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Petition for VB to STAY!!!

Dante's Stalker

"Outrun this!"
Supporter 2014
Vergil's B*tch, or VB as we've come to know her, is feeling a bit left out.

I think she needs to feel the love from us.

All in favour of having VB stay on the forum, POST!!!

Really VB please don't go:(


God of Hyperdeath
Supporter 2014
Aye, tis sad. Why does crap like this happen? We don't need the drama, people! A forum is a place to talk and be happy! VB, if you still value us, please, tell us what's wrong!


Oldschool DMC fan
I don't know VB but if I had to guess, I'd say it's a combination of things, maybe certain forum members, maybe the forum in general, maybe something outside it, maybe all three... and maybe she just needs a break from it.


Don't trust people
Ohh noooooo... VB don't go! I really mean it!
Don't go!

We'll help you fulfill your dreams, letting you stand up on a tower with the battleship yamato and wearing logo T-shirts!

Daring Dylan

This is all we got now.
Wait. Drama that's NOT my fault? OHMEHGAWD! 8D!

I mean, please don't go! D': You were my first friend on this site!

Chaos Raiden

Avid Gamer & Reviewer
What the hell is going on? Why is everyone leaving all of a sudden...

Vergil's B*tch', I personally think that you should stay in this forum because you are good friend to a lot of members in this forum. Don't give a crap to anyone who spoke ill about you. Instead, report to the admins or mods. Let them solve this thing.


Well-known Member
Premium Elite
Supporter 2014
What the hell? Is Vergil's B*tch not feeling good here? :( Is she leaving?? :(

I don't have enough sad faces to put here. :(:(:(

Devil Bane

God Slaying Blades
VB,is something the matter?If you want you can send us pm,or talk about it in the forums.After all,it's not easy to find places as good as this in the net.


I am Nero's Mom & Obsessed fan girl
You... lovely bunch of ppl.... you made me cry... espcially you Cv.
(Urgh, human emotions)

I have never had ppl want me to stick around before. Most ppl are so quick to get rid of me.

I saw the title of the thread and suddenly a lump appeared in my throat.
The next thing i knew, I was a blubberin wreck. (Sad really).

The past year has been hell for me. I lost someone very close to me a year ago today. Losing him has made me think about everything in my life.

The forum wouldn't fall apart without me... like it told Cv, I'm only one person.

I must say, I'm surprised that 12 other ppl have posted here... I didn't have that many friends back in school... okay, I didn't have any friends in school. :)
Plus, I'm used to ppl not giving a damn.

But for now... i need thinkie time.


Well-known Member
Premium Elite
Supporter 2014
Vergil'sB*tch;205565 said:
I have never had ppl want me to stick around before. Most ppl are so quick to get rid of me.
I don't understand this, you are so friendly and welcoming. We don't want to lose you!

The past year has been hell for me. I lost someone very close to me a year ago today. Losing him has made me think about everything in my life.
I'm sorry to hear that. :(
I lost the one that was closest to me one and a half year ago. She just suddenly died. That was not my first loss either, so I can feel your pain. We can talk if you like.

The forum wouldn't fall apart without me... like it told Cv, I'm only one person.
Think about it, we are all just one person, but we are still important. Every one of us matters.
As John Donne wrote in the poem For Whom the Bell Tolls:

"No man is an island, entire of itself; every man is a piece of the continent, a part of the main. If a clod be washed away by the sea, Europe is the less, as well as if a promontory were, as well as if a manor of thy friend's or of thine own were. Any man's death diminishes me, because I am involved in mankind; and therefore never send to know for whom the bell tolls; it tolls for thee."


Well-known Member
I'm sorry to hear about you're loss. :( If you need someone to vent to let me know.
I would also like to leave you with a bit of wisdom like Romero if you don't mind. There's a song by The Who called Love Reign O'er Me. Its about a guy that has a hard life and is really depressed and is able to find comfort in the pouring rain. It is the most beautiful song i ever heard and one of my favorites. You should listen to it, or at least read the lyrics. I think you'd really appreciate it. :$ *hugs*

Eris Strife

The Discordian Trickster
I don't really know what happened, but I would sure miss you if you leave, VB! I've never commented on your fanfics, but I read 'em, and I really like what you did! :) You're also a great friend to everyone, so please don't go.

Dante's Stalker

"Outrun this!"
Supporter 2014
VB if you need to open your heart and bleed this feeling out, you can catch me on MSN, or send me a PM on facebook, or even email me. I'm here for you my friend, just holler and I'm there, okay?

Ember To Inferno

Eternal Rest
The times I managed to talk to you, you seemed to be a really good person! This is from someone who is sensitive to what other people tell them..and used to get bullied all the time -.- SO please don't go, just look at all the members that would miss you, you're a good friend to a lot of people. Also I am terribly sorry about your loss, I know how you feel.


Enma Katana no Kami
VB: im not very good at being comforting, so im not sure what to say.

you can think and still remain on this forum. however thinking is not always the best thing to do. and some thoughts should be left in the past.

its no use stopping your life and thinking about loss. the only thing you can do is continue. leaving this forum will not make you happier, it will not help you avoid pain. or make it go away. my life has been far from perfect but i have learned that the best thing to do is to continue to do the things that make you happy. continue to live your life. if you spend your time thinking about pain and loss. you are not truly living just existing. as long as your alive never ,for even a single second, stop enjoying it. no matter what happens no matter what has happend.

so be happy

( i sounded like an old man just now didn't i. )
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