....seemed like there was sarcasm in your post....suspicious -.-Yes..?
....seemed like there was sarcasm in your post....suspicious -.-Yes..?
Dante's hair is part of his identity. If his white hair didn't matter he could be bald instead.No, no, no, no, no. Dante doesn't need white hair anymore than Blade needs to be black or Trinity a chick. You guys need to get over the little things, it's not like it's one of his most recognizable features. Come ON!
are you being sarcastic? blade definitely needs to be black, and if trinity weren't a chick, dear god, the inhumanityNo, no, no, no, no. Dante doesn't need white hair anymore than Blade needs to be black or Trinity a chick. You guys need to get over the little things, it's not like it's one of his most recognizable features. Come ON!
are you being sarcastic?
Sarcasm? Me
? Perish the thought
personally though, i dont care about the look anymore, actually, i dont care about this game anymore, i've given up trying to be updated, i've quit after seeing the latest gameplay vid of him running through the city, and then every poster goin off like it was amazing
i'll settle for past games
I might play the game if besides the Devil Trigger (Dante with white hair) there would also be an Angel Trigger (maybe somewhat like the past DT, only with a demonic-angelic appearance. A bit like Credo in DMC 4, perhaps?
I thought they said there would be an Angel Trigger also? Now it seems more doubtful, because they only seem to be focusing on Dante's demonic side. They may as well of not said he had angel powers also, if that just means we only see what the weapons do in angel form (Because we haven't seen him go into Angel Trigger when using these weapons) and also because having an angelic weapon doesn't make you angelic. So why aren't they going into more detail there? =/