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:wacko: I saw you'd posted in this thread and thought hurrah! More Nite Runner! O_o
As evening approached, Dante was lying on the sofa watching television. "Hurry up you two, I wanna see what you're dressed as" Dante shouted. Not long after he shouted, someone was walking down the stairs.
"You got off lightly..." Dante said.
Vergil walked into the office. He was wearing black riding boots black trousers, black shirt, blue waistcoat, a black coat and a cape.
"What are you? The Cabaret act?" Dante sniggered
"Very funny" Vergil replied.
"OOH...Fangs" Dante replied, "You're a vampire"
"That brain cell of yours still works then."
"I thought you might have gone as Dad" Dante Sniggered.
Vergil glared at his brother.
"You know Vergil, Nite told me that your costume was going to be Frank-N-Furter's transvestitve costume from Rocky Horror" Dante said with a wide grin on his face. "I must say, I'm a bit disappointed."
"And If you were coming Dante you could've dressed up a Riff-Raff...the servant" Nite said with a smile on her face.
The brothers were bantering so much, they hadn't heard Nite walk down the stairs. Nite was wearing a flowing ball-gown. The corset was blue and black vertical striped. The sleeves were black mesh-netting type material just like the top layer of the skirt of the dress. Underneath the skirt netting was several layers of black satin. Nite also wore fangs.
"Wow..." Dante said, then looked at Vergil, "Surely you must be impressed bro?"
Vergil didn't reply.
"So, you're both Vampires..." Dante sighed "Thats original!"
"Yes, Count Vergil and Countess Nite..." Nite smiled
"Vergil... a count" Dante laughed "If you remove the 'o' you've got the actual word that he really is!"
Vergil picked up Sparda as it was close to hand... "Don't Vergil..." Nite said putting her hand out to stop him "Don't rise to him"
Vergil lowered the sword again.
"You do know that you have to be married to Mr. Happy here to be a Countess" Dante chuckled.
"It doesn't matter... Count and Countess Redgrave..." Vergil replied trying not to let Dante wind him up "It has a ring to it."
Nite smiled. Although, she couldn't really believe what she had just heard.
"Just one question Nite... Something that has really been bothering me" Dante Chimed "Where did you get all that money from?"
"I thought I told you not to worry about it?" Nite replied.
"But, Nite, we're just interested" Vergil said.
Nite sighed,"Mundus... has an account, although it isn't in his name."
Dante laughed, "Why would he want money... how does he get it?"
"I don't know... It's probably 'dirty money' obtained in ways that i just don't want to know. Or perhaps his worshippers donate it to him... I just don't care..." Nite said "as for wanting money...have you ever considered that Mundus could walk among humans in a disguise?"
"That's not possible, every demon in the human world would know about it" Vergil replied.
"I don't know Vergil... It's very complicated. Think of a poor/quick ressurection. Mundus is actually killed, and his worshippers manage to bring him back, but the only vessel they have is a human body. He wouldn't have his power, but he would need money to survive here if he couldn't get back to the demon world and reclaim his power."
The twins looked at each other
"I'm sorry boys, I know it's impossible to believe, but that is what i know." Nite said.
"What name is the account in?" Dante asked
"I don't know... I think it begins with a C or a Q... I just don't know. All i can tell you is, I'm not even halfway through clearing out the account."
"How much is in there?" Vergil asked
"A few million...I haven't checked properly. All i know is, I'm withdrawing the daily limit of cash. I will get it all. I won't let him have his money... and I'm as sure as hell I won't let him have his power too."
A car pulled up outside and its horn sounded.
"Have you got everything" Vergil Said looking at Nite.
"Enjoy the party", Dante said waving at them as they walked out of the door "I'll see you later".
As they left Dante grabbed His Coat, Rebellion and the guns, and planned his evening.
Ha! Interesting - where she's getting the money from never crossed my mind - I had a lot of random ideas....!

The last sentence should have said....

"As they left Dante grabbed His Coat, Rebellion, Ebony and Ivory, and planned his evening."

Then I could have said "Dante grabbed me!!" :wub:

lol - sorry I'm bored and in a funny mood!
You're not the only one in a funny mood...

