Illuminating DmC Controversy

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Just read what TwoXAcross posted. That's pretty much what I would have responded with. Completely agree with that. The original poster is just a fanatical butthurt baby and evidently from what I picked up he was banned a while back from this forum because he started crap like this. He's on his way to getting banned again I guess.

I dunno, I thought his post was sensible to a certain extent. There are sections in which he stretches statements way too far as well as having some exaggerated conspiracy theories. (Telling fans to f*ck off, Sheep mentality, and corrupted sites) Some of those I personally don't agree with. But he does raise some valid points about how DmC doesn't really introduce new things.

And so what if he is a previously banned user? Does that make his points any less questionable of being slightly accurate or not? I don't think so. As long as he raises good points within his posts, I don't think we should immediately dismiss all of them.
The first article talks about creative bankruptcy but there are more factors to what he's talking about. They were tasked with making a specific game, and there are points where fan feedback helps, and other points where it doesn't. There's a lot to the development process we as just plain gamers don't see, and you can't accommodate for every bit of feedback.

Nobody asked NT to listen to "Every bit of feedback" though, just that there are certain elements we all expected from a new Devil May Cry game, such as new weapons and levels, which they delivered, and new challenges and upper level play for longevity, which they didn't.

Games are beta tested for a reason; developers cherish and acknowledge the feedback and expectations of their clients as a means to discover new ways of pleasing them.

It's like when people complained about the hair (yeah, old hat by now, roll with me), and cried for it to be changed back to white, but internally, the developers knew they couldn't accommodate for that because of the story calling for him to have black hair that changes to white at the end.

Arguably the transformation from black hair to white doesn't make much sense within the game anyway, seeing as white hair is meant to indicate how much a character has accessed their Devil Side, and Vergil's Devil Trigger is completely inferior to Dante's despite the fact that he has had white hair since infancy.

If anything it's a detail which makes the game more similar to Dragon Ball Z, and I thought we were desperately trying to distance ourselves from those pesky Japanese roots.

Another example would be feedback on difficulty - they couldn't rightly just tune up all the difficulty if one entire point of the game was to have a lower entry difficulty for newcomers.

Nobody ever said we disapprove of making the game more appealing to newcomers. It's the reduction of content and...well, everything else that we have a problem with.

Or feedback about taunts - while I still think they could have figured out a way to get them in, the idea to remove them still made some sense, if they had kept in taunts the way the normally were, you'd have this narrative-breaking element in a game that was aimed at also having a greater emphasis on its narrative. They screwed the pooch on that one, but I think you get what I mean :/

I thought we established that the lack of Taunts wasn't even thematically justified given how much New Dante taunts his adversaries within the narrative?

In the second article, nowhere is anyone calling Trish a "prostitute with a big gun." Granted, Trish is a pretty generic "tits 'n' heels" action movie female who fits the bill, but it's not some targeted attack on her, but those types of depictions of females in general. Not to mention, he is sorta right that you can make people like a character without having to give them overt sex appeal.

That's bizarre too; Trish's character design is due to the fact that she is a servant of the devil designed to manipulate man in the most base way possible. Mundas is demonstrated as a villian with only the barest understanding of human emotions (paraphrase: "I can make you as many mothers as you want"), so her character design reflects that. It's like if I criticised Lillith's character design for resembling an aging botox-ridden celebrity; that's what she is.

In the third article, talking about Dante not being "cool anymore" is based around the things that were so popular and cool in early 2000s that made up Dante (gothic themes, heavy rock, and even the anime archetypes Dante takes after) aren't all that popular anymore, and he's right, they sadly aren't. Right now it literally is about gritty realism, independent rock and synthesized music, and the popular anime is all about different -ndere girl types instead of all those badass hero types :/

...Dante was goofy back in '01. That was, and IS, his charm. It's what made him, and makes him, a breath of fresh air in a dour creative wasteland.

Also, him "being laughed out" is talking about Dante's classic, flamboyant design not fitting with the contemporary setting they had in place for DmC. They dressed Dante in clothes that looked like stuff people actually wore, and didn't make him standout so much on the street. And having a little wig joke is suddenly a huge jab, even though it's ironic because by the game's end he's got a full white hair anyway? C'mon.

Yes, the wig joke, the DMC3 costume and the general insults all contribute to the air of hypocracy. If you insult people's taste and then turn around and charge them for it as DLC of course people are going to be offended.

The "Bar" comment is stupid too. What bars? At what time? Do you really think Classic Dante wouldn't have gotten raised eyebrows in a British pub back in '01, or wouldn't get cheered as he air guitars to Black Sabbath in a heavy metal club today? Dante was never about what is socially acceptable: He doesn't care what anyone else thinks, he's happy wearing flamboyant suits and doing whatever the hell he likes, because that's the kind of extroverted, escapist character he is. The character design illustrates that, and it's what people identify with the character. People don't look at DmC's box and say "Oh look, there's Dante", they say, "Where's that goofy dude with the Motley Crue haircut?". ...Usually just before they say, "Why the hell does this game have it's own acronym as part of it's title?"

Just read what TwoXAcross posted. That's pretty much what I would have responded with. Completely agree with that. The original poster is just a fanatical butthurt baby and evidently from what I picked up he was banned a while back from this forum because he started crap like this. He's on his way to getting banned again I guess.

You are not helping matters by throwing insults around. Contribute something.
The only thing people should get from this thread even from the opening post is 'This is my opinion'. Correct it is your opinion yet lots of what you stated were written as if they are facts. YOU may think the game deserves one score or hate but others do not so id give up on the preaching. As I can only see this thread going the same way as the thousands of others & not a good road to go down, thread closed.
Heh, interesting. I always knew this guy is cooldemon from the way he type his posts.

Not only banned members bu there are some people here who created new accounts to start anew because their reputation was tarnished. Happens all the time.

But i do applaud this guy for his efforts in that original post even though i didn't even read a single thing from it.
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