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Let's talk about: bullies


Well, let's put this into perspective.
Now that you are beyond that period in your life, looking back at it now, what would you have wanted to do/have others do to help you back then?

Thought about it for a while. I think I would have taken up Mom's offer to drop Dad like a hot potato. Because as rough as that stint was in junior high/middle school, I still have one very big bully breathing down my neck. I wish I could have been brave and stood up for my mother when my dad was on one of his moods. I still wish I had the balls to swap the locks and dump all of his crap on the front lawn.

But in a grander view of things, I probably would be nothing like how I am without either of these bullies. I have developed compassion and a strong sense of protection. I also know what to look out for. I'm willing to take my social ineptness in exchange for this.


God of Hyperdeath
Supporter 2014
I've been bullied since day 1, but I also have a huge circle of friends, so that helps outweigh the pain. Besides, the few poor saps who've tried physically hurting me were dealt with severely. Tool of punishment: My left fist. And at one point my car keys.


Oldschool DMC fan
Well, let's put this into perspective.
Now that you are beyond that period in your life, looking back at it now, what would you have wanted to do/have others do to help you back then?

In my case, I should have just demanded to be taken out of that school, or that I wasn't going to leave the house until someone did something about it. I did tell my parents but they did nothing. And I did go to the worst school in the district, that was well-known for being full of delinquents. I'm still not sure why they let me go there - I never said I wanted to, had no friends there, and there were plenty of other schools to choose from, ALL of which had better reputations than that one. I'm at a loss to remember why I was put there.

I guess I should have just been more stubborn and asserted my unhappiness, and my parents should have listened and cared about what I was experiencing.

Dante's Stalker

"Outrun this!"
Supporter 2014
My parents weren't an option. :( They didn't care what I got up to at school, as long as I didn't bunk school, smoke, go to parties, or did anything whatsoever (like going to birthday parties and the park and a friends' house) where either they or my teachers were not in full view of me. Overprotective parents, go figure. Probably the worst relationship to have is one that is non-existant.


I find myself wishing for a 'nonexistent' relationship with my father sometimes, but I guess that's a "the grass is always greener" mind set.

I've had people I know drop because of bullies. It was sad to seem them finally snap under the pressure of the name calling and petty maltreatment. And for what? A few laughs, or to make the odd man out go away. It's rather depressing.


Devil hunter in training
With parents, sometimes they think they do the best for their children by keeping them safe or making choices for them, but it is controlling and a child then does not know how to live on their own.

Other times a parent is so caught up with their own problem (like divorce) and they do not see how much it is hurting their child.All they can think about is what they are going through, not their child and this can really haunt a child even when they are an adult.

Then there are parents who don't care. Those ones, I don't know why they had children if all they do is neglect and hurt.

As for me, I know my parents made mistakes, but as an adult I can see why they acted like they did and I understand. I think as children we see our parents as perfect, or we want to, but when they make a mistake or do something terrible, it shatters the image a child has.
Sometimes I wonder when we stop reacting to our parents and live for ourselves. I guess it must be hard if parents are controlling or they have left a child with bad memories. I guess parents just don't know how even the smallest thing could make their child be in therapy as an adult.


Is not rat, is hamster
I recently met up with a former bully of mine - now she's the most normal, nicest person on the planet. My disabled son especially liked her which is a testament to how much she has changed since in the last 15 years or so...back then she would have been one of those morons I meet daily who mocks my son in the street.

I was bullied all through high school and developed incredibly low self-esteem from that...made some shocking life choices off the back of it and what have you - but I'm a more well-rounded person as a result, more or less. I've got less fear and tolerance of those who pick on others now and the last time my daughter was bullied at school, I embarrassed her horribly by marching right in there and demanding they either moved the other child in question or I'd be going to the papers regarding their anti-bullying policy standards (extreme, I know, but the school at the time had just completely failed an inspection and any bad publicity would have made them bottom out entirely - it was a surefire way of getting stuff done, put it that way).

And now having a son with problems, knowing how utterly evil kids can be (and even more so their parents), I have even less tolerance for bullies.

On the whole, there is a reason behind why someone bullies another person. It is most likely an insecurity in themselves manifesting as bullying behaviour or something is going on behind the scenes which they can only deal with by taking out their pain/anger/frustrations on others. That said, some people just genuinely enjoy hurting others and those people are the ones who usually require committing later on in life...


Oldschool DMC fan
With parents, sometimes they think they do the best for their children by keeping them safe or making choices for them, but it is controlling and a child then does not know how to live on their own.

Other times a parent is so caught up with their own problem (like divorce) and they do not see how much it is hurting their child.All they can think about is what they are going through, not their child and this can really haunt a child even when they are an adult.

I honestly think my parents just didn't care about what I was going through. If I had a child and the child came to me sincerely aged 13 and said "I am depressed," or "someone is trying to get me" I would be concerned. Deeply. My parents? They just didn't register it or something. I was a sensitive kid so I dropped it at that. It wasn't worth me repeatedly grovelling for attention and being told to get lost.

