Most fun, disappointing, and hated enemy to fight?

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Well-known Member
Oct 14, 2013
Fun: Nobodys for me. They were difficult at first, but once you figure out how to stun them consistently, they take just enough damage to be good for styling.

Disappointing: Furies. They just feel like more restrictive Dreamrunners from DmC, almost always have to use the exact same strategy every time.

Hated: Tie between Hell Antenoras and the Proto Angelos. They both have way too much health for evasive they are and how much damage they can outright block respectively.
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Furies, the big enemies that have two massive tongues, and the enemies that have two red stretchy claws that constantly teleport away.

If there's a mod to remove them from the game, I'd probably install it.
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Most fun proto Angelo and behemoths

Disappointing, any flying demon as they are boring

Don't hate any enemies to be honest so can't answer that one
The Void really helped in making some of the enemies less disliked.
The more you get familiar with them, the less you'd "hate" them.

What I hate is having to fight them in groups and the lock-on refuses to focus on the enemy I want to focus.
I must say that i pretty like every enemy in this game, at first I hated the fury but then I realize how to deal whit them and they are pretty easy and go down fast...
I must say that i pretty like every enemy in this game, at first I hated the fury but then I realize how to deal whit them and they are pretty easy and go down fast...

I haven't figured them out yet. Their teleports screw me up... Haven't learned which teleports are attacks and which ones are just for show.
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I haven't figured them out yet. Their teleports screw me up... Haven't learned which teleports are attacks and which ones are just for show.
Play whit them on the void, I learned there how to dodge and pair the fury
Fun: Nobodys for me. They were difficult at first, but once you figure out how to stun them consistently, they take just enough damage to be good for styling.

Disappointing: Furies. They just feel like more restrictive Dreamrunners from DmC, almost always have to use the exact same strategy every time.

Hated: Tie between Hell Antenoras and the Proto Angelos. They both have way too much health for evasive they are and how much damage they can outright block respectively.

I am so with your there on the Furies. At least they look cool.

Fun - Both of the Angelos, unless your on DMD. Then...

Hated - The Angelos on DMD, the Behemoths (especially as V), and the Hell Judecah. F@ck the latter two. The HJ constantly runs away like a bitch. I know there is a parry exploit when he tries to summon an enemy, but there are times where he won't do it unless he feels like it. Sometimes it's 30 seconds, sometimes it's 5 minutes until he does the summon. If there was just one enemy I could remove from this game it would be the Judecahs. I hate the bat enemies too.
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Most fun is probably Empusa Queen. Big hitbox and huge health, hella good time just comboing her hard cause she lasts long.

Disappointing... None really.

Hated... ****ING JUDECCA.
Basic Enemies:

Fun - Chaos
Breaking their spikes just feels so satisfying.

Disappointing - Behemoth
I just see him as a damage sponge.

Hate - Death Scissors
I hated them in DMC1, I hate them now.


Fun - Cavaliere Angelo
The music + Royal Guard + Parrying = JACKPOT!!

Disappointing - Gilgamesh
There's not much to this fight as far as I know, I barley got above an A rank during combat and S ranked on every difficulty so far just cause I got through with the no damage bonus which isn't that hard to get during this battle.

Hate - Nidhogg
Largely due to V's combat, same with the Elder the Geryon Knight fight, I just don't find this battle fun cause I'm just running around letting Shadow and Griffon bring down the HP while dropping in Nightmare as often as I can.