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Mysterious new Bayonetta info next week


Oldschool DMC fan
Hmm, at this stage I think they could take a Bayonetta series just about anywhere. Although I'd be surprised to see Bayonetta herself dropped completely while they explore the 'Bayonnettaverse'. She'll still be in there somewhere, playing a pivotal part, is my guess.

Devil Bane

God Slaying Blades
^They could,if they made a prequel game...no,she would still be there...unless we talk pre-Witches wars.

But if it is a game that will come out,it will either be a port or a spin-off.A main game would be out in one or two years...it takes a while to make a good sequel after all...

HQQR - Solid

moseslmpg;265050 said:
Considering that Bayonetta is the worst part of the game, I'd say it is a great idea. And a GOW without Kratos would be a nice reprieve from his constant angst. NG without Ryu would be unchanged.

Still, I doubt it is a sequel.

Lol really? What the hell games have you been playing?! Bayonetta is the **** man, to say anything else is just ignorance on your part. She's a flashy chick that makes the gameplay oh so much better with her constant taunts. Oh, and getting rid of Kratos, would kill the series of god of war man... :/ sorry to say. Also RYU HAYABUSA IS Ninja Gaiden. That's like saying halo without "Master Chief" would be the same. Now can you honestly say that?


New Member
Devil Bane;265114 said:
^Ok...so?It's not like Jeane isn't a Mary Sue considering she has the same abilities as Netta.But hey as DT said,we have different opinions.

And [the main] Bayonetta [series] without Netta?Good luck talking Kamiya into it.

Uh no Jeanne and Bayo don't have EXACTLY the same powers. Jeanne's Wicked Weave is much more powerful then Bayo's. And also i don't see Bayo having the ability to summon a swirling Dragon snake thingy out of thin air with the snap of her fingers lke Jeanne without spouting that gibberish (i'm talking about when you play against Jeanne. Not as Jeanne). Also, Jeanne is cool, Bayo is not. Bayo is overglorified fanservice. And she has as much depth as a inflatable kiddy pool.

Vergil'sB*tch;265123 said:
So he couldn't get his way with capcom to drop dante, but he is going to drop bayonetta?
You can't really call the game Bayonetta, if Bayonetta isn't in it.
And Yes, Netta was the best part of the game.

Its Like Soul Reaver with Raziel, and still calling it legacy of kain, when kain isn't the main character. (BTW, it was changed to The Legacy of Kain Series, when they introduced Raziel)

BAYO (not Netta) is NOT the best thing in the game. If the gameplay sucked she would've been forgotten long ago. But since the gameplay is that great and the game has gotten great reviews cause of the GAMEPLAY, not the character, that's why we're still talking about it. It has great replay value that's why people keep playing it, not for Bayo. Bayonetta's story is not that interesting, she has no mystery she's just shallow. No one in their right mind plays Bayonetta for the story of Bayonetta cause Bayo's story and her character is crap.

HQQR - Solid;265171 said:
Lol really? What the hell games have you been playing?! Bayonetta is the **** man, to say anything else is just ignorance on your part. She's a flashy chick that makes the gameplay oh so much better with her constant taunts. Oh, and getting rid of Kratos, would kill the series of god of war man... :/ sorry to say. Also RYU HAYABUSA IS Ninja Gaiden. That's like saying halo without "Master Chief" would be the same. Now can you honestly say that?

Her taunts are stupid. She just spreads her legs, but you're a guy so of course you're gonna defend these type of stereotypical video game females, gamers are a fickle bunch and they don't like to see much change.

Kratos is played out. I hope he truly is dead. I'm tired of his stupid grown up angst already. He's a douchebag.

They've had Halo without Master Chief before ya know.

And Ninja Gaiden's story is not that important. You can replace Ryu with any other generic ninja clad in black and people wouldn't know the difference nor care.

I swear people are really stuck to these characters and want them beaten like a dead horse. Its time for a change already.


God of Hyperdeath
Supporter 2014
That's what they tried to do with Nero, how do you think that worked out?

Also, your opinion =/= fact, kthnxbai. Why is it that all the new members seem to do is try to spark arguments?


New Member
If i'm not mistaken don't you like Nero? I'm sure you said that you support Nero...so i guess change is not that bad. I would think that you of all people would realize that. Even though i think Nero is a Bad Change instead of a Good Change.

Oh...so you're appointed Judge of whose Opinion is Right or Wrong. Kthnxbai i never asked for your opinion on my opinion specifically.

And why do veteran members here are so sensitive whenever sumeone doesn't agree with them? Its like a segregated dictatorship here.


Well-known Member
Isn't that what HQQR was doing when Vampi replied?

I agree with her completely though. Bayo is a Mary Sue (Kamiya even referred to her as the perfect woman IIRC and she is overpowered to the point of ridiculousness) who isn't necessary to the series at all. Ryu and Master Chief have almost no story significance whatsoever (MC hardly ever speaks). And They could easily do a GOW without Kratos. He did have a brother after all.

If it makes you feel better the above is NOT a scientific fact. In case you were unsure.


DreadnoughtDT;264769 said:
Jeanne? Aw... Well, I'm probably gonna be the only one disappointed, but whatever. I'll still play it.