And there's no excuse for that in my eyes because my mother is a scientist, who makes her living doing rational calculations and coming to rational conclusions. So I have no idea why I got treated as though I didn't exist, I am guessing it was because I wasn't the problem child, I was usually good and therefore I was written off as something of less concern than everything else. But then this is also the mother that loved getting drunk and telling us we were all 'holding her back'. (From what, I don't know. Decorating the club floor, maybe?)

Hopefully nobody here has parents like that. The result is (as the child) you can never put your trust in them emotionally and you end up distant to protect yourself. Which I am. I haven't even spoken to her for 2 years and she never calls. Apathy (not hate) being the opposite of love, you can guess what I think. And I haven't been on proper speaking terms with my real father for over 15 years.

Eh, spent long enough in my life feeling sorry for the fact my parents didn't appear to want me, I'm over that and allowing it to get under my skin. It did cause problems though, so I agree with you, the damage even one uncaring gesture a parent could do at the wrong time can be huge to a kid.

Then there are parents who don't care. Those ones, I don't know why they had children if all they do is neglect and hurt.

As for me, I know my parents made mistakes, but as an adult I can see why they acted like they did and I understand. I think as children we see our parents as perfect, or we want to, but when they make a mistake or do something terrible, it shatters the image a child has.
Sometimes I wonder when we stop reacting to our parents and live for ourselves. I guess it must be hard if parents are controlling or they have left a child with bad memories. I guess parents just don't know how even the smallest thing could make their child be in therapy as an adult.

I firmly believe my parents were pretty selfish at times, they just can't see it (or else they can and they assume I'm going to pretend it never happened). My father took me away from my mother when I was 6 months old to upset her, (they were divorcing at the time, HATED each other and still do like no two people I've ever seen, and he wrangled for custody of me supposedly because it would be the worst thing he could do to her, aside from breaking her nose) and then three months later he met another woman and turned up at my mother's house to dump me back with her because this woman said she wouldn't have someone else's child in her house. Now that's what I call a father. Lol.

My mother I have more understanding for because she has certain disposition problems (anxiety, bipolar... I have anxiety too, probably inherited) but the difference between me and her is she drinks like a fish and gets violent and abusive. I can't accept that, it's cowardly and pathetic. Especially coming from someone who managed to make it from being a mother on social to a pretty prominent scientist in her field as she is now. If she can hold her mental problems in check for that job, she can hold them in check for me. Or else I will be the one to tell her to get lost, and it has happened quite a few times. If you've been brought up suffering that regularly, I guess you either brush it off or you come to really hate 'bad drunks' like I do.

Some people's parents' tendencies get passed on to their children like a cycle, but mine have just made me work harder to be exactly what they are not. Going on them, I wouldn't ever become a parent in a state of being horribly financially insecure, or even if I had unresolved mental problems like heavy depression. Other people like telling me 'nobody is born into the perfect situation' and I appreciate that, but at the same time it seems I picked up the psychological tab for my parents' actions. No way would I do that to someone else. Plus my genes are clearly awful.


Single life for life
Well, let's put this into perspective.
Now that you are beyond that period in your life, looking back at it now, what would you have wanted to do/have others do to help you back then?
Nothing, simply because I'm happy with who I am right now and changing what happened in any way could change how I am today.
I recently met up with a former bully of mine - now she's the most normal, nicest person on the planet.
Pretty much the same with my bullies (Excluding the "on the planet" part though). They were the wannabe gangster types, and still are, but I'm considered 'safe' to them (I still hate that kind of talk but oh well) and they don't really seem to be like they were before.


Well-known Member
I was never bullied nor bully in school. i was one of the shadow students you know the type of students that you rarely notice that they are there. but there were a lot of bullies in my school and they are not the type that bully the students they bully the teachers too. the principle couldn't stand it that he created a bully group and assigned a self defense instructor as the groups manager.

Angel General

Cristal, Advisor to Emperor Glaser & sky goddess
I'm not bullied myself, ( Unless people talk about me behind my back,) but I know people who are bullied verbally, not physically. Verbal bullying is damaging enough to people's confidence anyway.
I hate bullying and I wish I would stand up for people more. It makes me so angry and the bullies themselves are hypocrites; they say how much they hate bullying, then make exceptions for people they dislike. It seems like they don't even view the victims as human beings, it's basically prejudice against people who look or act differently.
I never have and never will bully anyone, and I'm friendly to everyone, regardless of who they are, much more than my friends.

Dante's Stalker

"Outrun this!"
Supporter 2014
I have an idea how you feel, my dad was an alcoholic when I was little and I remember a stage when my parents were thinking of divorce, too. I remember my mum crying and didn't know why or how to help her feel better. She also once told me that my dad never wanted kids. Why she told me this, I don't know, but it's killed the part of me that used to love my dad - like really love my dad. It destroyed any respect I had for him, too. Sure, he stuck around and made sure we had a roof over our heads and food in our tummies and such, but I remember hiding under my bed when he'd get home from work because I'd accidentally done something wrong (I'm ridiculously clumsy to this day, it hasn't changed at all) and I'd be terrified of him. I remember he had a tendency to grab us by the backs of our necks when he was angry and squeeze really hard. I also remember the one time he took the belt to me, he hit me probably only a couple of times and then told my mother that she had to do the disciplining from thereon because he might kill us.

