S.T.A.L.K.E.R - Loyal Opposition.

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"In less than 10 seconds they will notice we are here... run!" Phoenix shouted. "I left them a present..."
Garviel nodded, hoisting the Duty's body over his shoulder, and trying to run. He couldn't get any faster than a slow jog, "Jesus, this man weighs a ton!"
"No pain no..." Phoenix was interrupted by the blast...
"Ah well, at least his 'comrades' can't tell anyone what just happened."
She thought to herself. Her ears were ringing from the blast.
"Does that make you former Bandit or something? Or were you just...Looking around? I must admit, you have me interested now comrade."

Ghost followed Wraith up the stairs.

"First floor, agreed, clear out as many as we can find down here, then we'll have to find a more stable way up top...You lead this half of the operation, I'm taking command back when we move to recover the flash drive, so don't let me down here kid."
Wraith stopped a moment, looking for other bandits. When it was clear, he turned around. "I wasn't a bandit. I was a raider. I raided this camp before. But I had a code of honor. I didn't take anything from Duty. In fact, I sometimes gave to them. Have you ever received any packages that didn't have a name on them?"
"Now that you mention it, I do remember seeing a few nameless packages with various bits of gear in them, must admit, those donations really turned the tide in our skirmish with Freedom a few years back, without half the gear you gave us we'd probably have been overrun a while back, so now I can extend my thanks to you personally, I guess I owe you another drink, eh?"
Wraith smirked. "No. I have a wicked headache from that first one." Turning to the left, he saw a small computer. "Is that what we're looking for?" He said, pointing to the flash drive in the computer's USB port.
Ghost laughed. "Hah, lightweight!" His attention was diverted to the computer with the flash drive inserted.

"Huh, that makes life easier...Hang on, let me just try and..."

He cracked the very basic code the Bandits had put in place to protect their files, opening up the directory for the flash drive, he skimmed through the files.

"Hmm...Analytical results from experiments at the Chernobyl Nuclear Plant...Yeah, this is it, two birds with one stone...But what could the Bandits possibly want with research data from the nuclear plant?"

Ghost pulled the flash drive from the computer, pocketing it before turning to Wraith.

"Right, we're done, no use looking for the downed transport helicopter now, if anyone were still alive they'd have sent out a continuous distress signal, let's get back to base before they start wondering where we ar-"

Ghost was cut short as a hail of gunfire sprayed out from behind them, bandits came from all directions leaving the pair pinned down behind the computer desk.

"Damn it! It's a trap, I should have known!"
Wraith, without looking, pulled his Chaser over the desk and started blasting. "I'm giving you cover fire! So shoot!" He continued to pull the trigger, hoping that he was wasting bandits left and right.
Ghost popped out above the desk, popping off shots left and right with his handcannon, bandits went down left, right and centre, he slid each empty clip that came out of the gun, replacing it with a fresh one, carrying on with the relentless onslaught of bullets.

"Grenade out!"

Ghost tossed a grenade over the desk, it rolled into a group of bandits, they scattered, some diving, some running, only two of the five escaped the blast zone, the three that didn't were reduced to little more than bloody smears on the walls.

Two squads of five bandits each came in from the left and right.

"They're trying to flank us! What the hell is this? They're never usually this damn organised!"
Wraith grunted, pulling out a small cylindrical rod from a back pocket. "This has gone on long enough. Grenade out!" Pressing a button on the rod and throwing it into the middle of the bandits, a small black hole sucked a few into nothing and then dissipated. "I stole that from this place a while back! How do you like that, you freaks?"
Ghost's eyes widened as he saw the black hole suck in the bandits.

"I've never seen anything like that before...Impressive, remarkable even, do you have any more of those lying about?" Ghost said, as he popped up above the desk, squeezing the trigger of his pistol, killing the last bandit.

"If you do, our scientists could probably make something out of that, would really help our efforts against Duty..." He left cover, keeping his pistol out for security, checking every corner he could find until he came up to the body of the last bandit he'd killed, searching it Ghost found the bandit's PDA, he picked it up, flicking through the messages, he opened and read the latest one.

  • Stop screwing around, hurry up and kill those Duty scumbags that are in the base, they've already taken out the line of snipers and are inside! No doubt they're coming for the flash drive, if you don't kill them, don't bother coming back or I'll kill you myself.

"No name, looks like it's probably from the leader of the bandits in this area though, still, we can deal with him later, we should get back to the Duty compound and turn in the flash drive, get our reward and drop in for a drink, don't care if you still have a headache, it's a ritual my friend! We always drink after a successful mission!"
Wraith smirked and tossed another black hole generator to Ghost. "Careful. The trigger button is really sensitive. I think it might even be touch activated. And my headaches don't last long anyway. Oh, if you're wondering where I found that thing, it was lying around here the last time I came. It only seemed fitting that this should be the place we use it in."
"Hmm, think I'll keep hold of this and drop it in, like I said, our scientists are wizards, could make something useful out of this."

Ghost pocketed the strange grenade, along with the flash drive, he gestured to Wraith, walking out one of the doors the bandits swarmed in through, wading through pools of blood and bodies, he turned back his fellow soldier.

"Ahh...That staircase is out, no going back the way we came in I guess, I suppose we'll have to find our own way back, careful, we don't know what's beyond this point, no Duty soldier has ever gone further than the interior of this base."
Death did as sayed and slided his arm to the left side of the guy, he looked at Garviel and remarked."Oh my god, now i know ehy you couldnt continue alone".
Wraith smirked and scoffed. "I haven't always been a Duty soldier, remember? I know everything about this place." He nonchalantly pumped his Chaser 13. "Come on. You lead for now."