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Dante's ripped clothes = Me Catering for all Dante fans (after all, look at all the Vergil-ness you have to put up with on DSC!)

I must admit, i did feel like dropping it... but i was feeling down at the time.
I've gotta finish this story.
Vergil'sB*tch;262748 said:
Dante's ripped clothes = Me Catering for all Dante fans (after all, look at all the Vergil-ness you have to put up with on DSC!)

I must admit, i did feel like dropping it... but i was feeling down at the time.
I've gotta finish this story.

Please continue writing this. You have made a very great fan fiction. :D

Cheer up, and smile whenever you are feeling down.
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hey hey, i've written another story to the series. but, because of it's contents i can't post it here. If you want to read it... PM me :D
"Where are we?"
"At the base of the Keep" Nite replied
A castle-like stronghold jutted out of the rock face further up the cliff.
Vergil looked up at the building feeling and looking somewhat un-impressed.
He walked toward the cliff face and made a reach out to being the climb.
"Where are you going?" Nite asked looking puzzled.
"We have to get in somehow" Vergil replied
"So you're going to attempt a suicidal climb?"
"Well, you could... but I'm going the other way?"
It was now Vergil's turn to look puzzled.
Nite gestured her head for him to follow her.
A few metre's away from where they had been standing, they came across a cavern in the cliff. Nite kicked a rock as she walked past it.
As a doorway opened up infront of them Nite looked at Vergil and smiled, "I had this dug out ages ago, This tunnel leads to the kitchen."
Vergil still looking confused asked, "Who did this?"
"A few hells and myself... mostly myself"
A sudden echo rang through the tunnel, "Argh!".
"Dante?!" Nite and Vergil gasped.

As they walked into the kitchen everything seemed eerily quiet...
"Can you smell it?" Vergil asked
Nite nodded in agreement "...Death."
As they carried on walking down the corridor the stench became stronger. As they approached a big set of wooden doors it was dawning on the both of them that there was something nasty in the next room.

Nite summoned Gilver and opened the door as quietly as possible. The floor and walls were completely blood stained.
They both walked into the room... very aware that they were not alone.
The servants had been placed at the table on the chairs. Any human would have either thrown up or fainted, but neither Nite or Vergil looked shocked at the sight that was before them.
"They were caught unaware" Vergil said "They're all in human form."
"And whatever or whoever killed them is still here..." Nite replied

"...Indeed I am." Came a voice "You should not have come back Nite."
Nite recognized the voice "Nanny?"
The creature that had been like a mother to Nite laughed, "Yes... Urgh... I was so grotesque back then... But look at me now, I am young again... and Free."

Nanny looked sleek and slender, although she was flat-chested. She had black hair, not too dissimilar from Nite's.
Although before Nanny had said anything else or moved, Vergil had already decapitated her with Yamato, "we don't have time for this", he growled.
Another yell echoed through the castle.
Nite unsheathed Gilver and boar it into Nanny's chest, twisted it and pulled out her heart.
Nanny finally collapsed to the floor.
"Sorry" Nite whispered.
Nite hadn't felt this sad since the time that she had lost Nelo.
Vergil looked at Nite and was about to say something.
"Don't" she said, "It had to be done."
Still with Nanny's heart in her hand, Nite turned to look at the servants... her family, that were now all dead. And then walked out of the door with Vergil following.
Thank you :D

I've already written another chapter, but i really don't see the point in posting it because its a bit too short.
"Heh, is that all you got baldy?!"
"Come on... HARDER!"
"You whip like a girl... I bet Lady could do better"
Dante was expecting another lash across his back... nothing...
"Mary..." Arkham whispered.
"No, Lady... LAAAAADY" Dante teased

"Mind you, i hear you've been quite the punisher" Dante sniggered as the rattled the chains that held him. "Raping and tormenting your female victims... tut tut tut. Or did you only save that punishment for Nite?"
"Ah yes... the whore... "
"Funny, she didn't seem like that to me."
"You wouldn't believe how easy it was to get to her after your brother left Mundus' service."
"All the things that has happened to her, and all the things that will happen... Nite is changing... and it's not for the better"
Dante spat at Arkham.
Arkham laughed and cracked the whip down the centre of Dante's Back, "It was Mundus' wish for Nite to be... punished as an adult after she lost her virginity... and that is what i did... punished her, with an adult punishment"
`"You sick bastard" Dante growled
Yet again, Arkham laughed and carried on whipping Dante.
"Get here soon you guys" Dante kept thinking to himself as the lashings continued.

Nite and Vergil approached the huge marble doors of Mundus’ throne room.
She hadn’t spoken to Vergil for what now seemed like hours.
Nite’s head was full of very noisy thoughts. They felt like they were pounding against the side of her skull.
She was just about to burst through the door when Vergil gripped her shoulder.
“Please, talk to me…” He asked.
No matter how much she wanted to talk to Vergil, she couldn’t, she didn’t want to tell him how she felt... she had clammed up and gone into herself the same way she did when Nelo was ripped away from her.
She stood there looking at the floor and rubbed the back of her neck. The silence was awkward…
“Please, Nite, tell me you’re okay.”