If anyone wants to take a guess at who nite's mom is... feel free.
No guesses here...but great story nonetheless! I enjoy the comedy between Dante and Vergil. ^_^
Yeah, VB, you're doing real good, even better than at the beginning! I loved when Dante said - "Vergil, a cOunt". Remove the O.... That was realy funny ! Please, do write more ! Much more
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The drive to the Party was very quiet.
Nither Nite or Vergil had said a word until they arrived at the mansion.
"You looked uncomfortable in the car" Vergil said.
"You would be too if you were sitting on a lump of metal." Nite replied whilst fumbling around in her purse.
"I wasn't aware you were wearing a chastity belt."
"Yeah, yeah... oh, where is it?!" She mumbled.
Vergil then reached into the back pocket of his trousers "Looking for this?" he said as he pulled out the invitation...
Nite sighed "You do know that it is rude to just read someone else's mind without permission... I mean... what if i had been thinking about you stark naked?"
"I wasn't reading your mind." Vergil replied looking confused. "Do.. you think of me..."
"Don't flatter yourself!" Nite sniggered. "Anyway, i thought a remark like that would've p***ed you off?"
"Only when it's Dante that says it."
"Does... Dante think of you in the buff then?" Nite asked looking worried.
Nite and Vergil went silent and tried to clear the thought from their heads. They both looked at each other in disgust.
"Shall we go in?" Nite asked
"Let's go" Vergil replied.

As they walked up to the entrance of the mansion, Nite linked her arm around Vergil's arm. Vergil looked at Nite.
"Vergie, If you feel uncomfortable, I can let go." Nite said looking back at Vergil.
"No, its fine... I'm fine" Vergil replied with a gentle smile on his face.

They reached the front door to be greeted by a butler, who wasn't in costume. "Do you have an invitation?".
His voice was smarmy and posh.
Vergil handed over the invitation and gave the butler a typical Vergil-glare.
The butler looked about ready to cr*p himself. He gulped and mumbled "Enjoy the party".
As Vergil and Nite walked into the mansion, Nite asked "What did he do wrong for you to look at him like that?"
"Nothing, I just felt like it."
Nite giggled.
Their ears were hit with two different types of music as they entered the hall. One was full of bass and the other was classical.
"I think I'd rather sit in the toilets." Nite said
"Sadly, there isn't an option" Vergil replied. "Where would the target be?"
"Among the tarts, slappers and other 'females' probably..." Nite sighed "We should've brought Dante, I'm allergic to cheap perfume."
Vergil sniggered.
"Anyway, target... that's a bit cold, isn't it?" Nite replied "I must've been wrong, You can't have changed that much"
"I don't have to smile politely"
Nite looked slyly at Vergil and replied,"I prefer it when you don't. Anyway, which room should we check out first?"
Vergil took Nite's hand and pulled her towards the room which was being sounded out with Drum n' Bass music. Together they peeped their heads around the door.
"Strippers... Classy" Nite laughed.
The room was decorated to look like a strip club. Velvet chairs, poles, girls dancing on tables... even the blokes drooling over the dancer in front of them. Anyone could've actually believed that this was the real thing.
At the top table, a few girls were sat fumbling about with stumpy man with grey hair. He was wearing lots of gold jewellery. He was also wearing sunglasses and was dressed as Dracula.
"Great, the father of all Vampires" Nite retorted. With that sarcastic remark, Vergil grabbed Nite's hand and pulled her away.
"Obviously he is getting in all the fun he can have..." Vergil snorted.
"If you're feeling jealous..." Nite began
"Not funny, all I need is right here." Vergil said raising his left hand.
"Well, you either talking about your hand, or you might be talking about me...." Nite winked "But, seeing our relationship is...professional, you're probably talking about your hand."
Vergil rolled his eyes and tutted, then led Nite to the room with the room which was playing classical music.
It was completely different.
This was a ball-room. It had a glass ceiling, glass chandeliers. The color scheme was mainly an Ivory/white.
The moon was shining through the ceiling. Couples in fancy ball-gowns, suits and masks were dancing to the orchestra.

"I like it in here..." Nite said in amazement "...Shame about the smell though"
The pair then walked over to a secluded table in a corner and sat down.
"This place reeks of Mundus" Nite continued.
"These must be his loyal followers" Vergil replied.
They were both made aware that they had company by the sound of glasses being put down on their table. Nite looked up just in time to see a waiter walking away.
"We're gonna have to watch what we say while we're here" Nite whispered.
"I know..." Vergil replied "...What do you make of that other room?"
"Well besides the fact it smells of Mundus, cheap perfume, marajuana AND has possessed girls 'dancing' it's quite quaint"
Vergil glared at her...
"I'm trying to make light of the fact that I don't like this place." Nite mumbled
"It's obvious. Anyway, how do you know those girls are possessed?"
"I'd want to be possessed if I had to get close to him... the Duke... Grovelling Gary....Talk of the snivelling bastard" Nite continued."
Then the stumpy bloke made a grand entrance...

The dancing couples stopped and applauded their host.

Nite and Vergil however, were holding their noses.
"Why is that smell so strong?" Vergil asked
"Pheromones... he's just been around naked girls remember...he's probably horny... ." And with that thought Nite buried her head into Vergil's shoulder.

