of console was to plug and play and don't require system reqs and system adjustments.. but if they could use the upgradeable purpose to resolution wise maybe it's doable, the one upgrading could play on higher resolution.. it's like emulating on pc, just for the upscaling needs..that way everybody wins i suppose..

Well I've just got to saya, technology certainly has come a long way.

yep, technology has come a long way and the creativity + dedication played it's role here

Dark Drakan

Well-known Member
yeah i forgot where upgradeable means adjustable visuals also while the purpose of console was to plug and play and don't require system reqs and system adjustments.. but if they could use the upgradeable purpose to resolution wise maybe it's doable, the one upgrading could play on higher resolution.. it's like emulating on pc, just for the upscaling needs..that way everybody wins i suppose..

Resolution only counts for so much if the specs cant manage to get games to hit 60FPS as PC's can far surpass this with their specs. Whereas consoles industry standard is locked 30FPS currently, I would much prefer a game to have a slightly lower resolution and 60FPS than higher resolution and locked at 30FPS.


the devil is not as black as he painted
Resolution only counts for so much if the specs cant manage to get games to hit 60FPS as PC's can far surpass this with their specs. Whereas consoles industry standard is locked 30FPS currently, I would much prefer a game to have a slightly lower resolution and 60FPS than higher resolution and locked at 30FPS.

yeah and with upgradeable they could play higher res and constant 60fps, but it does felt unpractical and what kind of upgrades it'll need is kinda tricky, steam machine likes is probably more where it'll be at..

Dark Drakan

Well-known Member
yeah and with upgradeable they could play higher res and constant 60fps, but it does felt unpractical and what kind of upgrades it'll need is kinda tricky, steam machine likes is probably more where it'll be at..

Thing with Steam Machines are that again they arent very well explained and so many variations of them as well as prices being really high. I think all these combinations of things will end up equaling to poor sales as people who have the knowledge to build a PC will do so for a fraction of the price. Those who want a customisable/upgradeable console need clearer instructions and guides on what they are getting for their money as well as what parts they can change and the effects that will have on the games etc.
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