[Potential Leak] Devil May Cry V

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I feel obliged to remind people to take all of this with a grain of salt. It seems like a lot of us are talking about this as a matter of fact when the truth is this could be just more lies on the internet. Wouldn’t be the first time over the years that we’ve been told the game would be announced on said event only to have it be all rubbish.
Honestly, why do we still bother with things like this?

Nothing good comes from letting things like this get our hopes up only to be let down for the umpteenth time.

I'm just going to wait for an actual announcement. Which might not ever happen.

I won't personally believe DMC 5 is coming out until I am actually playing (and even then it might be hard to believe) but leaks are always entertaining to think about as a "what if" scenario.
I’d still personally like it to be set after 2 instead of 4. But as I said, this is if any of this is even true.

And I don’t think anyone here is really getting their hopes up that much if I’m honest.
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I’d still personally like it to be set after 2 instead of 4. But as I said, this is if any of this is even true.

And I don’t think anyone here is really getting their hopes up that much if I’m honest.

Yeah. I'm sceptically and cautiously open to it being true. But there are definitely people out there who would waste their time putting together posts like that for attention. And risking a ban doesn't really give the person any credibility at all if you ask me. However, it's still well put together and comes of as an objective gathering of info. So, I guess that's why everyone is looking into it.
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DMC 2 feels like 50 Years in the Future , the way they ignore it , and Dante is very Calm , Trish Lady are no where to be found .
best thing about it is the Motorocycle Though .
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It's possible to cover Nero's origins and how Dante got quiet before DMC2 in one story but you usually can't give them equal screentime in the same story.

So maybe have the fallout from Nero's origins be what makes Dante quiet in DMC2. DMC2 has no clear context so how we get there is pretty vague and flexible.
With all the rumored features like there being 3 playable characters and the like, this seems like it's gonna be Capcom's biggest game since Resident Evil 6.
DMC 2 feels like 50 Years in the Future , the way they ignore it , and Dante is very Calm , Trish Lady are no where to be found .
best thing about it is the Motorocycle Though .
I'd like to think so, too, but apparently Dante ages like a human according to the DMC4 novel. This is another one of those things that I assume happened because the cannon changed hands as to who dictated it because if Sparda, as a human, had the longevity of 2000 years his children should have inherited some of that. Why his power, appearance, strength, ability to heal and many other demonic attributes but not his longevity? Why is that the only aspect that has been diminished by their human half but nothing else?

Come on man. Canon. One 'n'. It's a literary status, not a piece of artillery.

Why is that the only aspect that has been diminished by their human half but nothing else?

Because if they chose to diminish strength, speed and so on you wouldn't have much of a stylish high octane action game where you get to confront very powerful demonic bosses now would you.

Also, I can ask you the opposite question, why NOT take away immortality? Aside from the fact that to me, it only seems logical that a full fledged, top tier demon like Sparda is biologically immortal whereas a human hybrid is not, I also think it's a cool idea to make a character so powerful and strong, yet unable to escape the grasp of time. He's as powerful as a demon, but his time will come like it will for every human. Fits his nature as a hybrid.
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Because if they chose to diminish strength, speed and so on you wouldn't have much of a stylish high octane action game where you get to confront very powerful demonic bosses now would you.

Also, I can ask you the opposite question, why NOT take away immortality? Aside from the fact that to me, it only seems logical that a full fledged, top tier demon like Sparda is biologically immortal whereas a human hybrid is not, I also think it's a cool idea to make a character so powerful and strong, yet unable to escape the grasp of time. He's as powerful as a demon, but his time will come like it will for every human. Fits his nature as a hybrid.
Sparta wasn’t immortal, otherwise he wouldn’t be dead, but even as a human he lived for 2,000 years. It’s not immortality that I’m arguing he should be handing down to his sons, it’s longevity. I could also argue that said longevity is a demonic trait and even if it wasn’t, though, out of a long list of qualities to have only one being excluded for no reason is illogical.
Here’s a huge list of traits he inherited from his father and one single thing that he didn’t.
His mother was human.
Yeah, but then why isn’t anything else at all affected?
Gameplay reasons.
What!? How is that relevant? The man gets stabbed in every game and walks it off yet he takes heavy damage from the most basic attacks so clearly lore and gameplay don’t always align.

It makes no sense that he should inherit absolutely everything from his father, except for one thing. Why? If being half human actually makes that much of a difference why is it only watering down one aspect and affecting nothing else?

Who cares about what's in the non-canon novel?

And if being a half-human doesn't make Dante immortal, it should at least increase his longevity.
That’s exactly what I’m arguing.

Come on man. Canon. One 'n'. It's a literary status, not a piece of artillery.
Easy, there, grammar police. No need to go nuts over it.

Its a possiblity Dante hasn't realized he has longevity because he's not that old yet. He's in his 30s so when he gets in his late 40s early 50s he might notice it more.

He has also doesn't have anyone's else expierences to compare because he is the only hybrid he knows about.
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why is it only watering down one aspect and affecting nothing else?

Because it's the most valuable one. Being able to not die, or live for millennia is something that to mankind, is far more sought out than having inhuman physical abilities because of the atavic fear of death. And mankind has always seen mortality as what separates them from the supernatural entities they invented, be it gods or demons, and the most negative aspect of being a man. Therefore, I really can't see how it's so illogical that in a fantasy piece of media, the drawback of being a half human half demon is not being immortal or able to live for as long as a demons. Since the beginning of times, such hybrid concept has always meant that the human half is the one to bring up the negative aspects of being a halfbreed. And humans only have one major negative to bring to the table: mortality, or a short life. Whereas the supernatural part is the one that brings the positive aspects. Which are obviously the enhanced physical abilities. It's really nothing new and it's a pretty common thing that's been kind of a staple in fantasy for a hella long time.
But I guess if you really find it that illogical, there's nothing I can say that can make you see it in a different light. So I'll agree to disagree, we both said our piece.

And besides, if you really wanna get technical, even in real life it's not uncommon that a hybrid of two species lives less than its parents. Just saying. XD

Easy, there, grammar police.

Well technically it's a spelling error not a grammatical one. And I hardly went nuts over it. If I had, I would have been way more sarcastic, LOL.
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@berto Isn't Sparda being dead unconfirmed? And a character doesn't always have to be ageless AND unkillable to be immortal. So it's not inaccurate to say Sparda was immortal. Unless he actually died of old age.

The Intro to DMC1 literally states that he died, so I'd take that as a confirmation, it's never brought up again so it's still canon.