Nelo Angelo controlled??

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Mar 16, 2009
So i watched all the cutscenes of dmc1 and watched the first fight of Nelo vs Dante just when Nelo rammed Dante to the wall he started laughing guaranteed of his victory but when spotted Dante's amulet he tossed him aside and was gone could it be that the amulet reminded of his brother so it means that Mundus was controlling him? And why couldn't he turn off his DT? Too bad Dante couldn't recognize him in the end.
DanteTheDevil;171398 said:
Nelo Angelo is Vergil. Know this from DMC4. (there is a short overview of previous games)... Play DMC3 to understand it better.

Actually i played dmc3 and i know everything :dry: except that i don't know why Nelo couldn't finish off Dante at that moment
DanteTheDevil;171475 said:
D'oh. Because he's his brother.

Actually if you would please look at the scene again :) Nelo rams Dante to the wall and laughs when he see's his amulet he throws him away and loses power
darkslayer23;171574 said:
I love this scene and I alrady saw it. Nelo Angelo is Corrupted Vergil.

Look dude i know that >_< i just think why in that moment couldn't Vergil finish him off even if he had his memories lost he would have still taken the chance to finish him off since they weren't so good brothers perhaps he was trying to get rid of Mundus control?
xD I don't think we'll ever know. I mean, I was just replaying DMC the other day and I personally think that either some of Vergil's "conscience" came back to him considering he was under Mundus's mind control and couldn't take it and then went a bit crazy with the electric stuff, or he either felt the power from Dante's half of the Perfect Amulet and then went a bit crazy with the electric stuff. I'm trying to think of other reasons why that happened but... well, I don't know. We can only speculate.
Durante;171487 said:
Its funny how some people in the comments on that video think Nero is Vergil.

I personally think the reason Nelo did what he did because it seems he got brain washed/mind controlled sort of thing and seeing that amulet brings his memories back to life back when he was a child maybe remenbering his family? And then he goes back to his usual Nelo.
Of corse Mundas is controlling Virgil.

That actually gets explained for you after the last fight.
It's a good theory. Vergil might have been controlled. After all, it is until that second ending in DMC3 that he had gone to fight Mundus. By that, there is no way that Vergil would have joined forces with the three-eyed-wacko and become Nelo Angelo.
after mundus defeated vergil he brainwashed him and took his soul and his body and changed him to nelo angelo . vergil when he saw dante amulet he knew that he is making something wrong so he left dante and then in the second fight mundus brainwashed vergil even more allowing him to forget that dante is his brother and only to remember what dante had done in dmc3
Ok, no one knows who defeated Vergil but most guess it was Mundus. Vergil was killed(body was destroyed) and his soul was turned inward and placed into the demonic armor and his alias was changed into Nelo Angelo. Well I'm sure Vergil had some control over his body because in his last fight with Dante he removes his helmet to let Dante know who hes fighting,even at the same time leaving behind his half of the amulet(before he died again or w/e.).
vergil didnt die his soul returned to his body maybe he is alive and that is one thing i want to see , all dmc users in the world want vergil back
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