Remake DMC 1-3 next? Or Just 1-2?

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Let's rock, baby!
Dec 8, 2007
I feel DMC1 & 2 need the same treatment as Resident Evil did with 1-2 and now 3.

DMC1 to match DMC 3-5's level.

Mostly DMC2 needs a total makeover for all the flaws.
I rather they do something new but if they must.....I rather they do full revamp like FF7. If I'm gonna pay 59.99 and tax for it I wanna get my money's worth.

Reuben Langdon better be ready to fill our collective souls with LIIIIIIIIIGHTTTT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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I'm one of the few who actually liked DMC2 and I would totally be onboard with DMC2 remake, perhaps expanding on his character and why he is less talkative and cocky in it, one of the fan theories is that he became depressed after DMC1 and "killing" Vergil and I would love for a DM2 remake to actually flesh out and explain his demeanor in it, I would also love to actually see the ending explained and shown in detail about how he got out of Hell.
Dmc 1 is still a masterpiece and the best in the series, it dosent need to have a remake to match the other dmc since it's simply the best... Resident evil 1 2 and 3 were ps1 game whit older graphic that's why a remake was needed, but the dmc series started on ps2 and ps2 graphic can still stand this day...

If they want they could do like tbe shadow of the colossus remake, a graphic update but whit same gameplay ecc
DMC1 and 2 are easily my least favorite games in the franchise and to be quite honest with you, yes, I do think they're in dire need of a remake. That said, my answer to the question is still a no. I'd rather have them use their resources to make new games. I've said it before but I don't want Capcom to get complacent and think they can live off of remakes now. Yes I was happy that they went and remade RE2 but as much as I don't like DMC1 and 2, and I think that they could definitely benefit from a remake, I still don't consider them the near unplayable fossils the old RE games are. Unlike RE, DMC (yes, even 2) never had something like nonsensical controls that constituted an actual mechanical barrier of entry for someone in the modern era to pick the game up and actually be able to play relatively comfortably.
I'm with Foxtrot on this one.
I'd rather have them evolve the game outside of combat within a new title (Numbered or Spin off doesn't matter to me) then remake the old games.
Besides DMC2 would need a substatial Remake to be honest, with a lot of touch up within the story and enemy designs.
DMC1 is pretty different from what people associate with the series overall, it was way closer to the old RE games (it being originally planned as one and all). But it still holds up in it's own way so a remake would be wasted resources in my book, not to mention that it's original environments don't lend itself to the type of gameplay DMC has since 3 (just my opinion).
DMC1 to match DMC 3-5's level.
Unfortunately this is where I fundamentally disagree with you. If you "remade" DMC1 into a carbon copy of 5 then it wouldn't be DMC1 anymore. It's not about being on different "levels" but a case of it not even being in the same horserace at all.

DMC1 was very much a product of its time with all the holdovers from Resident Evil very much apparent. It's okay if you're not a fan of it, but for me it was what got me into the franchise and I was saddened by the move away from it as the franchise progressed. As such to me, remaking DMC1 into the same beast as 5 would be to strip it of all its charm for the sake of a cheap cashgrab that I would have no part in.

Don't you do it Capcom, just let poor DMC1 rest in peace. :bored:
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Dude no need to get angry at people for disagreeing if they have their reasons.

Personally I'd be onboard if DMC1 got a remake. The same gothic atmosphere of Mallet Island with modern level graphics and details, adding the style system, with Reuben Langdon's voice. They would have to add a couple more weapons and bosses to it though. DMC2? It's definitely the game that could benefit from a remake the most, but I'd rather DMC1 get remade first. DMC3? Honestly there's not a whole lot I don't think they could do with DMC3. Update the graphics, and add style switching, but that's about it.

That being said though, I'd much rather get a Devil May Cry 6. I'd really only be for it if it was something they did "In the mean time" while coming up with ideas for DMC6.
I would prefer to get some new stuff for the DMC serie. But a remake of DMC 2 could be interesting. It would give the opportunity to develop Lucia, and to focus the game on the universe of DMC. Arius is after all the boss of a international compagny, so we could have some insight on how he ended up here and how he use his demonic knowledge in his compagny (I suppose a sorcerer who is the boss would use his knowledge to help the development of his compagny and spread his influence).

For DMC 1, I don't think it need a remake. It's fine as it is and is still a classic today.
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Whatever Capcom wishes to do, I hope they reformat the "Japanese" controls.

"Hold R1 to walk slowly" is so f***in' obsolete.