He sniffed the air... and yelled "SPARDA!"
"I think he knows I'm here." Vergil said
"Really..." Nite said "...What do you think gave that away?"
Grovelling Gary was walking around the room sniffing each of his guests.
He got to the corner where Nite and Vergil were sitting...
"Redgrave..." He growled...
"Scum", Vergil growled back.
"A Son of Sparda, and the un-pure Prodigal daughter... how conveinient" Gary spat.
"You smelt me too then, and you remembered me... I can't help but feel touched." Nite said sarcastically.
"Big words for someone who no longer has protection from Daddy."
"Nite doesn't need him, she has me." Vergil spat back.
"Excuse me, I have been fighting alone you know..." Nite said spitefully "...and guess what Grovelling Gary, you no longer have Mundus' protection... especially now that 'you' have cleared his bank account..."
Duke Gary gaffawed at Nite, "You silly bitch. I haven't cleared out his account... it's all there, I misplaced the cash card"
Nite laughed as she took out the card from her purse, "Not so funny now, is it?"
Duke's jaw dropped...
"Now, we want your power" Nite said smiling.

"!" Gary screamed at his guests.
Some of the followers turned into demon forms, others, that were humans charged at Nite and Vergil regardless.
Vergil moved behind Nite and pulled the skirt of her dress up, "Excuse me"
Vergil was pulling at Nite's waist.
Nite tutted and touched the Angelo fragment. Gilver materialized in her hand.
Vergil tugged one last time, and Yamato detached from Nite's side.
"You made an effort out of that, didn't you?"
The pair hopped up onto the table infront of them.
Judgement cuts and dimension slashes sent demons and the odd human flying away from them and also made the wall run with crimson blood.

The other party from the strip-club room then joined the fight, including the strippers.
Nite and Vergil got amongst the crowd and slashed in every direction.
All of a sudden, there was a loud crashing noise, and a voice that shouted...
"Now THIS IS my kind of party!"
"Dante!" Vergil shouted.
"Ah, calm down sister..." Dante sniggered.
Dante was firing bullets in every direction, but when it came down to the strippers... he got personal with Rebellion.
"Hey babes... gimme your numbers?" He said to a group that he killed in one swipe
"No?" Another four fell to the ground
"I must be losing my touch!" He exclaimed as he finished the girls off.

A demon that Nite didn't see was heading for her, Until Dante pulled out Ebony and shot it in the head. But, in that split second having killed the demon, Ebony was knocked out of Dante's hand and flew across the room. Nite caught it... Her arm started to ache.
"What the?" She whispered.
The Angelo shard was taking a copy of Ebony. The new gun was being made right infront of Nite's eyes.
"So the half breeds make a whole breed. Its a shame you aren't Sparda himself... I would've enjoyed this." Gary shouted
Gary threw himself at Dante and Vergil. The boys were ready with their Devil Arms.
Nite watched the shard let Ebony go. It had finished its work.
"D, heads up." Nite shouted as she threw the gun back to it's rightful owner.
She then touched the shard with her hand again and imagined the gun appearing in her hand.

"Is Nite helping us?" Dante yelled to Vergil
"You said you wanted a party Dante, don't moan"
The boys then had Gary trapped, and stabbed him with their swords.
"You think this will stop me" He laughed "Mundus will bring me..."
His words were cut off as a firing gun sounded in the room.
Stood right behind the now impaled corpse was Nite, and the gun.
Dante and Vergil pulled their swords from the lifeless body.
Nite held her hand out over the body and chanted an incantation. Gary's corpse rose into the air and glowed bright red. Nite looked at Vergil and said "Wanna share?"
They both stood side-by-side and when the red glow left the body, Nite and Vergil absorbed the power.
After the ritual had finished, the room went dark....
Wow i was tired and i didnt even get to the middle of it.
dante_13;221174 said:
yeah you are right it's not big Lerrion but i don't enjoy reading something without pics.

Look, everyone is entitled to their opinion. So here's mine: if you have no mind and need PICTURES to tell you a story, you're better off reading a comic or watching TV than voicing your lack of imagination here.


Dante was firing bullets in every direction, but when it came down to the strippers... he got personal with Rebellion.
"Hey babes... gimme your numbers?" He said to a group that he killed in one swipe
"No?" Another four fell to the ground
"I must be losing my touch!" He exclaimed as he finished the girls off.
Aggggh, I luuuuuuv Dante. More, VB, MORE! :D
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clairavance;221582 said:
Look, everyone is entitled to their opinion. So here's mine: if you have no mind and need PICTURES to tell you a story, you're better off reading a comic or watching TV than voicing your lack of imagination here.

I agree, Clairavance.... Comic books make my head hurt - too much pictures.... And so little info! :cool: