So basically, Nero is so poorly written because they tried to insert his character without thinking of how to integrate him into the story/lore and then defaulted to telling us literal nothing in the games campaign about him. Not even giving us a sliver of a backstory about how he grew up, how he ended up in the city or how he he came to know the people he affiliated with.That is because they have to yet integrate him into the overall lore.
He isn't some mystery character like Racer-X he is a character whose true origins are unknown to HIM as well as the entire cast (who were present in DMC4) thus making his origins purposely left out. Santcus didn't know who he was, Credo didn't know who he was, Agnus didn't know who he was, Kyrie didn't who he was, nor did Dante have much of a clue and he is most likely assuming at this point. So how would the audience or Nero learn who he truely is and how he is connected to Sparda if NOONE in the goddamn game knows jack sh*t about Nero and this is an issue that due to how its set up DMC4 couldn't resolve properly (unless the spirit inside Yamato/his arm started talking and told Nero the full info) or can only be resolved in another game if set up properly (like a character who does know something or a plot device introduced in the story that can help Nero or the audience learn it). The main villains didn't know, all they knew he coincidentally had Sparda's blood in him and used that to their favor. If they knew who he was they wouldn't need Dante from the beginning.
Details like Nero being an orphan and what not is in the game.....or the disk in the files menu in the character data section.
Even the DMC4 novel, which is said by Bingo (DMC4's writer), to be the full version of the script/story he intended before it got rushed out due to budget whatever. Although it added more details to Nero's backstory it still never gave an answer of who he truely was just a lot more hints and these hints relates quite well and connect very well to the game and in game cutscenes. Meaning it was of original intention to leave Nero's full story blank til LATER to you know leave the fanbase wanting answers and wanting another DMC for those answers. The story like a lot of aspects of the game was cut short due to being rushed. Bingo thought the story out through like he did DMC3.......sort of.....he only half wrote DMC3, a lot of it was just scrapped due to something out of his control (having the writer's script and story brought to life is the cinematics department job). Another thing I learned from my Game Design class is the risks of having a separate writer and one risk is having a part of the writer's script cut or removed due to technical aspects of the game designer/programmers side.
I mean both DMC3/DmC left out important details from their games to only be mentioned in a manga/comic such as what did Dante mean he and Vergil met a year ago and why are they fighting each other (not just within the context of DMC3's plot that Vergil wants to activate Temen-ni-Gru and Dante doesn't want but the fact the 2 brothers seem to have hated each other even before the events of DMC3), how is Vergil alive, why does he wants Sparda powers, and how did he activate Temen-ni-Gru (in the original version of DMC3 they never explained how Vergil met Arkham) the manga if you want to know. That sh*t isn't explained in the game but in a book.....not part of the game. Lets not forget the fact its only revealed why Vergil did what he did at the end of DMC3 within a book rather than mention it in the game. Capcom and a lot of (Japanese) companies do practices like this. They tend to do this because they tend to have a lot of ideas for the story that couldn't fit within the game due to time constraints or well money (they earn a profit of said other resources).
There are tons of other games who do the exact the same thing like the MegaMan franchise would release rather important details about the game's plot in a drama CD............that westerners or anyone not in Japan can't buy. Thought DMC was bad with one novel (DMC4) and a DramaCD for the anime no there are other Japanese series with tons of Drama CDs and books that haven't been released outside Japan that contains stuff the fans really want.
So basically, Nero is so poorly written because they tried to insert his character without thinking of how to integrate him into the story/lore and then defaulted to telling us literal nothing in the games campaign about him. Not even giving us a sliver of a backstory about how he grew up, how he ended up in the city or how he he came to know the people he affiliated with.
1)I shouldn't have to read a book to figure out the backstory and info of a character in video game that I'm evidently supposed to care about.Actually all that stuff is explained in the DMC4 novel which is basically the original version of DMC4 Bingo wrote but was scrapped from the full game due to budget and time constraits.
They(well Bingo) thought his full backstory out it just didn't make it into the game. Plus its not like the full details of Dante's life were fully implemented in the games either but left to be explored in books and anime as well. There is far more to Dante's story as well that aren't covered in the games.
1)I shouldn't have to read a book to figure out the backstory and info of a character in video game that I'm evidently supposed to care about.
2)Well at least with Dante they gave us something and a reason to care.
1)It may not be their fault but I can't excuse it. And it still a fault of the game.1) Its not really the writers fault if the stuff he wrote wasn't fully capable of making it into the game due to issues from the finance dept and developers side so its not "poor storytelling" but rather limitations and budget cuts. Its poor storytelling if the story was actually written like that by Bingo. In the game design or game development implementing a story isn't as easy as it sounds...elements of gameplay or just issues with actual implementation of the game and the dev process by the developers can matter too. With set time and budget developers must implement each aspect of a game (gameplay/mechanics, cinematics, level design, modelling, animation, etc) all together and part of the same budget. Story content from games have been cut before because there wasn't enough time or a change of plans.
2) A reason to care for a character can differ from people to people or situation to situation. One reason I found to care for Nero in the context of DMC4's story was the fact the people and organization he worked his entire life for and dedicated to all turn on him and revealed to be the bad guys. We know he worked for the Order and to be betrayed by them is the equivalent of a soldier doing his time in an army only to be f*cked over and tried to be killed off by the same group he is apart of. We know he strongly cares for Kyrie even not giving an actual in story cutscene (although bits of Nero's and Kyrie's backstory are in the in-game journal so you have some info of them in game such as the orphan bits and being raised by Kyrie's family) reason why. So the fact he is being betrayed by the same group he worked for and dedicated himself to and the fact the person he cares for the most is being used as part of their plans. We also learn from various story interactions and hints that Nero preferred to work alone in the Order, Credo's subordinate, and despite working for the Order didn't belief or follow their religion (him listening to music during the sermon and even saying "pppffft Savior" when Gloria said "Let the Savior be with you") although the book mentions he was an atheist which is why it was meant to be....well meant to be a big deal when he starts thanking God for his arm.
I can't believe why people are arguing about this....DMC 4 is not a bad game...there were some faults here and there but over all it is one of the best by the thing it does best...its gameplay... no game is perfect and wont be perfect...some games just thrive on the one thing its good at.... people get redundant and look for every single freaking flaw in the game... and thats fine no game should go unturned...its funny cause there was a demo feed, and video commentary on DMC 4...people knew what they were getting and still bought the can't blame the developers on this...
1) Its not really the writers fault if the stuff he wrote wasn't fully capable of making it into the game due to issues from the finance dept and developers side so its not "poor storytelling" but rather limitations and budget cuts. Its poor storytelling if the story was actually written like that by Bingo. In the game design or game development implementing a story isn't as easy as it sounds...elements of gameplay or just issues with actual implementation of the game and the dev process by the developers can matter too. With set time and budget developers must implement each aspect of a game (gameplay/mechanics, cinematics, level design, modelling, animation, etc) all together and part of the same budget. Story content from games have been cut before because there wasn't enough time or a change of plans.
2) A reason to care for a character can differ from people to people or situation to situation. One reason I found to care for Nero in the context of DMC4's story was the fact the people and organization he worked his entire life for and dedicated to all turn on him and revealed to be the bad guys. We know he worked for the Order and to be betrayed by them is the equivalent of a soldier doing his time in an army only to be f*cked over and tried to be killed off by the same group he is apart of. We know he strongly cares for Kyrie even not giving an actual in story cutscene (although bits of Nero's and Kyrie's backstory are in the in-game journal so you have some info of them in game such as the orphan bits and being raised by Kyrie's family) reason why. So the fact he is being betrayed by the same group he worked for and dedicated himself to and the fact the person he cares for the most is being used as part of their plans. We also learn from various story interactions and hints that Nero preferred to work alone in the Order, Credo's subordinate, and despite working for the Order didn't belief or follow their religion (him listening to music during the sermon and even saying "pppffft Savior" when Gloria said "Let the Savior be with you") although the book mentions he was an atheist which is why it was meant to be....well meant to be a big deal when he starts thanking God for his arm.
