Fun: Nobodys for me. They were difficult at first, but once you figure out how to stun them consistently, they take just enough damage to be good for styling.
Disappointing: Furies. They just feel like more restrictive Dreamrunners from DmC, almost always have to use the exact same strategy every time.
Hated: Tie between Hell Antenoras and the Proto Angelos. They both have way too much health for evasive they are and how much damage they can outright block respectively.
Disappointing: Furies. They just feel like more restrictive Dreamrunners from DmC, almost always have to use the exact same strategy every time.
Hated: Tie between Hell Antenoras and the Proto Angelos. They both have way too much health for evasive they are and how much damage they can outright block respectively.