Most of the DMC girls tend to be annoying at some point. They try to beat Dante or try to sound as cool as he is, which is impossible
Trish was all like calm and stuff while seeing Dante vanquishing every boss right before her own eyes. And she seriously thought she was a match for him
Lucia was cooperative from the start. But she tried to be cool and 'worthy' like DMC2 Dante. She didn't even came close to
his level though.
Lady was the most arrogant and foolish up until now. She charged blindly to fight Vergil

And she thought she could kill Dante. Although Lady is my favourite female character from the series, I found her really funny at first, for trying to play the cool/silent/leading character while Dante was there.
Kyrie doesn't seem that she'll take another road. She is already hated by most of the fans

And Gloria is ehm...I know she is liked but...I don't like her
Lucia was unlucky to be in DMC2. If she was in another game, one which they would have put more effort into, she would have ended up alright, with accent or not.