Ok lets take for example DMC 1 you barely knew who dante was, you don't know what happens to Vergil all you know is that he was Nelo Angelo, and other tidbits here and there. They took out a Prequel to explain most of the stuff, but again no one went bat sh@t about the flaws the game had concerning story....Having played the demo, there was no way of knowing that all the things I didn't like about the game, from story to other mechanics, existed. Not to mention that trailers do little to show the actual game, trailers hide flaws and will sell you on a version of a product that doesn't exist. With DMC4 and its story, the sad part was that what little they showed to make us intrigued by who Nero was were actually all that the game had to show - the trailer hints at more, and nothing became of it. Specifically, I remember in the trailers "That k-k-k-kid possesses d-d-d-demonic power!" that made me go "Oh sh!t, gonna be interesting to hear how that came about," and then there was nothing more to it. The manual says his arm was injured earlier by a demon, which left me with a vague assumption that his arm was infected, and now that I think about it, not much has come to light to change that assumption >.>
1) It actually still is his fault, because when you have to cut things, you find any way to still leave that information for the audience. They could have added way more into any files included in the game. The series actually loves those files to explain more about the world and lore, while also explaining game mechanics and such. We could have found items, or even documents in-game that explained certain things.
All in all, what really should have happened is if they couldn't get in the things Bingo had thought up about Nero, they should have left the f#cking character out. I don't understand how they could try to make DMC4 Nero's story, cut out most of what actually would make it his story, and then leave the character in to become a giant question mark who looks and acts like Dante, but isn't Dante.
Hate to bring up DMC2, but hell, Lucia was more her own person than Nero was >.>
2) This is actually a pretty crummy reasoning, because Nero is shown to consistently shrug off the command of the Order. He does it because he likes to fight, and he wants to protect Credo and Kyrie, but he's never seemed at all invested in the organization itself, nor their religion (which you mentioned). Fighting Credo was the most worked up he got about his relationship with the Order of the Sword. Nero's emotional arcs begin and end with Credo and Kyrie. The Order of the Sword is nothing more than a vehicle to manufacture drama for him.
However, Nero's strong desire to protect Kyrie above all else isn't motivation enough for a lot of people to care, because Kyrie, bless her heart, is a Princess Peach cardboard cut-out. Sadly, in this day and age, you can't bank on an audience to just care enough about a "get the girl back" plot. The audience really needs to understand why she's worth getting back, and "We're childhood friends/lovers" does not cut it - of course you love her, but why is this relationship special?
Ok lets take for example DMC 1 you barely knew who dante was, you don't know what happens to Vergil all you know is that he was Nelo Angelo, and other tidbits here and there. They took out a Prequel to explain most of the stuff, but again no one went bat sh@t about the flaws the game had concerning story....
My "kernel of wisdom"? Avoid the games you don't like, and play the sh*t out of the ones you do.Simple as that.
To the point, I loved dmc4 best because it wasn't as buggy as DmC, and it had better graphics than dmc3. Of course it has its faults which I have stated repeatedly in the past, but if I had to list all the faults in DmC and make a thread about how it legitimately stinks as a modern game and a reboot in general, you guys would feel the need to nitpick dmc4 even more.
And y'know what? Nelo Angelo being Vergil was also pretty dumb, to be quite frank. You got one mention of "a brother" at the beginning of the game, and then when Nelo Angelo is finally defeated, we are treated to a scene where Nelo Angelo had an amulet of his own and a half-sentence audio of "Dante, Vergil, happy birthday~" And then another scene with Mundus saying "Trish, Vergil has been defeated." Dante cries out over Vergil's death, but there is almost no emotion a player can feel, because the connection of Nelo Angelo being Vergil was made after he was killed, and it was done in one of the worst ways possible.
The only thing i disagree is this. It's hinted in many ways that Nelo has a relation with Dante: Nelo's reaction to Dante's amulet is the most crucial of them, i think, but we also got identical fighting styles (and it's stated on the bestiary to reinforce this, in case the player doesn't notice) and even identical animations, although we assume his brother is dead because of the lines in the beginning of the game; it's pretty much told that Nelo had a strong connection with Dante, just not exactly that he was Vergil.
The only thing i disagree is this. It's hinted in many ways that Nelo has a relation with Dante: Nelo's reaction to Dante's amulet is the most crucial of them, i think, but we also got identical fighting styles (and it's stated on the bestiary to reinforce this, in case the player doesn't notice) and even identical animations, although we assume his brother is dead because of the lines in the beginning of the game; it's pretty much told that Nelo had a strong connection with Dante, just not exactly that he was Vergil.
Actually i think there was enough drama, alone from audio that played during Nelo Angelo's demise, where Dante remembered their past. I think it has much stronger impact that explanation like "it's sad, because---"It's not that I had a problem with Nelo Angelo being Vergil, it's that there was virtually no drama to the discovery because we had absolutely no connection to Vergil in order to care >.< DMC3 retroactively makes it a bit more dramatic, though.