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Petition for VB to STAY!!!


God of Hyperdeath
Supporter 2014
I have a lot of friends, but they all give me a weird look whenever I bring up the fact that I want to be a lizard-person. Wouldn't real friends just treat it as normal conversation?


I am Nero's Mom & Obsessed fan girl
But that's ppl Dreadnought...
There are ppl that don't take me seriously either... so, you wanna be a lizard person... what you want other ppl may not understand... To be honest... I wanna be Nite Runner,


God of Hyperdeath
Supporter 2014
My friend Cruz understands me, at least. He has a weird fantasy too. He wants to have wings. :p I told him being a lizard has more advantages, but he didn't listen, so I showed this to him. Not that it changed his mind though. :p


Pros: flight, enhanced senses, strength, and reflexes.

Cons: Easily broken bones, strength not enhanced enough to be noticeable.


Pros: Armored scales, greatly enhanced strength, speed, reflexes and durability.

Cons: Vulnerable to extreme temperatures, most notably extreme cold. (I'm pretty sure a normal human with bird wings can't control ice. :p)

He's still adamant that a bird-human hybrid would kick a lizard's ass, even though the evidence is staring him in the face. :p What a hardass...

And VB, IMHO, being Nite would be pretty cool. Although, I don't exactly wanna be a girl. :p

Dante's Stalker

"Outrun this!"
Supporter 2014
LOL... I'm a very difficult person to figure out because I don't fit in any of the classic 'types', eg. I can't be classed an introvert, nor can I class an extrovert. I have a cold aura but a warm personality. I loathe society but I love people. People who don't know me think I'm shy because I don't speak much, but shy does not exist in my vocab - just because I'm not talking to you doesn't mean I'm shy. I either don't like you and feel you're not worth wasting my breath on, or I just don't have anything valuable to contribute to the conversation, and when I do, people kinda go 'maybe you should shut up because that's just not right'. I perceive things differently than most. Meh. People just don't get me, therefore don't like me, or they tolerate my presence because they're polite.
I wasn't labelled weird for no reason :p

Hehehe. I think DT and I would get on like wildfire though. Your friends should support you in wanting to become a lizard person! Heaven knows, my friends had to deal with me wanting to find my long lost (nonexistent) twin sister since I was a kid. Well, it's true anyway, didn't someone once say that everyone has a clone walking around somewhere? I wanna find my clone!! Anyone seen her? :D


God of Hyperdeath
Supporter 2014
^_^ I can imagine their strife. My friends don't get me, even though I talk like it's my last day on earth. :p

Daring Dylan

This is all we got now.
You've never had waffles before?! You NEED to come down here to Californialand so I can make you some. I'm an awesome cook. <3

And people don't get me, either. Like Clair said, I'm quiet around a LOT of people, but shy doesn't even exist in my vocab. You either annoy me, are stupid, or I have nothing important to say. I also wanted to be a demon since I was, like, six (when I first played Devil May Cry LOL!), and when I tell people I get weird looks and people walk away. o_O

And, Master C, we were talking about South Africa today. The teacher was acting like it was the whites' faults what's happening there.

And the crime thing, I live in Projects, so it's pretty bad here, too. Just today, some guy came to our apartment and had to warn us that he was a sex offender. And then there was a gun fight last night. In front of an ELEMENTARY SCHOOL!

>.> Glad to see you're staying, VB. We need to get together and torture Vergie some more.

Dante's Stalker

"Outrun this!"
Supporter 2014
LOL! Dani, you and I will be best friends! ;)

And a demon? Ssssssshhhh! You can't go around posting that on a friggin DMC forum. You know Dante pulverizes humans who wanna be demons, right? Hahaha, I had to say it, the irony was just too funny to pass up.

And yeah, the teacher is right, it's the whites fault for suppressing the black people in the first place. But for the current condition of the country, it's mostly the black people to blame. I mean, we've got a black government, it's not like us pathetic whites have any power to make things worse or better. But meh. That's life.


Best Super Penguin ^^

Your conversations scared me. It's getting my nerves on. You all expressed your thoughts well unlike mine. You've been like good friends already for millions of years. I can't seem to conjoin the way you present things brilliantly and fast so I felt like... uhm... :(

Man I'm sick. What am I talking about? 0.o

Well... uhm... VB, about the Vergil being left behind, I meant for something real. I mean come on! You have so many rivals here (including me :)). By any chances, they-- I mean 'we' might take the advantage to abduct Vergil away from you if you are to leave. So better hold Vergil tightly. xD


I am Nero's Mom & Obsessed fan girl
I would never leave Vergie behind... he's my sanity ya know ;)

Speaking of crime... some little sh*t tried to break into our last house... even though my parents and i were in the back garden... like most blokes... he saw me and did a runner. I'm thankful now that i have my katanas...

I'd like to be a demon to... my mum does say i am the daughter of satan sometimes... but, i think she's joking. I like to think i was abandoned at birth like Nero.

I'm a tad shy... okay, i have no confidence around ppl. My motto, trust no one. But it is different on here. You guys are like genuinely cool. And I'd rather talk to you lot any day of the week, than some stranger in the street.
(Holy cow, that rhymed)
If i don't like someone, I will avoid them. If i don't wanna talk... I won't say anything. And because i like to bottle things up... I won't tell you what i think of you.

But... thats just me...

Daring Dylan

This is all we got now.
But I say that because I always wanted to be s00per badass like Dante and kill other demons! D: I dun wanna be killed! Blame Dani's six year old self and her father for letting her play Devil May Cry instead of Ray-Man! D:

Well, what I meant, was that he was acting like it was STIL the whites' faults for what's happening today.

Don't worry, VB. Juls and I will help you protect Vergil from being demonnapped. Whilst taking advantage of him. ;)


I am Nero's Mom & Obsessed fan girl
With us around, other demons won't stand a chance of getting near him.

I'd rather play DMC than Rayman any day!!


Well-known Member
Premium Elite
Supporter 2014
Karen_Azalea;207037 said:
I know I'm still new here and still haven’t built many friends yet. But this thread bothered me when I got to read the title. At first, it seems you guys are hinting VB will be making her leave from the forum sooner so I can't stop my self from not being emotional about it as well. I considered her a good friend already even I just got to chat with her in just a short period of time. In fact, she’s the first user here who bothered sending spontaneous messages in my page as a response to mine and while she’s doing so, I can sense her positive aura. I'm also grateful to her for being one of the first three members here who sends me an instant friend request when I began posting to various threads.


Knowing how VB is a good friend not just to me but to everybody, it's not just right to let go of such a sweet person.
I'm new here as well, and I think you are so very right Karen. :)

Devil Bane

God Slaying Blades
Scrap "once".We'll make you feel happy more that once.More than twice.That's friends are for.Now come and get'em waffles.Sirup or cream.I have fresh ice-cream.[And not sea-salt,thank god.]


Best Super Penguin ^^
Okay then. Now's that everybody's happy, let's better celebrate!

And oh! *takes waffles and ice cream from DB*
Sorry guys, especially to you VB... I can't just control my self from such temptation. ;)
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