I know, right? Sweet, daddy, we love you, too. Also find it disgusting how he used to treat our dogs better than he treated us. He never swore, screamed or hit them, was always giving them attention. Us? Nope, nothing of that sort. He was constantly talking to us in condescending ways, calling us stupid and pathetic (in public at school events, too).

I don't think people realize how much impact words can really have. I don't think my dad realizes just how hated I felt, either. I've never talked to him about this stuff before, and I don't think I ever will. I'll leave God to be my spokesperson one day.


Oldschool DMC fan
Yeah, it's one of the saddest things to me on this planet to see a parent who just shuns their own child. I mean it's just such a despondent situation for both of them. And I hate to see it anywhere, ever.


Well-known Member
i hate bullying i put with for all of primary (elementary) school the reason why is really pathetic what happened was i made friends with a perfectly normal person he was nice and had no serious problems but some kid noticed that he had warts and the whole school was attacking him i mean ALL the kids and the teachers did NOTHING i tried to defend him i just got attacked even more for supporting him i was even offered to change sides i was prep when this happened (grade 0 or year 0 of school) so there i was a five year hated by the whole school because i was defending one person with a minor problem that went away in a year or two the attacks continued then i was asked if i would hurt him further of course i said no what else would i say? he had to move school the most sickening thing was a "really nice and pretty girl" was in our class a few years straight but she was AWFUL and i hated her from when i first talked to her this what happened

her:"whose that loser"

eventually he had to move school and he is quite happy now i however was still getting a bad rep then grade 5 came i had the worlds worst teacher he bullied me in every possibly he hit me yelled at me criticized me for a tiny mistake he even tied me to a chair at one point a ****ING CHAIR. wanna know what he did with it? told the whole class to play kick the nerd. he lied to me he had changed my words around made up new meanings he did ANYTHING. then he demanded i feel sorry for HIM because he was a supposed war veteran regardless of how i felt. i just don't see how people can be allowed to get away with that sort of thing? oh im in high school i am 13 getting my life back and my profile says im 21:mad:

Dante's Stalker

"Outrun this!"
Supporter 2014
Oh my word the pimple phase. One of my friends used to tease another one of my friends as a pizza face. She was little miss popular and the beautiful blonde with the big doe eyes, the sickeningly wrong colour makeup foundation and the long legs that had boys swarming around her like flies. My other friend in comparison was a quiet, friendly, pudgy girl. It's a horrible feeling being caught between two people doing that when they're not friends but you're really good friends with both of them. I still told my 'pretty' friend to stfu about it, and told my other friend that it would be over soon enough, and that the Bible says what you sow you will reap as well.
So guess who got nasty zits that left scars behind later on in high school? Oh yeeeaaaah. Fair is fair, right?

I also had another friend who has a terribly disgusting skin condition. His face was all pimples and ooze and just really gross. Some people have a really bad time with that stuff :( Dunno where he is now or how he's doing, but definitely used to be one of the nicest guys in school. He had a good humour on him, too.


For Sanguinius!
I was not bullied when I was a kid. But, there was this one boy I knew who was. He was a quiet and shy who was tall, skinny with braces and pimples. So, he was an easy target.

Anyways, during our music class we were on stage in the auditorium; while the kids for the lunch period sat in the seats. The only thing separating us was the curtains.

So, guess what most of my class decided to do? Pick on the kid with braces! I don’t know what came over me, but the next thing I know; I’m on my feet shouting at these bullies telling them off. And everyone feel silent. I didn't care. Not one bit. Fell back into my sit with a huff and that was that. No one bother to pick on him again that’s for sure. I can't stand with someone picks on kids just because they are different. Sigh :/

Laurence Barnes

Still not dead. Just not really here any more.
all through primary school i had a best friend jack we were good friends but everyone else in our year used to bully us and take the mick out of us all throughout primary it was all verbally and occasionally jack would get into fights luckily there were neutral people like chris, ollie, jade and alison who were pretty much quiet and didn't say anything but there are still some people today who i hate from primary most of them have become more mature and responsible and i can finally get alon with them but there are still a few of them who i still hate ..... alot


The King Of Chinese Dragons
Supporter 2014
Thought about it for a while. I think I would have taken up Mom's offer to drop Dad like a hot potato. Because as rough as that stint was in junior high/middle school, I still have one very big bully breathing down my neck. I wish I could have been brave and stood up for my mother when my dad was on one of his moods. I still wish I had the balls to swap the locks and dump all of his crap on the front lawn.

But in a grander view of things, I probably would be nothing like how I am without either of these bullies. I have developed compassion and a strong sense of protection. I also know what to look out for. I'm willing to take my social ineptness in exchange for this.

That is a sentence I wanted to hear. Just like saying it myself!
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