Nelo Angelo controlled??

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In my opinion, I feel that the only reason Nelo didn't kill Dante when he had him against the wall was because after seeing the amulet he realised the true reason he had even gone to the Island. He went there to be like his father, to prove his blood and strength was better than anyone's. In this he failed, and fell under Mundus' control. Whether Mundus defeated him is unknown, like Zato already said. But all we do know is that he was a class of enemy, regardless of his corruption. Even if Vergil had been his true self, after he had disposed of Mundus he would of soon returned to his rivalry with Dante. If anything returning stronger from the victory he never managed to obtain, and perhaps even becoming the ruler of Hell itself. But we all know what happened, and we can only speculate here. That was just my opinion, take it as you will :)
Actually after replaying DMC1 Dante states that Mundus killed Vergil. But It never states how he knew so.
It's a tricky one, Maybe Mundus used Vergil's lust for power and leverage to control him. Perhaps a combination of physical control and years of twisting Vergil's mind and corrupting him until he is just a mindless drone living off his will to fight.
Although Yamato is nowhere near powerful enough to defeat Mundus, Vergil would have been strong enough to shrug off anything Mundus could throw at him and try and control him with they had to have met in the middle somwewhere.

Kind of like in Star Wars when Palpatine promised Anakin unlimited power when at the end of the day he obtained very little. But stayed by his side anyway.
My theory is that Mundus, knowing of Vergil's power, tried to control him and make him one of his generals. But, thanks to Vergil's human side, Mundus failed. Since Mundus is very powerful, he separated vergil's human side to vergil's demon side. And thus, he succeded in controling Vergil's demon side (now Nelo Angelo). Dont ask me what happened to the human side, cause this would go in my Nero's origins theory, which doesnt matter here.

When Nelo saw Dante's amulet, he regained his consciousness. Affraid of losing control, Nelo Angelo ran away with a damn headache.=)
Zato-OW;180777 said:
Actually after replaying DMC1 Dante states that Mundus killed Vergil. But It never states how he knew so.

I don't recall him ever stating that. And if he did, possibly just a huge assumption on Vergil's behalf... :wacko:
I think that every time Nelo saw the amulet Vergil broke free for a second and Mundus realized that vergil's memory is being restored so he hurts him to keep him on track for his mission.Until the last battle where he fully corrupted ahim and almost killed him at the end with the electricity because Vergil was going to be fully restored.
Okay, we all know that Vergil fights Mundus and is defeated. Then, years later, he fights Dante again, gets defeated, then dies. Truthfully, I don't see the point of this thread, but let me clarify things a bit. Vergil isn't controlled by Mundus, but merely corrupted by him. He still has his will, but some of that will is barred off by Mundus' power. When Vergil sees the amulet, he is reminded of his past self, it has nothing to do with its power. When this happened, some of his will came back to him, but, still under Mundus' orders, he continues to fight Dante, but still for his own reasons. When he is finally asked the question of his honorable nature, you could kind of say that the last of his will came back and he revealed his true identity.

To put it shortly, Vergil isn't controlled, just corrupted.
Originally Posted by Zato-OW
Actually after replaying DMC1 Dante states that Mundus killed Vergil. But It never states how he knew so.
LordOfDarkness;180831 said:
I don't recall him ever stating that. And if he did, possibly just a huge assumption on Vergil's behalf... :wacko:

He never does, Trish only implies Virgil's Death when she says, "Your the one who lost a mother and a brother to evil 20 years ago, the son of the legendary Dark Knight Sparda"

Dante doesn't confirm or deny this statement.

He just replies;"Who wants to know?"

And later; "The way I see it allot of your type come my way and if I bag each one that comes eventualy I'll hit the jackpot sooner or later, you where the first to know about my vengeance, looks like I'm getting closer..."

Dante never himself says that Virgil is dead.
Dante assumed that Vergil was killed before the events of DMC3 (at the time of their mother's death.)
In DMC, the events of DMC3 wouldn't have come into play hence the reason for Trish to mention that Vergil died 20 years ago along with Eva (well not died, you just assumed that he died because Trish said lost).
Vergil was corrupted by mundus, but, you could tell that Vergil still regained his memory as he fought with honour.
Although Vergil burst into blue flames, Mundus says that Vergil is dead because Vergil could not defeat Dante, and Mundus saw this as failure.
(I think i explained it okay, it's not easy listening to a DMC soundtrack and type at the same time.)
^ This is somewhat correct. Dante knew when Trish brought up his mother and brother being lost to evil was only half true since he last seen Vergil in DMC3. This means Dante had a feeling that Mundus was the one who killed Vergil but it never ever states how he came to this assumption(which is actually true.) when he didn't even know Nelo Angelo was Vergil at the time. I guess something happened between 3 and 1.
Dante only knew Nelo was Vergil when Vergil's half of the pendant fell to the floor after he was apparently destroyed by Mundus.
Railazel;182303 said:
Okay, we all know that Vergil fights Mundus and is defeated. Then, years later, he fights Dante again, gets defeated, then dies. Truthfully, I don't see the point of this thread, but let me clarify things a bit. Vergil isn't controlled by Mundus, but merely corrupted by him. He still has his will, but some of that will is barred off by Mundus' power. When Vergil sees the amulet, he is reminded of his past self, it has nothing to do with its power. When this happened, some of his will came back to him, but, still under Mundus' orders, he continues to fight Dante, but still for his own reasons. When he is finally asked the question of his honorable nature, you could kind of say that the last of his will came back and he revealed his true identity.

To put it shortly, Vergil isn't controlled, just corrupted.
I always assumed he was fighting Dante for the hell of it. Y'know, good ol' times.
Does the game even show him being actually destroyed? The other two times you fight Nelo, he disappears as blue fire, too. Although you'd assume Mundus would squash him like he did Griffon for screwing up, a bit more graphically than him just dissipating into blue fiery stuff and dropping his amulet. Mundus showed up personally to swat Griffon, but he didn't even bother with Nelo, who's supposed to be his top henchman? Pft.
Lexy;213153 said:
Does the game even show him being actually destroyed? The other two times you fight Nelo, he disappears as blue fire, too. Although you'd assume Mundus would squash him like he did Griffon for screwing up, a bit more graphically than him just dissipating into blue fiery stuff and dropping his amulet. Mundus showed up personally to swat Griffon, but he didn't even bother with Nelo, who's supposed to be his top henchman? Pft.

It would have really ****ed with Dante's head if Mundus decided to do the same thing he did to Griffon to Nelo. But told Dante that Nelo was Vergil first. ...I has fic material nao.
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