When they first showed footage of Nero drop kicking Dante at the start of DMC4 there was a huge uproar because it's BS that some noob couldn't do that to Dante. I was right there with them but a few years later, as I thought about how Dante had no real challenge, how DMC4 was a cakewalk for him and that they should've presented him with some real adversity I realized that the reason he had none might've been my fault and the fault of the fans that idolize him too much. We raged when that happened and now Dante's become stuck in his own popularity. He can't falter or struggle or have any real challenge because we didn't let him. Not until now, anyway, and I can say with a degree of certainty that we the fans are the reason Dante and the series are stuck in a proverbial limbo of which I'm hoping, at least in terms of plot, this game will try to pull it out of.