Nite could suddenly feel her eyes glaze over, a cold darkness washed over her body.
The sensation went away.
“I’m fine Vergie… Just fine.”
Nite came to her senses and burst through the door.

“Hi honey, I’m home” She chirped
Vergil slapped his hand against his face… he couldn’t believe that she had just said that.
“Welcome home my Prodigal Daughter.”
“Ooh, someone’s had the dictionary out.”
“Or you’ll do what” Vergil Interrupted.
Mundus was studying Vergil
“It looks like there is an annoying little fly in the room.”
Vergil sniggered to himself.

Nite stood in the middle of the room and clicked her fingers. A portal appeared,
in which a battered Dante came screaming through.
“MotherF***er” he yelled as he hit the floor.
“Don’t be so wet”, Vergil laughed.

"Anyway, If we can get down to business, today... father, your reign ends."
Mundus laughed at Nite mockingly, "You really are deluded."
"Oh, I don't know about that, If Sparda could defeat you, I'm sure I can... Plus i have help."
"What are these pesky half-breeds going to achieve?"
Nite sighed, "That's your problem Mundus, You, see them as half-breeds. I see them for what they are, the Sons of Sparda. So surely, two half breeds, make a whole demon. "
Dante stood up, "I like her thinking."
"Dante, where are your weapons?" Nite asked.
"He has them," Dante replied looking at Mundus.
"You want them back? Here..." Mundus threw Rebellion at Dante. and his guns appeared aimed at his head.
Rebellion would've impaled Dante, but Nite's psychic powers had stopped it. Vergil pulled the guns away from his brother's head.
"Awww. Spoil sports."

Mundus stood up from his throne and still eyed Vergil, "You're so much like your father, its sickening".
"I've told him that before, and believe me, he always takes it as a compliment" Dante retorted.

"Enough talk, It's time." Nite said. "By the way, catch!" Nite threw Nanny's heart at her father.
Mundus caught it, and gazed over it for a minute.
"So, it took two of you to kill a weakling such as her... You're going to have difficulty defeating me."
Nite, Vergil, and Dante drew their swords.

Dante: "TO"

I love it that you hate Dante so much. He's always being tortured or battered or something in your fic. But THIS:

A portal appeared,
in which a battered Dante came screaming through.
“MotherF***er” he yelled as he hit the floor.
Has got to be the most original entrance anyone has ever written for him. XDDDDDDDDDDDD

This really made my day. Oh, oh, oh! And the last bit of the chapter with Vergil going 'DIE' was funny, but it's cool. I love your story, keep it coming VB ^_^
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Eb and Chloe: Thanks.

I'll be honest, I don't hate Dante... I just like making him suffer... I mean come on... i am a Vergil fan after all... I'm just carrying on his work of tormenting his bro ;)
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Sorry if this is a bit...*blowsraspberry*... but i've suddenly forgotten the english language :lol:


The trio charged at Mundus. Attacking from all sides, and all directions.
In the fury and melee of the attack no one had notice that Mundus wasn’t even flinching. It was realised when a bright light had surrounded the God and the three were blasted away.

“Damn it!” Dante growled

“So, it seems that you have truly underestimated me.”

Nite kept her grip on Gilver and charged at Mundus again.
Mundus had summoned a sword and the pair met with an almighty crash. Sparks flew everywhere.
The swords screeched as the blades ground together.

The twins suddenly saw her charge as a diversion.

Mundus felt a sharp feeling pierce his back. In frustration, he knocked Nite to the floor unconscious , only to turn and see Rebellion and Yamato sticking out of him.
He ripped the swords out and threw them back to their owners.
“Mere toys…”

Mundus’ third eye started to glow bright red.
The twins charged at him again, but in that split second, Mundus had made his move…

Nite's lifeless body was hanging mid-air... Mundus had used her as a shield.
The twins faces were twisted with horror. As they removed their devil arms, blood flowed from the wounds.
Mundus threw her body aside as if it was a piece of trash.
“You sick Mother f***er” Dante said in disgust.

Vergil was about to walk over to Nite when he felt a sudden grip around his throat….
“Ah yes, don’t think I have forgotten about you.”, Mundus growled as he pulled Vergil toward him “Did it feel good to desecrate my daughter’s purity? To take away her innocence? I gave you power, immense power… everything you could want, but you still had to lay hands on my daughter.”

“I thought you didn’t give a damn.” Dante sniggered.

“It was up to me! ME! Nelo, to decide when she should have become a woman.”

Dante yet again looked at Mundus in disgust… “You? You would’ve?... That’s… no wonder she hates you.” Mundus tore Rebellion from Dante's hands and impaled the sword through his chest.

Vergil was turning blue. Mundus eventually released his grip, and he fell to the floor.
“We’re Kindred spirits” Vergil gasped. “I would’ve given up that power for her.”

Dante couldn’t believe his ears.

A portal appeared underneath Nite’s body and she disappeared, leaving behind the only thing that was ever constant in her life… the black knight shard.

Mundus picked it up and handed it to Vergil, “Something for you to remember her

As he approached Vergil, he used telekinesis to rip Yamato from Vergil's Hands and did exactly the same thing to him, as he did to Dante.

Portals opened up underneath the twins. Dante was sent to the cells... and Vergil was sent to meet an old 'friend'.
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