Nope. I'm right there with you. I freaking love Bayonetta, but I only like Jeanne. Don't get me wrong, Jeanne is awesome I just like Bayonetta a lot more.


Well-known Member
^Agreed. ^_^
I'm very curious about this announcement, it will be cool to see either a sequel (which it has been stated when Bayonetta was released that they intend to do one), or a new take on the game. Perhaps a 2D platformer, or a bullet hell style game instead?

I would hate to see a game as fun as Bayonetta become shallow and dull because of excessive sequels with little innovation. ^_^

Devil Bane

God Slaying Blades


It seems those were the news...most probably...anyway,we still have this friday and the weekend to go.


Ok,my mistake.I hadn't played the game in ages[manner of speach] and I don't remember.

As for Ninja Gaiden without Ryu ; really now?Have you guys even played Ninja Gaiden to even now what you are talking about or are you spouting random nonsense because you played either Ninja Gaiden on XBOX or Ninja Gaiden 2 on XBOX360.

Ninja Gaiden IS Ryu Hayabusha. = FACT!!!!For the same reason you can't call any MG game a true MG unless one of the "Codename Snake" people are the main characters.

The original trilogy and the ova have established this fact,long before Itagaki even had the idea of entering Tecmo[Ok,a little hyperbole here...maybe.Ok,I don't know when Itagaki entered Tecmo,but it was established back in 1991].

And now,Hayashi is about to fix the mess Itagaki made by linking it to the original trilogy and,*GASP* making a proper Ninja Gaiden story.

What's wrong with calling her Netta?


God of Hyperdeath
Supporter 2014
Devil Bane;265431 said:
What's wrong with calling her Netta?

I think Vampi is ticked that we're not using her "official" nickname. Personally, I think Netta sounds much better than Bayo, which sounds like a person with a cold saying "mayo".


Bayo sounds too close to Mayo which sounds stupid. Not saying Netta sounds perfect but it sounds alot better then Bayo. So my vote would be for Netta.


I guess me and dread was thinking the same thing.


Well-known Member
The rationalization for not calling her Bayo is what's stupid. Netta makes her sound like an old, crazy woman. If people are going to worship her, they might as well use her proper nickname.

Her whole name is stupid anyway, but whatever.

DB: You're wrong. I just thought you should know.


New Member

This is probably the "news" that the Producer was talking about. I'm not sure. But if it is, its really disappointing. Since that art looks nothing like Bayo.

And also about the Bayo and Netta thing. The first thing you say when you speak her name is BAYOnetta. Not the reverse. But whatever, if people want to call her by that that's fine, but if you talk to people about the game and say Netta...alot of people will say....Whose Netta? And then you'll look foolish.

And Ryu doesn't make Ninja Gaiden. You can get a younger version of his father Ken Hayabusa to star in the game and it would still be Ninja Gaiden. Its like those dumb people who say Dante IS Devil May Cry when he most certainly is not. Sparda is DMC and whatever connection you have to him.


God of Hyperdeath
Supporter 2014
Vampi;265580 said:
And also about the Bayo and Netta thing. The first thing you say when you speak her name is BAYOnetta. Not the reverse. But whatever, if people want to call her by that that's fine, but if you talk to people about the game and say Netta...alot of people will say....Whose Netta? And then you'll look foolish.

That's actually not the case, believe it or not. A lot of people on the G-FAQs forums call her Netta, and a near equal amount call her Bayo.

@Moses: Wow, a rationalization is stupid if it makes sense to us but not you? Yeah, that's perfectly logical.


New Member
OMG i stop reading once you said GameFAQS. LOL! GameFAQS is filled with a bunch of elitist and is a complete joke. They're only good for their FAQ files, other the that the boards their are useless.

And what Moses say is correct. You're not rationalizing. You're just conforming to your own ideals without looking at the logical.

Like i said its fine if you call her Netta. Hey you might call her Rolely Poley for all i care. But it just doesn't make sense you wouldn't call her by the first two syllables of her name.


God of Hyperdeath
Supporter 2014
Vampi;265584 said:
OMG i stop reading once you said GameFAQS. LOL! GameFAQS is filled with a bunch of elitist and is a complete joke. They're only good for their FAQ files, other the that the boards their are useless.

And what Moses say is correct. You're not rationalizing. You're just conforming to your own ideals without looking at the logical.

I'm not even part of G-FAQ's forums, so don't think I'm an "elitist joke".

:rolleyes: Why do you guys constantly instigate arguments when opinion is really the only thing that matters?

EDIT: Ignore that last statement. I'm done talking with you. It seems almost every time you guys open your mouths, it's to denounce someone or argue against them. So I'm done.


New Member
I never said you're part of GameFAQS. I only said the GameFAQS FORUMS are a joke and they're elitist there. I never said you were one of them.

Its not really an opinion more like common sense.

And i'm not instigating an argument. I was just wondering why you would call her by the last two syllables of her name is like calling Dante, Te. It wouldn't make sense. You don't have to be so sensitive ya know. Not everyone is going to agree with you and you surely take it too personally. Grow a tougher shell a lil. Unless this forum is for lil kids or sumthing.

So i guess you don't like message boards then. That's how message boards are about discussions.

I'm done as well. You're way too sensitive.
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