i guess calling people fags is cool..... but the issue here is proper combo video comparisons even though some of these same true style players have done DmCvids as well regardless while the game is fluid and fun its slower pro video or not especially to people who play gamed like umvc3 or dmc3 all the time
Wow, I'm sorry... Jesus f*cking Christ. Lemme just go die in a hole or something.
For me it's not that that combat on-screen is awkward. It's that buffering/inputs are awkward. Like I was saying before on the other thread and that NT should take in our constructive feedback and fix the buffering. I don't find the combat to be sluggish, just buffering and inputs. It's closer to DMC3 than DMC4.I saw that video awhile back and honestly, it isn't fluid. Or at least not as fluid as the previous games.
Certain transitions between Dante's attacks are more inconsistent than others. The only time when I feel as if combat is fluid is when I do a regular combo that is preprogrammed within the game (Combo A, Combo B etc.) But if you're switching between other attacks, Dante will immediately snap into the initial animated sequence for that move. Rather than smoothly transitioning to it. But in DMC4, (almost) no matter what, Dante had a transition between every attack which blended fairly well together. And this is with Dante's current weapons and styles in DMC4 compared to Dante's demo moveset.
No turbo mode, played on a console.
As I stated before, Rebellion doesn't seem to have any weight behind it when Dante swings his sword. The only weapon that feels at if it has weight to it is Arbiter since it's a heavy weapon. There are a lot of inconsistency between Dante attacking since there is a lot of pausing between attacks. Like when you use Osiris, it "feels" slow because Dante has to wind-up a lot of his attacks. But truthfully, it's not that slow. It's just has inconsistent pacing that feels slow.
That's why I don't like DmC's gameplay. It's not consistent and it feels really clunky to me when I play it at a high level during the demo. Inputs are sometimes poorly read (like charging E&I for example), auto lock on forces me to target an enemy that I didn't want to target, and etc.
For me it's not that that combat on-screen is awkward. It's that buffering/inputs are awkward. Like I was saying before on the other thread and that NT should take in our constructive feedback and fix the buffering. I don't find the combat to be sluggish, just buffering and inputs. It's closer to DMC3 than DMC4.
The "problem" (if you want to call it that) is that DMC4 allowed you to cancel anything(almost). With DmC you have to wait for the animation to finish/almost be finished to cancel it. You can't swing Rebellion and then cancel out the first few frames quickly but wait for it to finish attacking. That's why it feels slow. I REALLY dislike buffering charge shot. In order to buffer charge shot you need to have Dante NOT in an animation. An example here:
(Plugging my channel)
At 0:12 I had to purposefully leave Dante in the recovery animation of Demon launch. During these few recovery frames I had to input guns and hold them. If I had done Demon Launch into Angel slash > to Angel Launch(the spinning launch attack) I wouldn't have been able to to Ricochet Shot.
Try it yourself.
Demon Earthquake launch > Charge guns > Angel Mode > (quickly charge) Angel Spin Launch. It's extremely strict.
But why is this important? Because you cannot charge you guns during ANY animation meaning you have to squeeze it in during those few frames of recovery after Demon Launch.
What you should be able to do is just hold guns at anytime you want to start charging Ricochet Shot. But they don't allow you to do that.
Who are you talking about here Itsuno or Kamiya? Because Kamiya's, the creator of DMC, recent H&S game ran around 60 fps so you need to back a statement up like this (I'm assuming you are talking about Itsuno).DmC works just fine and the creator of Devil May Cry even said that the 60fps is not needed for DMC to function. You have to keep in mind how much games have evolved since the original inception of DMC.
This is simply not true.. Look at the whole Hobbit drama about it running at 48 fps and it looking different. I can tell the difference when i switch a twitch tv stream to 60 fps. There is a difference.Honestly anything over 30fps isn't even needed because you only see 24fps. That's just how your eyes work.
60 fps is used for responsiveness in addition to fluidity. And there is no evidence that 60 fps can cause headaches (unless you have some medical journal to cite).Usually today games who use a 60fps layout are games that may have a strong emphasis on such things as online multiplayer or these spectacle focus on set pieces and they don't want it to hiccup. Thing is about 60fps is that it has to be accessed in the right manner or visuals can come off as flashes that only result in headaches.
Honestly anything over 30fps isn't even needed because you only see 24fps. That's just how your eyes work. Usually today games who use a 60fps layout are games that may have a strong emphasis on such things as online multiplayer or these spectacle focus on set pieces and they don't want it to hiccup. Thing is about 60fps is that it has to be accessed in the right manner or visuals can come off as flashes that only result in headaches.
Like I said before, I'm sorry that I had to call you out on that. But I couldn't let that slide.
I used to play competitive smash with several of my friends (I normally played Melee and Brawl but I preferred Melee) And whenever I do advanced tech in Melee, since it's the most technical of the three current smash games, I work hard to perfect my skill. Now, hearing someone saying that I'm cheating because I spent about 5-6 years honing my tech skills in a competitive game is degrading. And I don't approve of it at all.
So before the next time you say something like that, please think about it first and acknowledge the time that people put in acquiring skill to execute advanced techniques.
It's slower, no such thing as trickster, guard cancel etc.DmC isn't slower than the original series, it just has a lower framerate, 30fps instead of 60frps, which means you have half frames to react per second than in the original series. However, DmC is still a fast-paced and isn't slow in any way compared to the original series.
And as it has already been stated, many of those combo videos of the original series are recorded while running turbo speed while the DmC videos have only been recorded at normal speed, so making those comparisons is less than legit.
those were put in there intentionally you dumbass, it's present even in DmC*sigh* Whatever, man. I just get sick of hearing about JC'ing and Just Frames because I just don't give a **** about them. I suck at the game and there are always people who are so much better than me that tell me to use these techniques, but I'd rather play the game normally and not use broken-ass techniques like that. Yeah, they require skills to learn, but it's not like they were put in the game intentionally.
So if you're offended by me then I'm sorry. I must reminds you of all the trolls on the PS3 DmC forums over at Gfaqs, huh?
those were put in there intentionally you dumbass, it's present even in DmC
Sorry then, but made you sound like: "I suck at DMC, so DmC is better" my apologies if that's not the case. But yeah, do some research next time ^_
That's understandable. Again, my bad... once the game is out, you can learn these "broken-ass techniques" yourself Really, they aren't mandatory to use, just some " hidden extras" for those who like to explore and try new things.
The "problem" (if you want to call it that) is that DMC4 allowed you to cancel anything(almost). With DmC you have to wait for the animation to finish/almost be finished to cancel it. You can't swing Rebellion and then cancel out the first few frames quickly but wait for it to finish attacking.
Don't know about Dante in DMC4 but you can't with Red Queen with Nero).
It just takes timing but it's possible. I don't think you can cancel many moves/animations in DMC4 though. Especially with Kick13, Real Impact, Uppercut (til the first charge), After Dance Massacre, you have to wait for Dante to almost finish the animation, Fireworks on ground can't be cancelled. Pandora's Grief, Omen, Argument (til it's in form). I thought DmC allows you to cancel almost everything except for Arbiter's attacks, in which you have to press dodge at the first frame to cancel it.
I don't care to learn them, honestly. I'm no pro, never will be. And the jump canceling in DmC causes the enemies to get stuck in the air, so... Yeah, there's that.