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Most hated/disliked monsters in DMC series.

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Devilicious Devi
Rules are simple, name your most hated/disliked monsters from any part of the game series and why.
Your most Hated/Disliked Boss
Your most Hated/Disliked Monster

Here goes my little top.

Most hated Boss - Agnus (from DMC4) Cos he sucks your life to regain his.
2nd Most hated - Savior (from DMC4) Very annoying, especially the big blast lazer beam from the rings on his back..ew

Most hated Monster - BLITZ(DMC4), God, i cant bare the sight of him
2nd most hated - Faust(DMC4) (Freddy style, shwinnn)
3rd - Cutlass(DMC4) (Annoyance, especially in Agnuses hands)


Dodge this!!!
Most hated boss: Arkham from DMC3. Why? Because he's so annoying. Blends into the background, dissapears for half the fight and like to fires parasite things at you a lot.

Most hated enemy: Enigma from DMC3. Because on higher difficulties, they fire red arrows with amazing accuracy and run away if you get near them.


New Member
^ :lol:

That's so true.

To that list, I'd also add Bael & Dagon from DMC4 and from the enemies, the Basilisk...I hate those dogs!:lol:


Dines with dementia
Most-hate monster: Also going with Enigma, I hate those things so much! And their attacks combined with my slow PC result in almost instant death...

Most-hated boss: Echidna (DMC4), I think she took me the longest to beat, I find it so frustrating when she flies all over the place and I'm left to try and dodge her attacks and finish off those creatures she summons. I never got to use any power attack with the Devil Bringer since I can't seem to grab her


Fearfully and wonderfully made
Most disliked enemy: Can't remember the name of 'em. But those little craps that have fins and "Swim" under the ground and leap out every so often...
Most disliked boss: I like all the bosses to be honest, but I'd have to say that Sanctus is probably the lamest. Every time I lose to him because of his cowardly tactics I just want to throw my controller at the wall! :p

One Winged Angel

Legendary Dragoon
Most Disliked : I can't remember the name...but it's those gain blades after merging with those seeds. (I haven't played DMC4 for months..no 360:()

2nd Most hated monsters : Blitz and the puppet with the huge blade on it's back.

Most Hate boss : DANTE! I found him hard on all difficulties, except DMD strange, huh. He was a lot harder than Sanctuso_O

2nd most hated boss : I hated that frog. He always managed to kill me with Dante, but never with Nero.


Don't trust people
most hated enemy: i would say... i dunno i love blitz and those gladius and fishes and enigma can be a little annoying but none have really made me angry...

1st most hated boss: hard to choose arkham or frogs... i think both share first place.

and the rest in dmc3 and 4 are easy but just a little annoying.

Worst combination enemies: that would be Frosts, Mephistos/Faust and Blitz... My god they are lethal!


Evolution complete
Not played DMC4 yet, so might be a bit biased.

However, worst boss was Arkham - kept running away - it wouldn't have been so bad if you were allowed to keep your DT. ¬_¬
I have to give VERY CLOSE props to the Despair Embodied (DMCII) though - how the hell did you beat THAT guy with a sword? I had to just try my best and keep the distance and blast away, or use DDT.

Worst enemy - Until recently I would've said nobodies (DMCI) but then I was toying with weaponary and found grenade-roll easily demolished them!

Now, I would probably say Frosts (DMCI) or Plasmas (DMCI)


SSSlayer of demons
Janny;146447 said:
Most-hate monster: Also going with Enigma, I hate those things so much! And their attacks combined with my slow PC result in almost instant death...

Most-hated boss: Echidna (DMC4), I think she took me the longest to beat, I find it so frustrating when she flies all over the place and I'm left to try and dodge her attacks and finish off those creatures she summons. I never got to use any power attack with the Devil Bringer since I can't seem to grab her
You can use Devil Bringer when she is weak and does no attacks.You can also use DB when apears that pink thing that creates Chimera Seeds you can use it on that thing.

For the topic:
most hated enemy:Blitz
most hated boss:Sanctus


Crimson Pitch
Most hated enemy... by far chimera'd blades, followed closely by frosts.

Most hated boss... Dante. He's the only one that makes me resort to dirty tricks!

The SSStylish one

Formerly DanteTheDevil
Demonic_Anglo;169320 said:
me hated Jester! too annoyin! XD
Jester? Oh come on... I mean, seriously now. He is one of the easiest bosses in game and you don't even HAVE to fight him!!! (except level 5)...


SSSlayer of demons
hmm...if I think better, Sanctus begins to lose his 1st most disliked boss place.Ladies and gentlemen, the winner of the 1st place is...(drums sound)...Echidna.There are little moments when you can trully drain her vitality away >.<.

And the winner of the 2nd place is Nefasturris:lol:.What a rubbish.A building turning into a monster.


Evolution complete
oh christ, forgot that guy! Mad awesome fighting him though! Impossible to dodge some of his lasers on higher difficulties though! He gets 3rd place I think, he was the first time I ever had to use the DDT on DMD mode! (The despair embodied was second, though by no means easier.)
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